Existentialist wanker blinded by Perfection. Question authority. Ask me anything....
Saturday, March 31, 2012
BLURT~ The Biggest Secret Gettin' OUT Big Time
From Lissy Trippping...Well looky here. I'm stuck at Bogota International Airport in Colombia for 11 hours and LOOK which BOOK is taking up the Centre of the central window... David Icke's BIGGEST SECRET, right next to Ayn Rands' Atlas Shrugged! Come gather round people, wherever you roam, and admit that the waters around you have grown, and accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone... FOR THE TIMES THEY ARE A FREAKEN' FINALLY CHANGIN'!!! This book is a wonderful read, it's FREE also on the internet and has been for years, just google 'The Biggest Secret'. It's staggering, riveting, and even if only 25% of it turns out to be true, you'll wake up to about ten million new realisations, revisions of history that somehow make SENSE, and enhanced personal internal emowerment. You'll be able to tell your friends and family "I told you so!" {through the razor wire fence of the Government Detention and Retraining Centres}. You will also stretch your imagination, whilst practicing the process of 'entertaining a thought.' Yes, it is a strength to be able to entertain thoughts that go against conventional thinking to see how they sit with you. No need to accept the ideas, or reject them. Just entertain them for a while like some annoying white supremicist kids in your neighborhood who haven't yet accepted weed into their lives. One day you will be glad you did. Go Dave! Love your work
Reformed Nazi Twin Singers: “Cannabis Saved My Life”
Weed kills White Supremacy. Grow some Today. Reformed Nazi Twin Singers: “Cannabis Saved My Life”
In what has to be the feel-good story of the week: Nazi rock duo Lamb and Lynx Gaede (“Prussian Blue”), who you may remember for causing a media shitstorm a few years ago for presenting themselves as the cuddly faces of white supremacy, have made a political, social and cultural full-scale about turn. If that makes you smile then the story behind the change in heart will have you checking my facts in disbelief faster than you can say “toke up”. The girls put their dark past down to being “home schooled… country bumpkins” heavily influenced by an overbearing white supremacist mother. Since then the pair have moved to Montana to go to highschool where in her first year Lynx was diagnosed with cancer which led to the removal of a tumour and cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS). Lamb developed “scoliosis and chronic back pain, as well as lack of appetite and intense emotional stress”. It perhaps doesn’t take an expert to see a link between the intense emotional stress and some of the medical conditions that were troubling both of the girls. Lamb and Lynx began to use cannabis to self-medicate after Lynx had a negative reaction to the Oxycontin and Morphine she was prescribed to treat her pain. “I have to say, marijuana saved my life,” Lynx now says, “I would probably be dead if I didn’t have it”. Lynx became one of the first five minors in Montana to be issued a medical marijuana card and Lamb now has one too. Miraculously, the cannabis didn’t just cure the pain but also rekindled both their artistic flair and their passions in a far more positive light…
Lamb: “I’m not a white nationalist anymore… my sister and I are pretty liberal now”Lynx: “Personally, I love diversity… I’m stoked that we have so many different cultures. I think it’s amazing and it makes me proud of humanity every day that we have so many different places and people… we just want to come from a place of love and light”Lamb: “I think we’re meant to do something more — we’re healers. We just want to exert the most love and positivity we can.”
The pair now spend their time painting, repairing furniture and intend to enrol in college and dedicate themselves to the legalisation of cannabis in all 50 states.
Recent artwork by the twins
Friday, March 30, 2012
Weed. Get it in You. Even if You Die It'll be pleasant.
Juicing cannabis miraculously saves lives after physicians declare the battle lost
(NaturalNews) At 16, Kristen Peskuski was suffering from joint inflammation and an array of autoimmune conditions which made her organs and other tissues swell, including interstitial cystitis and lupus. She was prescribed over 40 different anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and painkilling medications to combat the symptoms. Still struggling to bring the symptoms under control, Kristen developed steroid toxicity. She was told that the most she could hope for was reduced discomfort, and with luck, she might make it to her 30th birthday. Seeking alternative treatments, she began juicing raw cannabis leaves every day, and within two months, Kristen's back pain had been eliminated, and she had stopped using any other painkillers.
Meet Amber
At two years old, she was diagnosed with terminal brain tumours. Her mother was told that with treatment, Amber had a 10 percentchance of survival. After surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, the tumours were still spreading. Her parents were advised to take their child home, make her comfortable, and prepare for the inevitable. A month later, her parents reported a startling change. The tumours had decreased in size and number. The family had been juicing cannabis leaves and feeding their baby a few ounces of the juice each day.
Up in smoke
A typical first reaction is to associate marijuana consumption with its psychoactive effects. However, THC only becomes psychoactive when heated, like when traditionally smoked or cooked. When used raw, cannabis isn't psychoactive. The marijuana's abilities as a painkiller are generally perceived to be the result of its psychoactivity - so much so that the intensity of a plant's psychoactive effects is often used as a gauge of its medical potency. Contrary to intuition, this isn't true! The medical properties of marijuana are actually destroyed when heated or aged, as it becomes psychoactive. Heating converts 600mg of non-psychoactive THC acid into 10mg of psychoactive THC. Here's where the exchange for medical effects occurs. While the 10mg retain some medicinal effects, there is only a fraction of the THC left. In simplified terms, in the raw plant, THC acid isn't psychoactive, but acts as a very powerful medicine, up to 400 times more powerful than when smoked.
Healthful communication
Scientific American, in 2004, published an article called "The Brain's Own Marijuana", in which they asserted that the brain releases chemicals that are structurally and functionally similar to cannabinoids - the reactive property in marijuana. THC is the cannabinoid that people are most familiar with, but this is only one of 80. In normal synaptic nerve function, the signals are uni-directional, and the receiver forwards the signal, but never notifies the sender that the message has been received. Cannabinoids maintain communication with the original transmitter so that it is aware that the message has been received and is being worked on. For example, if a neuron sends a pain signal, normally it would just keep sending the message until the message becomes false. The cannabinoids turn every cell into a manager with increased oversight.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. In 2010, Michelle createdRawFoodHealthWatch.com, to share with people her approach to the raw food diet and detoxification.
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/035400_juicing_cannabis_remedies.html#ixzz1qgNI0jtU
(NaturalNews) At 16, Kristen Peskuski was suffering from joint inflammation and an array of autoimmune conditions which made her organs and other tissues swell, including interstitial cystitis and lupus. She was prescribed over 40 different anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and painkilling medications to combat the symptoms. Still struggling to bring the symptoms under control, Kristen developed steroid toxicity. She was told that the most she could hope for was reduced discomfort, and with luck, she might make it to her 30th birthday. Seeking alternative treatments, she began juicing raw cannabis leaves every day, and within two months, Kristen's back pain had been eliminated, and she had stopped using any other painkillers.
Meet Amber
At two years old, she was diagnosed with terminal brain tumours. Her mother was told that with treatment, Amber had a 10 percentchance of survival. After surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, the tumours were still spreading. Her parents were advised to take their child home, make her comfortable, and prepare for the inevitable. A month later, her parents reported a startling change. The tumours had decreased in size and number. The family had been juicing cannabis leaves and feeding their baby a few ounces of the juice each day.
Up in smoke
A typical first reaction is to associate marijuana consumption with its psychoactive effects. However, THC only becomes psychoactive when heated, like when traditionally smoked or cooked. When used raw, cannabis isn't psychoactive. The marijuana's abilities as a painkiller are generally perceived to be the result of its psychoactivity - so much so that the intensity of a plant's psychoactive effects is often used as a gauge of its medical potency. Contrary to intuition, this isn't true! The medical properties of marijuana are actually destroyed when heated or aged, as it becomes psychoactive. Heating converts 600mg of non-psychoactive THC acid into 10mg of psychoactive THC. Here's where the exchange for medical effects occurs. While the 10mg retain some medicinal effects, there is only a fraction of the THC left. In simplified terms, in the raw plant, THC acid isn't psychoactive, but acts as a very powerful medicine, up to 400 times more powerful than when smoked.
Healthful communication
Scientific American, in 2004, published an article called "The Brain's Own Marijuana", in which they asserted that the brain releases chemicals that are structurally and functionally similar to cannabinoids - the reactive property in marijuana. THC is the cannabinoid that people are most familiar with, but this is only one of 80. In normal synaptic nerve function, the signals are uni-directional, and the receiver forwards the signal, but never notifies the sender that the message has been received. Cannabinoids maintain communication with the original transmitter so that it is aware that the message has been received and is being worked on. For example, if a neuron sends a pain signal, normally it would just keep sending the message until the message becomes false. The cannabinoids turn every cell into a manager with increased oversight.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. In 2010, Michelle createdRawFoodHealthWatch.com, to share with people her approach to the raw food diet and detoxification.
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/035400_juicing_cannabis_remedies.html#ixzz1qgNI0jtU
This Medical Fascism Must Stop ~ You don't Own Us
Hospital workers call police to seize newborn baby, throw momma out of the building, assault child with dangerous vaccines
(NaturalNews) Another shocking case of tyrannical, overzealous social workers and hospital staff has unfolded in Pennsylvania, where a mom who just gave birth in an ambulance to a healthy baby girl was threatened by a government social worker and accused of not allowing her child to receive "medical treatment." (A claim which is factually false.) In reality, the new mom, exhausting from giving birth in an ambulance, was merelyasking questions and trying to determine how her newborn daughter was being treated by hospital staff.
A social worker namedAngelica Lopez-Heagycontinued to threaten the mom, who persisted in asking polite questions to try to determine what she was being accused of. In response, the social worker demanded, "Since you're not going to cooperate, I'll just go and call the police and we can take custody of the baby."
The social worker then demanded that the mom and dad sign a "safety plan" that would contractually bind them to whatever medical procedures the hospital tries to push on all newborns, includingmultiple vaccines. The term "safety plan" is really just a linguistic mind trick for the agenda ofdamaging newborns with vaccinesso that they become repeat customers of the medical industry. Vaccines, as NaturalNews readers well know, routinely cause kidney damage, neurological damage and gastrointestinal damage, all of which produce huge long-term profits for hospitals, doctors and drug companies.
When the mom said she wanted her attorney to look over the document before she signed it, the nanny state social worker invoked her previous threat andcalled the police. The police then took custody (kidnapped) the daughter while hospital workers claimed the newborn was suffering from "illness or injury." (Completely fabricated to justify their kidnapping.) Then theyforcibly vaccinated the babywithout her mother's consent! This was all "approved" by the social worker, Lopez-Heagy.
Note that even though the hospital stole her baby away, if the baby ends up beingvaccine damaged, the entire burden of long-term health care costs for that damage will fall squarely on the mother! In fact, the mom might even be accused of "child abuse" if the vaccine damage side effects in any way resemble physical abuse (which often happens, as vaccines can cause bruising, swelling and brain damage).
Hospital workers then proceeded tokidnap her daughter and kick the mom out of the hospital, taking "possession" of the newborn child and forcing the mom and husband to sleep in the Wal-Mart parking lot, only allowing her to re-enter the hospital every three hours to breastfeed (and I'm shocked they even allow breastfeeding. Isn't that illegal RAW milk?).
This is how parents are treated in America today: Likecriminal dogswhose only function is to give birth to a new "litter" of victims for the state.
Read the full account of all the details of this incident at:
This is state-sponsored medical terrorism. And it kills far more people than any other form of terrorism, even including 9/11.
We've got to put a stop to this terrorism. The social worker in this case should bearrested and charged with kidnapping. The hospital staff who participated in this charade should be indicted as co-conspirators in the felony crime of kidnapping. The person who injected this newborn baby with vaccines should be arrested and charged withfelony assault with a deadly weapon.
It's time to put a stop to runaway government tyranny. It's time to arrest and prosecute CPS workers for abusing parents' rights, and it's way past time to demand apatient's bill of rightsthat protects medical freedom, both inside and outside the hospital.
Spread the word. Read NaturalNews. Join the revolution and resist tyranny, my friends, or you and your family may be the next target.
Read on...
(NaturalNews) Another shocking case of tyrannical, overzealous social workers and hospital staff has unfolded in Pennsylvania, where a mom who just gave birth in an ambulance to a healthy baby girl was threatened by a government social worker and accused of not allowing her child to receive "medical treatment." (A claim which is factually false.) In reality, the new mom, exhausting from giving birth in an ambulance, was merelyasking questions and trying to determine how her newborn daughter was being treated by hospital staff.
A social worker namedAngelica Lopez-Heagycontinued to threaten the mom, who persisted in asking polite questions to try to determine what she was being accused of. In response, the social worker demanded, "Since you're not going to cooperate, I'll just go and call the police and we can take custody of the baby."
The social worker then demanded that the mom and dad sign a "safety plan" that would contractually bind them to whatever medical procedures the hospital tries to push on all newborns, includingmultiple vaccines. The term "safety plan" is really just a linguistic mind trick for the agenda ofdamaging newborns with vaccinesso that they become repeat customers of the medical industry. Vaccines, as NaturalNews readers well know, routinely cause kidney damage, neurological damage and gastrointestinal damage, all of which produce huge long-term profits for hospitals, doctors and drug companies.
When the mom said she wanted her attorney to look over the document before she signed it, the nanny state social worker invoked her previous threat andcalled the police. The police then took custody (kidnapped) the daughter while hospital workers claimed the newborn was suffering from "illness or injury." (Completely fabricated to justify their kidnapping.) Then theyforcibly vaccinated the babywithout her mother's consent! This was all "approved" by the social worker, Lopez-Heagy.
Note that even though the hospital stole her baby away, if the baby ends up beingvaccine damaged, the entire burden of long-term health care costs for that damage will fall squarely on the mother! In fact, the mom might even be accused of "child abuse" if the vaccine damage side effects in any way resemble physical abuse (which often happens, as vaccines can cause bruising, swelling and brain damage).
Hospital workers then proceeded tokidnap her daughter and kick the mom out of the hospital, taking "possession" of the newborn child and forcing the mom and husband to sleep in the Wal-Mart parking lot, only allowing her to re-enter the hospital every three hours to breastfeed (and I'm shocked they even allow breastfeeding. Isn't that illegal RAW milk?).
This is how parents are treated in America today: Likecriminal dogswhose only function is to give birth to a new "litter" of victims for the state.
Read the full account of all the details of this incident at:
.....State-sponsored medical terrorism is real
Spread the word. All across America, we are under assault: Farmers, parents, protesters and more. The government says it owns not just your own body, but even your children! And if you don't do what the government says, they march you away in handcuffs to have you tortured in their jails and prisons (http://www.naturalnews.com/035208_James_Stewart_torture_county_jail.h...).This is state-sponsored medical terrorism. And it kills far more people than any other form of terrorism, even including 9/11.
We've got to put a stop to this terrorism. The social worker in this case should bearrested and charged with kidnapping. The hospital staff who participated in this charade should be indicted as co-conspirators in the felony crime of kidnapping. The person who injected this newborn baby with vaccines should be arrested and charged withfelony assault with a deadly weapon.
It's time to put a stop to runaway government tyranny. It's time to arrest and prosecute CPS workers for abusing parents' rights, and it's way past time to demand apatient's bill of rightsthat protects medical freedom, both inside and outside the hospital.
Spread the word. Read NaturalNews. Join the revolution and resist tyranny, my friends, or you and your family may be the next target.
Read on...
Warning~Those Who Refuse Eugenics Will be FINED
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Pakistan to ‘Punish’ Families Who Reject Ineffective and Dangerous Polio Vaccine
Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
Despite powerful mainstream evidence showing that 78% of polio cases in Pakistan are among those vaccinated with the polio vaccine, and even the fact that the polio vaccine is now the leading cause of polio paralysis, Pakistan is now moving to slam parents of non-vaccinated children with fees and school bans.
The country has been battling the disease, which has been running rampant among those vaccinated against the condition for quite some time, even prompting potential travel restrictions until the epidemic is dealt with.
While attributing the spread and outbreak to unvaccinated children, and demonizing their parents for making such an ‘irresponsible’ choice, mainstream public statistics have shown that even those who have been administered polio drops on several occasions were still developing the disease.
According to the National Institute of Health, whose polio action group compiled the data in the report, 107 polio-affected children out of the 136 total patients had been given the polio drops under a prescribed schedule — doctor approved.
What’s more, World Health Organization states that Pakistan — despite the large percentage of prescribed vaccination — had the highest number of polio cases in a decade. But perhaps most shocking of them all is a report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that shows it is possible that these children are developing polio from the vaccine itself. The report states:
Amazingly, this is no new discovery. The issues surrounding vaccine-induced polio paralysis was so serious that the US actually moved to the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (known as IPV) in 2000 following the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended altogether eliminating the live-virus oral polio vaccine (OPV) — the same vaccine that is still widely used throughout the third world despite the serious known associated risks.
Meanwhile, the government officials will now be financially assaulting families who decide to avoid these ineffective and dangerous vaccinations. Unsurprisingly, public trust for the shots is at “its lowest ebb”, according to Hussain A. Gezari, the WHO’s envoy on global polio eradication.
Previous attempts by government to financially ‘punish’ parents who do not subject their children to the government-mandated vaccinations have been made in Australia, where the nation suggested stripping parents of non-vaccination children from tax benefits.
Explore More:
Activist Post
Despite powerful mainstream evidence showing that 78% of polio cases in Pakistan are among those vaccinated with the polio vaccine, and even the fact that the polio vaccine is now the leading cause of polio paralysis, Pakistan is now moving to slam parents of non-vaccinated children with fees and school bans.
The country has been battling the disease, which has been running rampant among those vaccinated against the condition for quite some time, even prompting potential travel restrictions until the epidemic is dealt with.
While attributing the spread and outbreak to unvaccinated children, and demonizing their parents for making such an ‘irresponsible’ choice, mainstream public statistics have shown that even those who have been administered polio drops on several occasions were still developing the disease.
According to the National Institute of Health, whose polio action group compiled the data in the report, 107 polio-affected children out of the 136 total patients had been given the polio drops under a prescribed schedule — doctor approved.
What’s more, World Health Organization states that Pakistan — despite the large percentage of prescribed vaccination — had the highest number of polio cases in a decade. But perhaps most shocking of them all is a report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that shows it is possible that these children are developing polio from the vaccine itself. The report states:
From 1980 through 1999, there were 162 confirmed cases of paralytic polio cases reported. Of the 162 cases, eight cases were acquired outside the United States and imported. The last imported case caused by wild poliovirus into the United States was reported in 1993. The remaining 154 cases were vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) caused by live oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV)… there is no clinical difference between paralytic polio caused by wild poliovirus, OPV, or VDPV.It should be no surprise, then, that vaccine-associated paralytic polio has emerged as the predominant form of the disease since 1980 according to peer-reviewed research.
Amazingly, this is no new discovery. The issues surrounding vaccine-induced polio paralysis was so serious that the US actually moved to the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (known as IPV) in 2000 following the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended altogether eliminating the live-virus oral polio vaccine (OPV) — the same vaccine that is still widely used throughout the third world despite the serious known associated risks.
Meanwhile, the government officials will now be financially assaulting families who decide to avoid these ineffective and dangerous vaccinations. Unsurprisingly, public trust for the shots is at “its lowest ebb”, according to Hussain A. Gezari, the WHO’s envoy on global polio eradication.
Previous attempts by government to financially ‘punish’ parents who do not subject their children to the government-mandated vaccinations have been made in Australia, where the nation suggested stripping parents of non-vaccination children from tax benefits.
Explore More:
- 78 Percent of Pakistani Children with Polio were Given Polio Vaccines
- African Country Threatens to Jail Parents for Skipping Polio Vaccination
- Cervarix Just as Dangerous as Gardasil
- Doctors Now ‘Firing’ Patients Who Reject Vaccination
- Major Poll: 63% Agree Parents Should Decide Childhood Vaccine Schedule, Not Government
- GSK Fined Over Illegal Vaccine Experiments Killing 14 Babies
Seems we need a vaccine for autism. UP 78% in a DECADE
(CNN) -- The number of children with autism in the United States continues to rise, according to a new report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The latest data estimate that 1 in 88 American children has some form of autism spectrum disorder. That's a 78% increase compared to a decade ago, according to the report.
Since 2000, the CDC has based its autism estimates on surveillance reports from its Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network. Every two years, researchers count how many 8-year-olds have autism in about a dozen communities across the nation. (The number of sites ranges from six to 14 over the years, depending on the available funding in a given year.)
In 2000 and 2002, the autism estimate was about 1 in 150 children. Two years later 1 in 125 8-year-olds had autism. In 2006, the number was 1 in 110, and the newest data -- from 2008 -- suggests 1 in 88 children have autism.
U.S. kids and autism
Overall: 1 in 88 U.S. kids have autism; up 78% from 2002 Total: Estimated 1,000,000 children with autism
Boys: 1 in 54; up 82% from 2002
Girls: 1 in 252; up 63% from 2002
Non-Hispanic white children: 1 in 83; up 70% from 2002
Non-Hispanic black children: 1 in 98; up 91% from 2002
Hispanic children: 1 in 127; up 110% from 2002
Symptoms typically apparent before age 3
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Boys with autism continue to outnumber girls 5-to-1, according to the CDC report. It estimates that 1 in 54 boys in the United States have autism.
Mark Roithmayr, president of the advocacy group Autism Speaks, says more children are being diagnosed with autism because of "better diagnosis, broader diagnosis, better awareness, and roughly 50% of 'We don't know.'"
He said the numbers show there is an epidemic of autism in the United States.
Early recognition of signs of autism -- a neurodevelopment disorder that leads to impaired language, communication and social skills -- is vital because it can lead to early intervention, says Dr. Gary Goldstein, an autism specialist and president of the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore.
"There have been studies -- double-blinded studies -- to show that behavioral early intervention changes the outcome for children," Goldstein says.
Roy Sanders and Charlie Bailey sensed something was wrong with their son Frankie Sanders when he was 9 months old.
"Our pediatrician at the time who was a friend of ours tried to tell us that we were being too cautious, we were being too anxious," Sanders says.
Frankie's pediatrician thought his parents were seeing developmental delays that weren't really there. But Frankie wasn't talking, Sanders says. "He didn't have speech; he didn't have any communication skills at all. He didn't point. He would flap quite a bit. He would stare at fans; he would stare at lights; he would become frantic if he didn't have a Thomas the [Tank] Engine because he was obsessed with Thomas the [Tank] Engine."
Frankie Sanders at age 15 months relaxes with his father Charlie Bailey.
His parents kept pushing, and Frankie, now a ninth-grade nose guard and defensive guard for the Decatur Bulldogs football team in Decatur, Georgia, was diagnosed with autism when he was 15 months old.
Possible signs
A child or adult with an autistic spectrum disorder might: --Repeat actions over and over
--Not look at objects when another person points to them
--Avoid eye contact and want to be alone
--Prefer not to be held or cuddled or might cuddle only when they want to
--Appear to be unaware when other people talk to them but respond to other sounds
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
"Early detection is associated with better outcomes," says CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden. "The earlier kids are detected, the earlier they could get services, and the less impairment they'll have on their learning and in their lives on a long-term basis is our best understanding."
The CDC is working with the Academy of American Pediatrics to recommend that children get screened for autism at ages 18 months and 24 months, Frieden says.
However, according to the CDC report, most children were diagnosed between ages 4 and 5, when a child's brain is already more developed and harder to change.
"Doctors are getting better at diagnosing autism; communities are getting much better at [providing] services to children with autism, and CDC scientists are getting much better at tracking which kids in the communities we're studying have autism," Frieden says.
"How much of that increase is a result of better tracking and how much of it is a result of an actual increase, we still don't know. We know more about autism today than we have ever known," he says, "but there is still so much we don't know and wish that we knew." watch video and original article HERE
French Rule~ No GO GMO's
Massive public protests spur France to ban plantings of Monsanto's MON810 GMO corn
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews)--On the heels of ongoing, massive protests against genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), French agricultural officials have announced that plantings of Monsanto's MON810 GM corn, which contains built-in Bt toxin, will no longer be permitted within France. Reports explain that the moratorium is only temporary, but since there is no indication that opposition to the "Frankencorn" will cease anytime soon, the ban could last indefinitely.
Last November, French authorities lifted a longtime ban that prohibited French farmers from planting MON810, a move that spurred nationwide backlash and protest. But less than six months later, the voices of the people have spoken so loudly that the ban has now been reinstated as a "precautionary measure" in order to "protect the environment."
"Due to the proximity of the planting season [authorities have] decided to take a precautionary measure to temporarily prohibit the cultivation of maize MON810 on the national territory to protect the environment," said a press release issued by French Agricultural Minister Bruno Le Maire and Minister for Ecology and Sustainable Development Francois Fillon.
Back in 2010, Germany also banned Monsanto's MON810 for the same environmental and health reasons. And Austria, Hungary, and Luxembourg, and of course France have all individually banned MON810 as well, despite the fact that the European Union approved its cultivation within EU borders back in 1998 (http://www.naturalnews.com/030733_Germany_GMOs.html).
In the United States, however, MON810 is widely planted, even though its effectiveness in resisting the Western rootworm beetle has waned significantly over the years. According to reports, the Western rootworm beetle has already developed complete resistance to MON810 in at least eleven U.S. states, and the problem is only expected to get progressively worse (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=29828).
Meanwhile, studies continue to roll in showing that MON810, as well as many other GMO varieties, are responsible for causing organ damage, infertility, neurological damage, and gastrointestinal dysfunction, among other problems (http://www.naturalnews.com/033784_GMO_animal_feed.html). And GMOs with multiple stacked traits, including those with Bt toxin, have also been shown to be exponentially more harmful than those with just one genetic modification (http://www.naturalnews.com/035093_GMO_genetic_traits_toxicity.html).
Environmental and human health concerns; insect and weed resistance; and loss of biodiversity caused by GMO agricultural technologies have all become so severe that a group of 22 corn entomologists who would normally support GM corn recently sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warning that one solution to this escalating problem is to begin planting non-GMO crops. original article here...
Last November, French authorities lifted a longtime ban that prohibited French farmers from planting MON810, a move that spurred nationwide backlash and protest. But less than six months later, the voices of the people have spoken so loudly that the ban has now been reinstated as a "precautionary measure" in order to "protect the environment."
"Due to the proximity of the planting season [authorities have] decided to take a precautionary measure to temporarily prohibit the cultivation of maize MON810 on the national territory to protect the environment," said a press release issued by French Agricultural Minister Bruno Le Maire and Minister for Ecology and Sustainable Development Francois Fillon.
Back in 2010, Germany also banned Monsanto's MON810 for the same environmental and health reasons. And Austria, Hungary, and Luxembourg, and of course France have all individually banned MON810 as well, despite the fact that the European Union approved its cultivation within EU borders back in 1998 (http://www.naturalnews.com/030733_Germany_GMOs.html).
In the United States, however, MON810 is widely planted, even though its effectiveness in resisting the Western rootworm beetle has waned significantly over the years. According to reports, the Western rootworm beetle has already developed complete resistance to MON810 in at least eleven U.S. states, and the problem is only expected to get progressively worse (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=29828).
Meanwhile, studies continue to roll in showing that MON810, as well as many other GMO varieties, are responsible for causing organ damage, infertility, neurological damage, and gastrointestinal dysfunction, among other problems (http://www.naturalnews.com/033784_GMO_animal_feed.html). And GMOs with multiple stacked traits, including those with Bt toxin, have also been shown to be exponentially more harmful than those with just one genetic modification (http://www.naturalnews.com/035093_GMO_genetic_traits_toxicity.html).
Environmental and human health concerns; insect and weed resistance; and loss of biodiversity caused by GMO agricultural technologies have all become so severe that a group of 22 corn entomologists who would normally support GM corn recently sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warning that one solution to this escalating problem is to begin planting non-GMO crops. original article here...
The Shocking Face Of China’s Brutal One Child Policy
Can’t happen here? Top academics and eugenicists are calling for what Obama’s science czar once advocated
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, March 29, 2012
This is the shocking face of China’s brutal one child policy which many academics and pressure groups are now calling to be imposed in the west – the image shows a 9 month old baby lying dead in a bucket, forcibly aborted by Chinese family planning authorities in the town of Moshan, Shandong province.
Because the parents of the baby already had a child, they were hunted down and forced to comply with China’s draconian one child policy. The mother was injected with a poison that induced an abortion, but after the baby was “pulled out inhumanly like a piece of meat,” it was still alive and began to cry before doctors slung the defenseless child into a bucket and left it to die.
The time stamp on the image tells us the baby was killed on Monday. The image began circulating today on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, which has around 260 million members. The story has attracted widespread revulsion directed against the family planning authorities responsible for the murder of the baby.
China’s one child policy is enforced by way of forced abortions, infanticide and compulsory sterilization. In many cases, women are literally kidnapped off the street by state goons from the “Birth Control Office,” driven to government hospitals, drugged, and their child is forcibly aborted.
In one case in 2009, both a young woman and her baby were killed after such an abduction in Liaocheng City.
“According to a Doctor at the hospital where the two died, the young woman was kidnapped by the “Birth Control Office” and taken to the hospital where she was forced to undergo an abortion procedure,” reported the Epoch Times.
“The young woman fought with staff to protect her unborn child however a half a dozen men, pushed her down on a bed and injected her with a drug to induce labor. After the young woman had a still birth, she developed a massive hemorrhage and soon thereafter died.”
The practice of infanticide has its origins in barbaric eras of ancient history, but it is still common is many areas of the world today, including China where the one child policy allied with the social pressure to have boys has resulted in a massive imbalance in the population. Studies have found that 40 million girls are ‘missing’ in China as a result of gender-selective abortion and infanticide. In India, there are 50 million less females for the same reasons.
Advocates of population control, which is nothing more than a disguise for modern day eugenics, have long pressured for the one child policy to be enforced in the west. In 2009, an article written in Canada’s National Postargued for “A planetary law, such as China’s one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate.”
In his 1977 book Ecoscience, current White House science czar John P. Holdren floated the idea of forced abortions and compulsory sterilization, amongst a raft of other draconian population control measures, all of which would be carried out by a “Planetary Regime”. read on...
Bob Brown ~ Pawn Star
Australian Globalist Senator Bob Brown Calls for World Government
Activist Post
The Globalists have officially infiltrated the Australian Government and have now admitted on record that they want Australia to lead the world to introduce global government and the new world order.
Australian Globalist, Greens Party leader and unofficial leader of the Australian Labor Party, Senator Bob Brown, has been quoted as saying that the “world should be ruled by a new global parliament under the auspices of the United Nations”
Senator Bob Brown then went on the say that "Australia should to take the lead in establishing aglobal parliament to govern issues such as nuclear proliferation, international financial transactions and poverty."
These comments made by Globalist Senator Bob Brown prove that the government is now actively seeking global government and the new world order. Senator Bob Brown even went as far to describe how a global government will function. He was quoted as saying "a global government should consist of a bicameral (two houses) parliament with equal representation from every nation."
This is not the first time Senator Bob Brown has declared that we should all accept global government and the new world order. In June 2011, Senator Bob Brown was quoted as saying “the issue of a global parliament was "conceptual" at the moment. He then went on to say that "why should Australia not be at the centre of what is inevitably going to be a global parliamentary governance down the line – if we human beings are going to live with each other on this marvellous planet of ours as we go on our joy ride of the future? Of course we are going to have to make consensus decisions."
As concerning as the above statements made by Senator Bob Brown are, what’s even more concerning is that at the moment he has the influence, power and political mandate to direct Australian foreign public policy. As a result of the close nature of the last Australian federal election, the Greens Party and the Labor party in Australia have joined forces to form government with the help of three independent senators.
So what does this mean for Australia and the Globalist agenda? Well, because we now have evidence that the government is actively seeking global government and a new world order, we can use this information to gather support and build momentum in the wider community to campaign and rally against the globalist agenda and global government. We must stop the formation of global government and we must not allow the Globalists to further influence our politicians.
Global government will only benefit the Globalists and multinational corporations. You and I are not part of the globalist agenda and will suffer the most if a global government is formed. There is now no doubt that the Globalists are seeking a formal global government and this is the most compelling evidence of how the government and globalists are seeking to establish the framework of the new world order since that famous speech made by George Bush Senior. original article HERE...
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