Wave of Banking Resignations Likely Foreshadows Financial Collapse
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Activist Post
On March 20, 2012, I wrote an article entitled “Worldwide Banking Resignations Triple According To Revised Numbers: Why Now?” which listed the latest banking, CEO, and financial institution resignations as compiled by independent blog, American Kabuki. At the time of the writing of that article, the list of resignations had reached a total of 358.
This was in fact the third article I had written on the subject; the second being a discussion on the statistics provided by American Kabuki regarding the average number of resignations in years past compared to those currently being announced which, if the information is correct, skyrocketed in late 2011.
In all three of the articles in which I addressed this topic, I ended the piece by asking the obvious question -- “Why?”
Why are so many bankers, board members, and CEOs suddenly resigning from their posts? More specifically, why are they resigning now?
Unfortunately, as of this writing, these questions remain unanswered. In fact, there is not even a hint as to why this mass exodus is occurring. Nevertheless, let us briefly consider a few possibilities.
Initially, one might suspect that these individuals, acting on some sort of insider information (which they are obviously doing), are exiting the ranks of institutions that will soon be the focus of a massive investigation by relevant authorities. One might logically suspect that the rats are jumping ship to save their own skins which will be all the more in danger if they remain in their positions when the investigation begins.
However, although this may be one of the first reasons for such resignations that come to mind, upon further examination, one finds some major holes in this theory.
For instance, if one has been part of a major crime (as the vast majority of these institutions have been), it is not likely that the mere prospect of being retired or employed by another institution would prevent prosecution once that crime has come to light.
In fact, one might be better served by remaining on board so as to be in an even better position by which to cover up evidence and confound the investigators. That is, if one did not think the effort completely hopeless. Keep in mind, many individuals who were in a position to provide or deny evidence regarding the record put options on American Airlines, United Airlines, and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter shortly before 9/11, would not have been able to remain stone silent if they had not remained in their position so that they could be deputized during the investigation.
Of course, if one did find a cover-up to be impossible, it is also likely that one would resign in “protest,” being “appalled” at the corruption witnessed inside the institution. Yet, with that in mind, it should be noted that there have been very few “protest” resignations announced in the latest wave of departures.
It is almost universally recognized that large banking institutions are rife with corruption, fraud, and predatory practices. The 2008 housing crisis is case in point. Here, large institutions wereintentionally giving loans that were nothing more than ticking time bombs to recipients whom they knew would never be able to repay them. Indeed, it was found that the majority of these loans were completely fraudulent from the start with the borrowers being fooled into accepting them. Not only that, but the 2008 housing crisis was merely a smokescreen cover for the larger crisis of derivatives looming above them – another banker-engineered scam that is threatening to bring down the world economy at some point in the near future. (See Webster G. Tarpley’s excellent book, Surviving The Cataclysm to understand the full extent to which derivatives threaten the world economy.)
But it was the agencies such as the SEC, who are tasked with policing such behavior, that allowed much of this criminality to continue over and over for decades. Punishments have been minute where they have been meted out at all, and the transfer of wealth from the average American to the coffers of the large international banks has been facilitated by no other institution more so than the Federal government.
The Federal Reserve, itself a cartel of private international banks, stood to gain nothing by acting in the interests of the American people, and they have acted in obvious knowledge and accordance with this fact.
Therefore, with such massive levels of corruption in every regulatory agency tasked with policing private banks, it seems there is little concern that a real, large-scale, investigation with real, large-scale repercussions for the criminals being investigated will actually occur. Obviously, if there is no looming investigation, then our first supposition regarding the resignations begins to lose its steam.
That is, of course, unless the information provided by individuals like David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford turns out to be true. Likewise for the lawsuits filed by Neil Keenan and Joseph Riad.
However, having mentioned the looming derivatives bubble, there is also the suggestion that many of those resigning are simply bailing out before the rocket ship they rode to riches crashes back down to earth, taking all of the little people with it.
Whether it is what now seems to be the foregone conclusion of WW3 in the Middle East, derivatives, IMF shock therapy, simple default, subversion, societal unrest, or even natural disasters, one thing is almost for certain – the house of cards known as the “economy” is going to fall.
There is little doubt that many of the individuals now cashing in their chips would be in a position to know when that collapse is coming, and others may see it coming simply by watching the signs of the times. Whether it’s the attitude of “Get out while you can,” or “Our work here is done,” there seems to be a growing trend of aristocrats rushing for the exits while the rest of us stand around in amazement wondering just what is going on.
But there is also the possibility that the resignation stampede is not a stampede at all, but something much more orderly. While an economic collapse seems imminent, perhaps the banking lords are neither abandoning ship nor rearranging the deck chairs on their sinking vessel -- perhaps they are simply rearranging the corporate structure.
Perhaps many of those who have recently announced their resignation are not pulling out of the game entirely, but merely warming the bench for a return when the next play is called for them. Simply put, what if those who are now resigning are only waiting to take up new positions in some other institution?
Going one step further, however; what if, in addition to an economic collapse, there is also a coming merger that will make some of their current positions obsolete? Remember, we have been hearing calls for world government structures and mechanisms of “global governance” for some time.
Much like the snowballing number of resignations in recent months, we have also been hearing a flurry of calls for a world banking system that will control not just world finance but the monetary and fiscal policies of every nation on the planet.
Of course, I am not claiming that any of these ruminations are definite answers to why so many resignations have occurred in such a short period. I am merely presenting some of the more heavily pondered suggestions with reasons for why they might be true (or not).
The truth is, as I stated earlier, that we simply do not know the reason why. At this point, we can only speculate that something significant is taking shape. Yet the fact is also that, whatever the cause, those resigning their positions do know the reasons why, even if they only know their own personal reasons. This information would likely be very helpful to those of us who are not part of the elite global cabal.
Please feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments section below as to why you think so many resignations have recently been announced.
Read other articles by Brandon Turbeville here.
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Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of three books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, and Five Sense Solutions. Turbeville has published over one hundred articles dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville is available for podcast, radio, and TV interviews. Please contact us at activistpost (at) gmail.com original article here
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