Existentialist wanker blinded by Perfection. Question authority. Ask me anything....
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Boston Bullshit New Close Up Photos Agents and Actors Setting "Scene"
Well friends, came across some disturbing images never seen before concerning the Boston Marathon bombing. Initially I was scouring for images when I came across a forum post:
Make sure you go to this forum because the POSTER goes more into detail about these and other pictures. Also do it fast before the loving controllers take it down.
Again like all my movies I don't OWN ANYTHING pertaining to these videos, I don't make a dime from them, and through FAIR USE I use images and text to educate people on stuff they don't hear from the mainscum media. That is all.
Make sure you go to this forum because the POSTER goes more into detail about these and other pictures. Also do it fast before the loving controllers take it down.
Again like all my movies I don't OWN ANYTHING pertaining to these videos, I don't make a dime from them, and through FAIR USE I use images and text to educate people on stuff they don't hear from the mainscum media. That is all.
People & Power - America's War Games
The United States' military expenditures today account for about 40 percent of the world total. In 2012, the US spent some $682bn on its military - an amount more than what was spent by the next 13 countries combined.
Now that the war in Iraq is over and the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan will be complete in 2014, the stage might therefore appear to be set for a decrease in US defence spending. Even in Washington DC, many have argued that the defence budget can be cut substantially and the resulting "peace dividend" could be diverted to more pressing domestic concerns, such as dealing with the nation's continuing economic problems.
Now that the war in Iraq is over and the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan will be complete in 2014, the stage might therefore appear to be set for a decrease in US defence spending. Even in Washington DC, many have argued that the defence budget can be cut substantially and the resulting "peace dividend" could be diverted to more pressing domestic concerns, such as dealing with the nation's continuing economic problems.
Roundup Much More Dangerous Than You Think
Lethality of Roundup 'Weedkiller' Extends Beyond Plants To Humans, Study Suggests

Activist Post
A shocking new study finds that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, "... may be the most biologically disruptive chemical in our environment," capable of contributing to a wide range of fatal human diseases.
A new report published in the journal Entropy links the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide known as glyphosate with a wide range of fatal diseases.[i]
Glyphosate is the world's most popular herbicide and is designed to kill all but genetically modified "Roundup Ready" plants, such as GM corn, soy, beet, cottonseed and canola. Over 180 million pounds of the chemical are now applied to US soils each year,[ii] and while agrichemical manufacturers and government regulators have considered it 'relatively safe,' an expanding body of biomedical research indicates that it may cause over 30 distinct adverse health effects in exposed populations at far lower concentrations than used in agricultural applications.
The new report, authored by Stephanie Seneff, a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Anthony Samsel, a retired science consultant from Arthur D. Little, Inc., brings to the forefront concerns voiced by an outspoken minority that Roundup and related glyphosate herbicide formulations are contributing to diseases as far-ranging as inflammatory bowel disease, anorexia, cystic fibrosis, cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and infertility. In fact, the authors propose that glyphosate, contrary to being essentially nontoxic, "... may be the most biologically disruptive chemical in our environment."
The researchers identified the inhibition and/or disruption of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes as a hitherto overlooked mechanism of toxicity associated with glyphosate exposure in mammals.

The researchers also showed how interference with CYP enzymes acts synergistically with disruption of the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids by gut bacteria (e.g. tryptophan), as well as impairment in serum sulfate transport, a critical biological system for cellular detoxification (e.g. transulfuration pathway which detoxifies metals).
These effect, according to the researchers, can contribute to causing or worsening "... most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet which include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer's disease."
This new report may help to explain why over 30 adverse health effects associated with Roundup herbicide exposure have been identified in the peer-reviewed and published literature so far. The full report in PDF form can be obtained here. Please help us spread this information, as well as our Roundup Toxicity Research and GMO Research pages, by sharing them with other concerned individuals and groups.
[i] Samsel A, Seneff S. Glyphosate's Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases. Entropy. 2013; 15(4):1416-1463.
[ii] Huffingtonpost.com, Roundup, An Herbicide, Could Be Linked To Parkinson's, Cancer And Other Health Issues, Study Shows
This article first appeared at GreenMedInfo. Please visit to access their vast database of articles and the latest information in natural health.
Warning~Vaccination Squads Ahead
Vaccination squads to roam the streets
The Centers for Disease Control has been quietly rolling out a nationwide program called theImmunization Information Systems (IIS), registering your vaccine information into a database. [1] This effort has been run in parallel with state vaccine registry implementations.
What is the intention of such programs?
My colleague Leslie Manookian, writer and director of the movie The Greater Good, wrote in a recent article, the â€Å“CDC has openly stated that vaccine registries are a tool to identify areas of ‘undervaccination’ so that they can be ‘addressed’ and brought into ‘compliance.’†[2]
I would also add to Leslie̢۪s statement that since the government purchases a large bulk of the vaccines (for example, the Vaccines for Children program), it is in their financial interest to make sure vaccines are consumed regularly.
If you exempt your child from being vaccinated, your refusal is also being tracked and put into the database. If you want to know why this is a big deal, read on.
But first, what does tracking every vaccine you or your children have ever been injected with look like?
Big Plans for You
I want to make this very real for you.
The government collects information on who vaccinates their children and who does not. They know how many children have had their vaccines. They also know how many children have opted out of being vaccinated. They have the data.
The government has big plans and the most outrageous part about this entire scheme is you don’t have a choice – your data is entered. In order to accomplish this task we have to answer 3 basic questions.
1. What data is being tracked?
2. Who has access to the tracked data?
3. What will be done with this data?
Let̢۪s start with the first question of what is being tracked.
Question #1: What Data is Being Tracked?
You̢۪ll be surprised at how much data is being tracked. Some of the data is required while other data sets are optional. Rest assured, what is optional today can become required in short order.
According to the Immunization Information System Functional Standards, 2013 – 2017, the following information will be in their databases: [3]
Optional: Patient alias name: first, middle, last
Optional: Patient address, phone number
Optional: Birthing facility
Optional: Patient Social Security number (SSN)
REQUIRED: Patient birth date
REQUIRED: Patient sex
REQUIRED: Patient race
REQUIRED: Patient ethnicity
Optional: Patient Primary language
REQUIRED: Patient birth order
Optional: Patient birth registration number
REQUIRED: Patient birth State/country
Optional: Patient Medicaid number Optional
REQUIRED: Mother̢۪s name: First, middle, last, maiden
Optional: Mother̢۪s SSN
Optional: Father̢۪s name: first, middle, last
Optional: Father̢۪s SSN
REQUIRED: Vaccine Type
REQUIRED: Vaccine Manufacturer
Optional: Vaccine dose number
Optional: Vaccine expiration date
Optional: Vaccine injection site
REQUIRED: Vaccination date
REQUIRED: Vaccine lot number
Optional: Vaccine provider
Do you trust anyone with your personal information? This leads us to the next question …
Question #2: Who Has Access to the Tracked Data?
This is where the language should have you a little concerned because it is extremely vague.
According to the Immunization Information System documentation, data can be provided to â€Å“healthcare providers, public health, and other authorized stakeholders.â€
It goes on to say schools, child care, and child camps may also have access to the records.
One of the major areas the lawmakers neglected to mention was the power granted to your employer. Consider the fact this past year nurses were actually being fired for not having their flu shot, as reported by Natural News. [4] Imagine if the proper pressure were applied to businesses to meet a government mandate. They would be given access to these records. It̢۪s something for you to chew on.
That brings us to our last question…
A snapshot from the Centers for Disease Control Immunization Information Systems data flow.
Question #3: What Will Be Done with This Data?
The Centers for Disease Control̢۪s goal is to get 95% or greater vaccine compliance. How is this accomplished?
In the short term, if your child is not vaccinated or is behind schedule, expect phone calls, emails, and personal visits from local health authorities. One function of the CDC’s Immunization Information System is to â€Å“forecast†vaccines due, past due, or coming due.
When these tactics don̢۪t work or are ignored, expect more a more confrontational strategy. Keep in mind what happened on Christmas Eve 2009.
The U.S. Senate passed H.R. 3590. The bill eventually became Public Law No. 111-148, which gives the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authorization to create â€Å“vaccination squads†in local communities and seek out unvaccinated children. The â€Å“vaccine squads†are called the Community Preventive Services Task Force. [5]
Not only will the Task Force be working with the CDC̢۪s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, but on page 1202 of that law, the most relevant responsibilities are listed as:
â€Å“(D) carrying out immunization-promoting strategies for participants or clients of public programs, including assessments of immunization status, referrals to health care providers, education, provision [provide] of on-site immunizations, or incentives for immunization;
â€Å“(E) providing for home visits that promote immunization through education, assessments of need, referrals, provision of immunizations, or other services;â€
â€Å“(F) providing reminders or recalls for immunization providers;â€
â€Å“(G) conducting assessments of, and providing feedback to, immunization providers;â€
â€Å“(H) any combination of one or more interventions described in this paragraph; orâ€
â€Å“(I) immunization information systems to allow all States to have electronic databases for immunization records.â€
The Public Law exclusively states exactly where the data will come from – the Immunization Information Systems. Can you imagine police or sheriffs escorting the vaccine squad(s) for â€Å“non-compliant†parents?
At this point, I really can̢۪t put it past them.
Consequently, once this system is completely operational, the sky is the limit. Big Brother has the capability to track more than just vaccines. You can anticipate finding just about any pharmaceutical drug mandated by the government in this same system.
The question then becomes, who influences the government agencies mandating vaccines?
â€Å“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.†– Lord Acton
Posted by Tapestry at 10:53 am

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Anonymous said...
I was working on this project to implement a nationwide electronic healthcare exchange, but I was recently let go from my job about vocalizing my opinions on the intentioned outcome of the project. It's funny, because this article makes the whole process sound very dark, mysterious and sexy, but in reality, the majority of the work is done downtown Washington, DC in a highrise government building on floor 6 of the Office of National Coordinator for Health IT, called ONC-HIT (or as I say ONK SHIT). In reality, this whole project is being run by a bunch of government wonks and people who truly do think they are doing something beneficial for mankind. But, in reality, this very small minded people, especially the ones I worked with, have no idea that the standards and programs that we were creating will one day be used to enslave us all. Your article does not mention some of the programs we were working on before I was fired for voicing my opinion on the unethicality of the project. Particularly, there is a project within this project that will track whether you are a pedophile (even if you were never convicted) or even worse, if you simply went streaking in college, that will be marked as a sex-crime and put into your overall record. Your doctor will also know whether you are straight or gay or neither. And they will know your DNA structure eventually. Sorry to tell you guys, the worst part, is that many of my colleagues were such blind sheep, that they really thought they were gracing humanity with their work. Their stupidity and ignorance hid the real truth from them. I am glad that I was let go from a system that will destroy many lives in the future.
10:40 pm

Anonymous said...
By the way, that address to the government building where all of this is being created is :
425 3rd St. SW, Washington DC, Floor 6, take a left off the elevator and it will be the large glass door at the end of the hallway. Wait for someone to go in because you have to be badged in.
Anyone with a problem with this project is encouraged to visit and voice your opinion. You will find the top government officials on this project in this office.
Not telling anyone to do anything, but we need to start vocalizing at some point. If we never speak up, we deserve what we take. That's a fact.
original article here
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Are Canadians {and Australians} really That Stupid?
Are Canadians Really That Stupid? by Arthur Topham
Arthur Topham
April 24, 2013
I think about this often – the fact that the vast majority of Canadians can’t seem to figure out that their legal system is still grafted on to that of a foreign nation, i.e. Great Britain.Arthur Topham
April 24, 2013
Given the fact that I’m facing the prospect of having to defend myself against spurious, malicious lies given to Canada’s RCMP “Hate Crime Unit” headed by Cst. Terry Wilson from the Surrey, B.C. precinct by two of the most chronic and overly zealous Zionist zealots who have ever slithered about upon Canadian soil (Harry Abrams and Richard Warman) – fabricated falsehoods that have morphed into criminal charges of a nature that could result in my having to spend two years in a federal penitentiary, I have good reason to contemplate the nature of how Britain is mixed up in this sordid conspiracy.
Now I can understand quite easily that any Canadian citizen who feels they are being unjustly treated should have the right to go to the authorities and state their concerns. This seems to me to be both a wise and fair right in any democratic nation and the only sensible alternative to prevent a citizen from having to take the law into their own hands for their protection and safety.
Even in the case of these two reprehensible, low-life, malevolent troglodytes I have no beef with their right to seek redress for their imagined persecution and hurt feelings. But what I do object to though, in the most fervent and strenuous manner possible, is the fact that I am being forced to argue my case and defend my rights in a supposed Canadian court of law where the pathetic plaintiff’s in this charade are able to have the queen of a foreign country act on their behalf and attempt to prosecute and find me guilty of supposed “hate crimes” against people of the Jewish faith as well as citizens of yet another foreign country, to wit, Israel.
Of course I am referring here to what in Canadian legal jurisprudence is referred to as the “Crown”. In Black’s Law Dictionary the term “Crown” is referred to as “the sovereign power in a monarchy, especially in relation to the punishment of crimes.” To be even more specific the “Crown” is the representative in England of the Rothschild banking cartel that owns and controls the independent state known as the “City of London” and whose public representative is Regina or what Canadians think of as the “Queen of England”.
Now in jolly ol’ England where they have had kings and queens for thousands of years one can easily imagine that their legal system would have the right to use that term and to employ it in any manner they so desire.
There is also a Latin term used in English law which is “Regina” and according to Black’s Law Dictionary it means, simply, “the queen”. Again, fine and dandy for all those who live in Great Britain and wish to be ruled under such conditions.
But I don’t live in England. I live in what is purported to be the sovereign country known as Canada. As I understand it I also live in an independent nation that has its own Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. So the obvious question that arises when I look at the legal documents which are before me is: why am I being prosecuted by “Regina” the queen of England and why is the “Crown” involved in my case?
Why, instead, is not the Canadian Legal System taking me task for alleged breaches of the Canadian Criminal Code instead of the queen of a foreign nation? In fact, how can it even be a legal possibility that “Regina” is against me and bringing forth an action against my person on behalf of two Canadian troglodytes when “Regina” is not even a Canadian citizen nor a bona fide representative of Canada?
Are Canadians really that stupid and dumbed down to the point where this glaring contradiction doesn’t register upon their critical thinking abilities?
If, in fact, we are indeed an independent and sovereign nation then why are we still using such legal terminology in our judicial processes? Why do we act as if we are independent and yet still keep using “the queen” and the “Crown” to represent what ought to be the highest and most legally authoritative designations within Canada’s legal institutions? It’s incorrect. It’s wrong; both legally and morally, and it begs the ultimate question as to the absolute legality and authority of all that purports to be Canada’s legitimate constitutional right to exist!
For Canadians to merely shrug (as Canadians are wont to do) and attempt to dismiss this crucial point as mere linguistics or sophistry on my part is not acceptable. The actual and true legitimacy of Canada as a sovereign and independent nation among other nations of the world depends upon our recognition within our legal system of the FACT of our sovereignty and that FACT must be reflected in the stated reality that Canada’s courts are being represented by Judges and lawyers who are beholding only to Canada and its Constitution.As the justice system now exists it clearly points to a condition wherein Canada does not actually have a true and independent existence nor does it have a legitimate constitution, i.e., one that has been certified and sanctified by a vote of the whole population of the nation via a plebiscite. If it did we would not still be represented in our independent courts by “Regina” and the “Crown” but by Canada and its appointed representatives.
Is it really that difficult to comprehend or are Canadians just too stupid to see the contradiction?
original article here
for those with money in the bank.. . .
No Bank Deposits Will Be Spared from Confiscation
Bank depositors in the UK and USA may think that their bank deposits would not be confiscated as they are insured and no government would dare embark on such a drastic action to bail out insolvent banks.
Before I explain why confiscation of bank deposits in the UK and US is a certainty and absolutely legal, I need all readers of this article to do the following:
Ask your local police, sheriffs, lawyers, judges the following questions:
1) If I place my money with a lawyer as a stake-holder and he uses the money without my consent, has the lawyer committed a crime?
2) If I store a bushel of wheat or cotton in a warehouse and the owner of the warehouse sold my wheat/cotton without my consent or authority, has the warehouse owner committed a crime?
3) If I place monies with my broker (stock or commodity) and the broker uses my monies for other purposes and or contrary to my instructions, has the broker committed a crime?
I am confident that the answer to the above questions is a Yes!However, for the purposes of this article, I would like to first highlight the situation of the deposit / storage of wheat with a warehouse owner in relation to the deposit of money / storage with a banker.
First, you will notice that all wheat is the same i.e. the wheat in one bushel is no different from the wheat in another bushel. Likewise with cotton, it is indistinguishable. The deposit of a bushel of wheat with the warehouse owner in law constitutes a bailment. Ownership of the bushel of wheat remains with you and there is no transfer of ownership at all to the warehouse owner.
And as stated above, if the owner sells the bushel of wheat without your consent or authority, he has committed a crime as well as having committed a civil wrong (a tort) of conversion – converting your property to his own use and he can be sued.
Let me use another analogy. If a cashier in a supermarket removes $100 from the till on Friday to have a frolic on Saturday, he has committed theft, even though he may replace the $100 on Monday without the knowledge of the owner / manager of the supermarket. The $100 the cashier stole on Friday is also indistinguishable from the $100 he put back in the till on Monday. In both situations – the wheat in the warehouse and the $100 dollar bill in the till, which have been unlawfully misappropriated would constitute a crime.
Keep this principle and issue at the back of your mind.
Now we shall proceed with the money that you have deposited with your banker.
I am sure that most of you have little or no knowledge about banking, specifically fractional reserve banking.
Since you were a little kid, your parents have encouraged you to save some money to instil in you the good habit of money management.
And when you grew up and got married, you in turn instilled the same discipline in your children. Your faith in the integrity of the bank is almost absolute. Your money in the bank would earn an interest income.
And when you want your money back, all you needed to do is to withdraw the money together with the accumulated interest. Never for a moment did you think that you had transferred ownership of your money to the bank. Your belief was grounded in like manner as the owner of the bushel of wheat stored in the warehouse.
However, this belief is and has always been a lie. You were led to believe this lie because of savvy advertisements by the banks and government assurances that your money is safe and is protected by deposit insurance.
But, the insurance does not cover all the monies that you have deposited in the bank, but to a limited amount e.g. $250,000 in the US by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Germany €100,000, UK £85,000 etc.
But, unlike the owner of the bushel of wheat who has deposited the wheat with the warehouse owner, your ownership of the monies that you have deposited with the bank is transferred to the bank and all you have is the right to demand its repayment. And, if the bank fails to repay your monies (e.g. $100), your only remedy is to sue the bank and if the bank is insolvent you get nothing.
You may recover some of your money if your deposit is covered by an insurance scheme as referred to earlier but in a fixed amount. But, there is a catch here. Most insurance schemes whether backed by the government or not do not have sufficient monies to cover all the deposits in the banking system.
So, in the worst case scenario – a systemic collapse, there is no way for you to get your money back.
In fact, and as illustrated in the Cyprus banking fiasco, the authorities went to the extent of confiscating your deposits to pay the banks’ creditors. When that happened, ordinary citizens and financial analysts cried out that such confiscation was daylight robbery. But, is it?
Surprise, surprise!
It will come as a shock to all of you to know that such daylight robbery is perfectly legal and this has been so for hundreds of years.
Let me explain.
The reason is that unlike the owner of the bushel of wheat whose ownership of the wheat WAS NEVER TRANSFERRED to the warehouse owner when the same was deposited, the moment you deposited your money with the bank, the ownership is transferred to the bank.
Your status is that of A CREDITOR TO THE BANK and the BANK IS IN LAW A DEBTOR to you. You are deemed to have “lent” your money to the bank for the bank to apply to its banking business (even to gamble in the biggest casino in the world – the global derivatives casino).
You have become a creditor, AN UNSECURED CREDITOR. Therefore, by law, in the insolvency of a bank, you as an unsecured creditor stand last in the queue of creditors to be paid out of any funds and or assets which the bank has to pay its creditors. The secured creditors are always first in line to be paid. It is only after secured creditors have been paid and there are still some funds left (usually, not much, more often zilch!) that unsecured creditors are paid and the sums pro-rated among all the unsecured creditors.
This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The law has been in existence for hundreds of years and was established in England by the House of Lords in the case Foley v Hill in 1848.
When a customer deposits money with his banker, the relationship that arises is one of creditor and debtor, with the banker liable to repay the money deposited when demanded by the customer. Once money has been paid to the banker, it belongs to the banker and he is free to use the money for his own purpose.
I will now quote the relevant portion of the judgment of the House of Lords handed down by Lord Cottenham, the Lord Chancellor. He stated thus:
“Money when paid into a bank, ceases altogether to be the money of the principal… it is then the money of the banker, who is bound to return an equivalent by paying a similar sum to that deposited with him when he is asked for it.
The money paid into the banker’s, is money known by the principal to be placed there for the purpose of being under the control of the banker; it is then the banker’s money; he is known to deal with it as his own; he makes what profit of it he can, which profit he retains himself,…
The money placed in the custody of the banker is, to all intent and purposes, the money of the banker, to do with it as he pleases; he is guilty of no breach of trust in employing it; he is not answerable TO THE PRINCIPAL IF HE PUTS IT INTO JEOPARDY, IF HE ENGAGES IN A HAZARDOUS SPECULATION; he is not bound to keep it or deal with it as the property of the principal, but he is of course answerable for the amount, because he has contracted, having received that money, to repay to the principal, when demanded, a sum equivalent to that paid into his hands.” (quoted in UK Law Essays, Relationship Between A Banker And Customer,That Of A Creditor/Debtor, emphasis added,)
Holding that the relationship between a banker and his customer was one of debtor and creditor and not one of trusteeship, Lord Brougham said:
“This trade of a banker is to receive money, and use it as if it were his own, he becoming debtor to the person who has lent or deposited with him the money to use as his own, and for which money he is accountable as a debtor. I cannot at all confound the situation of a banker with that of a trustee, and conclude that the banker is a debtor with a fiduciary character.”
In plain simple English – bankers cannot be prosecuted for breach of trust, because it owes no fiduciary duty to the depositor / customer, as he is deemed to be using his own money to speculate etc. There is absolutely no criminal liability.The trillion dollar question is, Why has no one in the Justice Department or other government agencies mentioned this legal principle?
The reason why no one dare speak this legal truth is because there would be a run on the banks when all the Joe Six-Packs wise up to the fact that their deposits with the bankers CONSTITUTE IN LAW A LOAN TO THE BANK and the bank can do whatever it likes even to indulge in hazardous speculation such as gambling in the global derivative casino.
The Joe Six-Packs always consider the bank the creditor even when he deposits money in the bank. No depositor ever considers himself as the creditor!
Yes, Eric Holder, the US Attorney-General is right when he said that bankers cannot be prosecuted for the losses suffered by the bank. This is because a banker cannot be prosecuted for losing his “own money” as stated by the House of Lords. This is because when money is deposited with the bank, that money belongs to the banker.
The reason that if a banker is prosecuted it would collapse the entire banking system is a big lie.
The US Attorney-General could not and would not state the legal principle because it would cause a run on the banks when people discover that their monies are not safe with bankers as they can in law use the monies deposited as their own even to speculate.
What is worrisome is that your right to be repaid arises only when you demand payment.
Obviously, when you demand payment, the bank must pay you. But, if you demand payment after the bank has collapsed and is insolvent, it is too late. Your entitlement to be repaid is that of a lonely unsecured creditor and only if there are funds left after liquidation to be paid out to all the unsecured creditors and the remaining funds to be pro-rated. You would be lucky to get ten cents on the dollar.
So, when the Bank of England, the FED and the BIS issued the guidelines which became the template for the Cyprus “bail-in” (which was endorsed by the G-20 Cannes Summit in 2011), it was merely a circuitous way of stating the legal position without arousing the wrath of the people, as they well knew that if the truth was out, there would be a revolution and blood on the streets. It is therefore not surprising that the global central bankers came out with this nonsensical advisory:
“The objective of an effective resolution regime is to make feasible the resolution of financial institutions without severe systemic disruption and without exposing taxpayers to losses, while protecting vital economic functions through mechanisms which make it possible for shareholders and unsecured and uninsured creditors to absorb losses in a manner that respects the hierarchy of claims in liquidation.”(quoted in FSB Consultative Document: Effective Resolution of Systemically …)
This is the kind of complex technical jargon used by bankers to confuse the people, especially depositors and to cover up what I have stated in plain and simple English in the foregoing paragraphs.The key words of the BIS guideline are:
“without severe systemic disruptions” (i.e. bank runs),
“while protecting vital economic functions” (i.e. protecting vested interests – bankers),
“unsecured creditors” (i.e. your monies, you are the dummy),
“respects the hierarchy of claims in liquidation” (i.e. you are last in the queue to be paid, after all secured creditors have been paid).
This means all depositors are losers!Please read this article carefully and spread it far and wide.
You will be doing a favour to all your fellow country men and women and more importantly, your family and relatives.
original article here
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The Psycho-Schism Is Here
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013.
by Zen Gardner
Crazy times for sure at Psychotic High. And as predicted, the shift we’re undergoing is impacting vast swathes of society as people either recognize the awakening or are completely ignorant of what’s going on, willingly or unwillingly, and are succumbing to the induced confusion.
All on cue.
The blinding Boston Bullshit Massacre is just another in a long sequence of stimuli in the planned psycho-spiritual assault on Americans, cramming ever more freakish fear into their already overloaded heart, mind and spirit components.
Marie Antoinette would have been brainwashed instead of decapitated in this day and age. Much easier.
Here’s an appropriate post that begins to tell part of the tale of the drastic literally psychotic effects we’re witnessing:
Terrorism. Chaos. Fear of the future. In the age of Obama, America is undergoing a “fundamental transformation” – that much everyone knows.
But what few seem to realize about this transformation is that the sheer stress of living in today’s America is driving tens of millions to the point of illness, depression and self-destruction. Consider the following trends:
- Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, in the world’s greatest military, more U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat;
- Fully one-third of the nation’s employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all “millennials” (18 to 33 year olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder.
- Shocking new research from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that one in five of all high-school-aged children in the United States has been diagnosed with ADHD, and likewise a large new study of New York City residents shows, sadly, that one in five preteens – children aged six to 12 – have been medically diagnosed with either ADHD, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder;
- New research concludes that stress renders people susceptible to serious illness, and a growing number of studies now confirm that chronic stress plays a major role in the progression of cancer, the nation’s second-biggest killer. The biggest killer of all, heart disease, which causes one in four deaths in the U.S., is also known to have a huge stress component;
- Incredibly, 11 percent of all Americans aged 12 and older are currently taking SSRI antidepressants – those highly controversial, mood-altering psychiatric drugs with the FDA’s “suicidality” warning label and alarming correlation with school shooters. Women are especially prone to depression, with a stunning 23 percent of all American women in their 40s and 50s – almost one in four – now taking antidepressants, according to a major study by the CDC;
By the way, things are no better over the pond – and may be worse, according to one major study that concluded almost 40 percent of Europeans are plagued by mental illness. (More here)
- Add to that the tens of millions of users of all other types of psychiatric drugs, including (just to pick one) the 6.4 million American children between 4 and 17 diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin or similar psycho-stimulants. Throw in the 28 percent of American adults with a drinking problem, that’s more than 60 million, plus the 22 million using illegal drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants, and pretty soon a picture emerges of a nation of drug-takers, with hundreds of millions dependent on one toxic substance or another – legal or illegal – to “help” them deal with the stresses and problems of life.
It Goes To Show
We’re living in strategically and psychologically compressed and driven times. Hardly anything major in the socio-political realm happens by coincidence or natural means. It’s almost always staged and by very professional executors. Any reasonable open minded study of history will reveal the same conclusion as to how their particular paradigm was sculpted via similar staged events and conditions during virtually any epoch of human history.The recent frenzy over Boston’s own Baked Bullshit Barrage is a manifestation of a mounting, desperate effort to cauterize the American mind once and for all. They want the masses to accept any and every state explanation for anything, great or small, according to their interpretation. These are tests.
And they’re getting away with them.
It’s nasty to the bone, yet so few see it. A very sad state of affairs indeed…when so few challenge the status quo and start to wake up, so little and so late.
Find out the Truth for yourself. Challenge the mainstream disinfo, and reach for the light. Then spread the word.
It’s all there in plain sight.
YOU are the difference! We all are.
Keep on consciously and lovingly being awake, aware and active,
Love always, Zen
original article here
How To Politely Refuse Your Governments
Do The Many Really Have to Obey the Few? Asking Permission From the Government
October 12, 2012
I remember in grade school that some of the boys in class were being disruptive by talking and the nun told us all to stand and put out our hands so she could smack our hand with a ruler. About half the class stood up and put out their hand but when they saw that the rest of us were still sitting at our desks they slowly sat back down. The bewildered nun didn’t know what to do and finally told us to open our books.
That’s what happens when a person in authority threatens you and you all stand up to them. They expect you to obey and when you don’t they back down. In other words, they are nothing more than the school yard bully.
The government is so out of control and making laws that are insane. People are now being fined for the simplest things. Remember the slogan, “Buckle Up – It’s the Law”. You can be fined for not wearing a seatbelt in your own car. You can be fined for using a rain barrel to save water to irrigate your small garden in the back yard; you can be arrested for selling raw milk which has been a staple for thousands of years. You can be fined or arrested for photographing the police abusing someone and your camera confiscated. The government mandates you get vaccines for your babies and children when legitimate research tells you it is harmful. A woman was fined $81 for parking her car with the windows rolled down. The police classified it as an unsecured vehicle that could easily be broken into. Another woman was recently fined for growing a small garden in her front yard. What would happen if we all planted a small garden in our front yard? Actually, that might not be a bad idea. We would have some GM free veggies. Are you really going to obey these ridiculous rules or laws? If you do they will keep adding more.
The elite think they can rule you by starting out slowly. I’m sure you’ve heard the story of putting a frog in a pan of lukewarm water and then slowly heating it up and the frog doesn’t realize that he is being boiled alive until it’s too late to get out of the pot. Mostly that’s what the government does to us. First one license or fine which they got away with, then another, then another, and now we have well over a hundred different licenses we are required to obtain and fines we are expected to pay. Another manner in which the government controls you is by fear.
As school budgets shrink, some are getting money from an unlikely and controversial source: cell phone tower installations. Local schools can make hundreds of thousands of dollars from leases on towers. mercola.comWhy did you get a marriage license? Most people get one because everyone else does; it’s the norm; it’s the law. My research showed the first marriage license was issued in 1856 in Shawnee, Kansas. So since the beginning of recorded time it was the norm to marry without a license until 1856.
Were Adam & Eve married? Did Adam & Eve need a license, the authorization of some man or government? It is plain to see that God recognizes a couple as married when they “cleave unto” each other. Genesis 2:23-24 (not when a government gives them a license/permission).
Did you know there are Pastors who will marry without a marriage license and they are more common than you think? All you have to do is go online or open up your local phone book and call the numbers in the churches section. Sooner or later you will find a man of God who hasn’t sold his soul applying for a 501(c) corporate status with the IRS and who believes that there ought to be a separation between church and state and marriage and state.
Pastor Trewhella of the Mercy Seat Christian Church in Wisconsin stated;
“You should not have to obtain a license from the State to marry someone anymore than you should have to obtain a license from the State to be a parent, which some in academic and legislative circles are currently pushing to be made law”. ~ mercyseat.net/marriagelicense.htmlWhen Pastor Trewhella marries a couple, he always buys them a Family Bible which contains birth and death records, and a marriage certificate. Record the marriage in the Family Bible. What’s recorded in a Family Bible will stand up as a legally binding document in any court of law in America. Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were married without a marriage license. They simply recorded their marriage in their Family Bibles. So should we. What happens if no one acquires a marriage license from the government? Well, outside of the obvious, we wouldn’t have to ask permission from the government to get a divorce.
If every American refused to obey these insane laws what will the elite do? The same thing as the nun or the school yard bully when not obeyed – brute force and if that doesn’t work, they will back down. Just like the schoolyard bully who takes your lunch money every day. A day comes when you tell him “no” and he beats you up. You don’t give him your lunch money the next day and he beats you up again. Then he looks for someone else who will ‘obey’ him. Where would that school yard bully be if no one gave him their lunch money? Where would the government be if no one asked for permission and never got another license or paid another fee or fine?
Let me clarify what a license or permit is. It is simply asking permission from the government and paying the government a fee for what we have every God-given right to do in the first place – for free, without asking anyone for permission. Burn that statement into your mind. Memorize it, use it as a chant. If that’s not bad enough, we must renew many licenses’ periodically and pay again and again. What if we all decided we would no longer get or renew our driver’s license and pay them for the right to drive our own car? What if we all stopped getting a license of any kind? They could fine us. But what if we didn’t pay the fine? We might go to jail. Where do a few get off telling the many we can’t get married, defend ourselves, or drive a car or go fishing or hunting or any of our other God-given rights without their permission? I don’t need the government to give me permission to purchase a gun to defend myself. Why aren’t you outraged? Just because you grew up under these insane rules and you accepted them as normal you don’t have to obey them anymore. They aren’t normal; they’re insane; you are obeying insane laws. You don’t have to stand up and put your hand out so the nun can whack it with a piece of wood or give your lunch money to the school yard bully anymore. Like the frog, you’re slowly being boiled.
Every permit, every license, and every birth certificate has a number on it. You even have a social security number. Have you ever asked why you and everything you do has a number on it? It’s to keep track of you, what you do, where you do it and when you do it. If you move you have to notify various government agencies of your new address. Why is that? Why isn’t just notifying the post office of a change of address enough?
If a slave owner can tell his slaves what to do, what does it mean when the government tells you what you can do? It means you’re a slave to the government. Yes, it’s the same government that tells you that you are a free man living in a free country.
There is a story about two frogs hopping down a country road and they happen to hop into a bucket of fresh milk. They begin thrashing about and swimming in the milk and the older one got really tired and gave up and died. The younger one kept on swimming until he felt something solid under his feet and hopped out. (No, it wasn’t the body of the dead frog!) He thrashed so much and so long he turned the milk into butter.
The moral of the story is “there are butter days ahead”…if we all decide NOT to OBEY.
If we all stop obeying these insane rules the government places upon us, there will be better days ahead with true freedom, but you gotta fight for it by being passive – by not obeying – by not applying for anymore licenses and paying them a fee and obeying them. Freedom is not going to come softly in the night while you sleep. Don’t leave it for the “other” guy. Remember, you are the “other” guy to everyone else.
You Don’t Have To Get or Renew Anymore Licenses!
You Don’t Have To Pay Anymore Fees or Fines!
You Don’t Have To Obey Anymore!
About the AuthorJan Fox is a life time astrologer and was introduced to astrology in middle school and began a serious study of astrology in 1972 – getting her license in 1974. She has performed thousands of in-depth personal readings, as well as teaching astrology, and is proficient in most branches of western astrology. She previously had a website named “Astro-Sports” in which she successfully analyzed sporting events utilizing astrology. After retiring in 2007 and moving from Las Vegas to the heartland, her attention turned to writing articles on astrology as it relates to the world we live in now. She is also well versed in the outside subjects of Herbology, Ancient History, Metaphysics, Astro-theology, and is also a Yoga instructor.
original article here
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Global awakening to false-flag terrorism, Copernican revolution
A man grieves for the victims of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings.
Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:27AM
By Dr. Kevin Barrett
This “great awakening” offers us the chance to overthrow the old paradigm of rule by fear, and to work for a better world – a world of fearless people ruled by wisdom and compassion.”
A friend called up our local radio station yesterday to complain: One of the radio hosts was supporting the official story of the Boston bombings, and blaming “radical Muslims from Chechnya.” The receptionist was shocked. “Did our host really say that? That’s so crazy. Everyone knows it was a false-flag attack.”
The incident illustrates the schizoid nature of Americans’ response to the Boston bombings. Increasingly, “everyone knows” it was a false-flag attack - including the ordinary people who work at radio and TV stations. But the powerful few who control the broadcast licenses, and print the news on dead trees, will be the last to admit it. At this point, the false-flag meme is just starting to enter the mainstream media.
As it does, the whole notion of “terrorism” is being re-thought.
The received notion of “terrorism” is that anti-government radicals are supposedly attacking civilians. But wait a minute - why would they do that? Why wouldn’t they just attack the government - especially the government officials, government-owning fat-cats and government-aiding media moguls who are the real objects of their hatred?
A recent headline screamed: Karl Rove Heckled Throughout Speech In Massachusetts, Called Murderer, Terrorist. Run “Karl Rove heckled” through a search engine and you’ll find many more examples.
If there were any real anti-government “terrorists,” Karl Rove would have been dead a long time ago.
For better or worse, there are very few actual anti-government terrorists. Virtually all terrorism is committed by governments.
Let’s take this from the top and define our terms. “Terrorism” means “using violence against civilians to create fear for political purposes.”
Who does that? Who has the motivation to do it?
Only governments.
It is well-known that governments terrorize the citizens of countries they invade and occupy. The US, for example, murdered many millions of Vietnamese citizens in a doomed attempt to terrorize them into submission. Ditto for Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other places. This is real terrorism - terrorism on a massive, genocidal scale.
It is less well-known that the very same governments also terrorize their own citizens - more subtly, and on a smaller scale.
In the US, militarized police forces terrorize African-American communities. Almost every day, an African-American is extra-judicially executed by police.
White Americans are terrorized in sneakier and less brutal fashion: They are fed a diet of violence and fear-mongering propaganda by the media. Those who break out of the fear bubble, and go to Occupy demonstrations, may have their skulls smashed by police billy clubs.
As the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares explains, Western governments once ruled through fear, peppered by sprinkles of hope. Now that there is no longer any hope for Western economies, these governments rule almost entirely through fear. The Power of Nightmares documents the fact that the whole concept of the “terrorist threat” was invented out of whole cloth by Western governments: there is no actual group called al-Qaeda, and no such thing as any significant anti-government terrorism.
“Al-Qaeda” is the name of a ragged hodge-podge of dupes and mercenaries. They terrorize Syrians on behalf of the US and Israeli governments. And they terrorize Americans on behalf of the US and Israeli governments.
False-flag terrorism is designed to make citizens willingly surrender their liberty, their money, their power, and even their children’s lives.
The Boston Marathon bombing appears to have been yet another false-flag attack. The government tells us that there were no terror drills that day. But eyewitness reports, and a Boston Globe twitter feed about police exploding a bomb at the library, prove the government is lying. Why would they lie and deny the obvious fact that terror drills coincided with the actual bombing?
And what about the paramilitary team captured in photographs of the bombing? Men from the DHS-linked mercenary firm Craft International, sporting caps with the distinctive Craft skull logo, were photographed wearing large black backpacks like those that held the bombs. The photos place members of this paramilitary team at the bomb locations just moments before the attacks. Other photos show them rendezvousing after the operation.
The entire family of the surviving accused bomber, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, has been screaming “false flag” from the rooftops. Their mother says FBI agents “were controlling every step” her sons took, and called the event a set-up. Their father says “Somebody clearly framed them.” Their aunt pointed out that Chechens have been set up as patsies in other false-flag terror events, adding “I don’t trust (the) FBI. I don’t trust any agencies.”
And it isn’t just the Tsarnaev family. Everyone who knows the Tsarnaev brothers agrees. As Steve Watson reported for Infowars.com, “People who know Dzhokar Tsarnaev say it is impossible that he would commit an act of terror.”
Even the surviving suspect himself appears to be aware of the ubiquity of false-flag attacks. According to reports, his Twitter feed included: “Idk why it’s hard for many of you to accept that 9/11 was an inside job.”
If he still had access to his Twitter account, he would be tweeting: “Idk why it’s hard for many of you to accept that the Boston bombings were also an inside job.”
But more and more people ARE accepting that 9/11, and most other seemingly senseless attacks against civilians - including the Boston Marathon bombings - are inside jobs.
The global awakening to the ubiquity of false-flag terrorism is a Copernican revolution that overturns the old paradigms about the way societies are governed.
This “great awakening” offers us the chance to overthrow the old paradigm of rule by fear, and to work for a better world - a world of fearless people ruled by wisdom and compassion.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror. Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He is the co-founder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance, and author of the books Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie (2007) and Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters (2009). His website is www.truthjihad.com. More articles by Dr. Kevin Barrett
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