Friday, December 7, 2012

Truth by Consensus My Arse

Truth By Consensus – How To Control Our Thinking

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012. Filed under: Consciousness Inspiration The Awakening

by Zen Gardner
Funny how this works. People actually think they can arrive at the truth by averaging what they hear.
That’s how most people are taught to think. I get this argument all the time.
It totally explains the power of the mass media. Just think about this dynamic. How do people arrive at conclusions? What information or lack thereof are they deriving them from? Pretty stark reality if you’re willing to look it in the eyes. People are incredibly similar in their outlook and understandings. And hence behaviors.
Incredibly so. Like we’re following a script.
Look at yourself. How you dress, the expressions you use, what you’re into. No matter what segment of society you’re living in, it’s pretty freaky. I remember when I decided to grow out my facial hair and looking in the mirror thinking, “Am I following some meme being broadcast by these bastards?”
Paranoid? Totally. It’s the only way on this planet. Completely healthy. If you’re not, you’re not awake yet.

Truth is Never Popular

While a defined consensus gets established and reaffirms the status quo, “contrary” eddies of thought and realization make their way through the public psyche. These are carefully ferreted out by the watchdog media cabal and portrayed as “fringe” ideas and “conspiracy theories” of course.
Carefully and dutifully packaged and sublimated into a negative subconscious arena for the mainstream unawakened.
Anything contrary is now anathema, resented; spuriously thrown overboard as wing nut conspiracy talk.
Typical. And more importantly…very effective and very efficient.

Getting To the Point

I’ll take Truth over BS fairy tales any day of eternity. No matter the pain and seeming loss of emotional or otherwise investments, bring on the Truth.
9/11 is always the standard reminder of how duped the world can be. Plain as the nose on your face those towers were brought down by some sort of exotic and carefully planned out demolition technique, but what the hell.
No one cares. Or very few. At least that’s the portrayal we get and it seems to hold way too much water. People are even afraid to discuss the subject. That’s when you know society has been seriously hemmed in and headed for dismemberment.
As obvious as it is, the Truth can just be right there without people being able to see it. It’s the condition of our “race”…we want to believe what we want and will cloak it in “positive thinking” or “idealism” or imposed bottom line security needs whenever we can for peace and comfort.
Very, very sad from the Truth perspective, but oh so understandable.
Blindness until awakened. What a tale.
But behold the awakening in spite of all this!

Enter Psycho-Sexual Addiction

This psychological pandering we’re witnessing is simply a ploy to keep the masses asleep. The populace has been duped, hypnotized, seduced. It no longer can contain, maintain or control itself. It must have the savories and goodies of the system or it will go berserk.
This addiction is firmly established.
Football, advertising, game shows, reality dramas, zombie and vampire horror and sci-fi movies while sucking down addictive, poisonous foods………”Please bring it on! We want more! We want another reality, not our own!”
Scantily dressed young girls, sculpted effeminized men, cross sexual weirdness of every type and genre….
…bring it on. Chaos is our new middle name–in fact, their manipulated shifting world is apparently our New Normal.
‘Chaos is the new normal’ is as cognitively dissonant as the ‘war on terrorism’. Orwell, you must be howling!


Know what you “believe” about not only their false structure, but our true reality, to the point it’s not a belief. Please know each of those as facts…not an emotional extension of some hope or sense of idealism. Be sure you’re deciding for yourself and not following anything unconsciously.
We’re not used to that kind of truly independent thought, having been taught all our lives to just follow, obey and repeat, so it’s a lot of work and a set of muscles that have to be developed. You’ll see what I mean as it goes along.
Affirming our conscious awakening in spirit, word and deed is our primary purpose and most potent weapon. Not only against the usurpers and the ignorance and darkness that seems to rule our current paradigm, but for the development and realization of the true conscious reality that is there to be expressed into this dimension.
Get busy being and doing what you know is right and the rest will follow, I guarantee. Because that’s how it works.
And do it in love.
If we can wake up, anybody can.
Love, Zen
“If you’re not free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity, you’re not free.” – Zen

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