
Elissa is a comedians' comedian...

"Brilliant!"   Ross Noble (UK)

"Hot AND Funny..."   Tom Rhodes (USA)

"she's very funny, I guarantee your satisfaction..."   Dave Hughes (AUS)

"Elissa is like a poke in the eye with a sharp stick... well at least she's sharp."  (Gary Simon Jagamarra)



'she makes them laugh…..
AND she makes them CHEER…'

Elissa Hawke is one of the driest comedians from the driest continent on earth.
Elissa is a taboo breaker who speaks her truth. A powerful philosopher who understands that learning something, while laughing, is the most seriously effective tool in creating a life of freedom.

Elissa is quite often, unapologetically dark. Her bleak humour and observation on the hypocrisy (of humanity, society and the particiaptors, yep... that's us folks!) once only promoting titters amongst a small crowd, are now getting big belly laughs in 2000 seater venues.

Elissa almost unwittingly takes on the 'logic' of every modern issue that gets under your skin. Even those who don't agree with her, can't help but laugh at the delivery. All the point of any political material may subsequently be lost as she flashes sexual innuendo amongst enlightening frankness with a vigour. She is perceptive, and an eloquent speaker so she gets to her audience on many levels.

Elissa finds a strange contagious joy in dishing the double standards of society gently back to itself.
Many comedians tire of the treadmill easily, not many make the mainstream, few refining their writing for over a decade. The most interesting and subversive don't attract the sleek publicity and the magnification of the media. They hone their craft, they explore their art free of the constraints of the censors. Their frustration only drives them to find sleeker pseudonyms to slide into our psyches.
This is Hawke's ultimate message. We are all one. We're only as strong as our weakest link, and no one can hide how they really feel when they're laughing.

Hawke has fine-tuned her skills and manically multiplied punchlines over performances across Australia, the UK and US since 1994.
You may find you're left wanting more…

Refreshingly, Elissa is a woman who surprises us with what comedy can do. Mix mastered minutiae with spontaneous eruptions that move you into making meaning of our miserable mysterious majestic experiences.

She is delivering her best shows ever, most deeply thought out, gut-busting, shockwave humour. It is always going to upset someone, sometimes seemingly everyone when truths are told which hit a nerve in us all. Elissa freely admits she "teaches what she most needs to learn… that we are all free, that this is all a dream, that everything is made of nothing, but love, which embodies everything."

Her work is brain balanced, she is part fierce intellectual, part naïve poet, whom you will be magnetically drawn to watch and hear, craving, almost, for the sanity and common sense out of what seems ridiculous, hilarious -just turning convention on its head.
Learning is just remembering what we already know.

In the Woodford Folk Festival Great Debate 'you can't always get what you want' arguing the affirmative, Elissa starts out gentle yet seriously builds the 2000 strong audience and the (auslan sign language interpreter) into a frenzied hysteria.

At the forehead of the thinking world her reference point is boundlessness, always acknowledging the spiritual roots of material reality, endlessly seeking the humour of lifes' trials and tragedies.

Hawke says she ultimately "creates for the spirits whom laugh at us more easily than we laugh at ourselves, living in a place where no separation exists, right here, knowing we all transcend all pain ultimately...".

She jokes, she also likes to "´let go and let god´, and, lets face it, sometimes god can do some really average work."

Whatever you're paying, you're still getting good god for your dollar. Catch a live show while Elissa is in your city, if not see her latest on youtube... until then, she graciously accepts your support in spirit, and sends love your way……

Allison Adams


Elissa's new world order 

 -  05:44:pm Blog: Muse of a Goddess
Elissa Hawke ~Illuminati Shill Presents ~

303 Bar ~303 High St
Northcote, Melbourne
PH: 9482 4577

Sun 12th April  6pm
Mon 13th April  7pm
Tue 14th April 7pm

The divine and cutting edge Elissa Hawke is in
Melbourne for Comedy Festival 2009. With a one
Goddess/ woman show over 3 thrilling nights at
a favorite arts venue 303 High st Northcote

Elissa is a true and very wise comedic Goddess
at the cutting edge of clear consciousness..This
show is an absolute joy that shakes the cage of
the world behaving badly.

She is extremely confronting with wit, stylish, very
shiny Blahniks- not to mention a very sharp tongue.
Her charm and candor will entice one to feel less
depressed, disempowered and disenchanted
with the state of ones universe.

This is a must-see show that bites back at ALL
the Powers-That-Be, like a bull ant in ones knickers.
Come and laugh at her furious and fantastic attempts
to alter the world with her brillant performance

Elissa examines what freedoms we have and what we
assume we have. This show is a window into what may
take several life times, and much gnashing of teeth
to scratch the surface of, so that we truly readdress
what we value and how we value it .

NEW GIRL ORDER shows us how caged disempowered, lied
to, brainwashed and controlled we have allowed our state
and world to become!

The exhaustion of dealing with "Road tolls, parking meters,
mandatory child vaccinations, ID cards, iris scans, sedition
acts, mobile fingerprinting and microchips."

"...The insidious subliminal messages, mind control,unfounded
fear, nationalistic patriotic corporate government education
indoctrination, false flag psy-ops, the myths of a fractional
reserve banking system, war, democracy, religion and other
weapons of mass distraction....

AND all for the sickly greed of our so called OWNERS!


Be ready to be rattled, aurally ravaged and slapped into
a new clarity by Elissas  show. Some have said it is like
spending 5 minutes in a aeroplane toilet with Ralph Fiennes-
Elissa will leave you feeling disgusted~ yet, somehow wanting more...

"Shes very funny! I guarantee your satisfaction."

"if you can't afford 7 hours with David Icke.. see
Hawke, she's a nutter!" SAPHIA SMEREKA