Existentialist wanker blinded by Perfection. Question authority. Ask me anything....
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Materialist World View Must Go- Mark Vernon
The rigid 19th-century materialist orthodoxy should be challenged to allow broader interpretations.
Of materialism, he wrote:
“[This] frame was so narrow and rigid that it was difficult to find a place in it for many concepts of our language that had always belonged to its very substance, for instance, the concept of mind, of the human soul or of life. Mind could be introduced into the general picture only as a kind of mirror of the material world.”
Today we live in the 21st century, and it seems that we are still stuck with this narrow and rigid view of the things. As Rupert Sheldrake puts it in his new book,The Science Delusion: “The belief system that governs conventional scientific thinking is an act of faith, grounded in a 19th-century ideology.”
That’s provocative rhetoric. Science an act of faith? Science a belief system? But then how else to explain the grip of the mechanistic, physicalist, purposeless cosmology? As Heisenberg explained, physicists among themselves have long stopped thinking of atoms as things. They exist as potentialities or possibilities, not objects or facts. And yet, materialism persists.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Cranky? You're not the only one...
Rant, 36 Billion Pounds, WHAT THE F**K! Swearing over 18's, For the
Sheep, WAke Up!
Justice or "Just Us" . Harvested by the legal cystem
US judges tragic kickback greed exposes prison system profiteering
Yes the Police and Military are here to help you not harm...
Ooh Goody! LAX FEMA Rendition Site Confirmed 1/2
New Scheduled “Drills” Detected – Military / Cops in LA, Inside Info
This week, a joint military exercise is being held in downtown Los Angeles. CBS news reported is reporting a heavy military presence in downtown LA, as well as other parts of the Los Angeles metropolitan are.
According to a police spokesperson interviewed by CBS, “these exercises are designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirements.”
The LAPD is also participating in the exercise. The military service branches participating in the exercise may be the California National Guard and the California State Military Reserve.
California guardsmen have recently been going through ‘riot control’ training at the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base, just south of Los Angeles. Although the Los Alamitos facility was first built during World War II as a Navy Base, the California National Guard began using it for ‘riot control’ training, particularly after the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.
As part of these joint military exercises, the California Guard may also be working on their C.E.R.T. training(Community Emergency Response Teams), which also involves police officers and first responders.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Willful Ignorance
by Zen Gardner
Let's face it. This isn't reality. It's a fleeting world of voluntary make believe only adopted by self-numbing drones too afraid to even ask questions any more.
And they do it willfully. We all do.
Whatever any of us do is a willful act of varying degrees of acceptance or non-compliance. As the old adage goes, "Either we're part of the problem or we're part of the solution." Now apply that to all of the economic, societal, interpersonal and spiritual levels we operate on and there's where we'll find an inspiring and meaningful, or dead and conforming, life.
The point is we choose our reality, even if one's imposed on us. If it's comfy cozy enough, the rut fits OK, or people are sufficiently intimidated and allow themselves to be dis-empowered, most will actually be happy to trudge through their assigned trench rather than stick their heads up even for a moment to wonder where they're going and why they're doing what they're doing.
Oddly enough.
And this apparent propensity for illusion rather than reality gets a lot of help. By whom? Not just those addicted to a sleepy "don't rock the boat" way of life, but this tendency lays humanity wide open for conquest. Some smarty pants power pushers seem to know about this inclination to trust and follow rather than exercise discernment, critical thought and independent behavior.
And heck, like any good discovery or invention, or as the ravenous fascio-corporotist system teaches....let's take advantage of it and stick it to 'em.
Would be nice, but I don't think so. They would need to be "ignorant" of what's truly going on.
If you want to know what psychopathic elitist power freaks would do, just look around at the world today. Something's been completely and systematically laid out and reinforced at every level for a long, long time and mistakenly we think we have something to say about it. All by design.
Unfortunately, what it boils down to is the only freedom you think you have is virtually the freedom to roam around your jail cell, and sometimes the mess hall and exercise yard.
Not a nice thought, but virtually true. But only for those who subscribe to it. Which is almost everyone, to varying degrees. And what makes this apparent approach so effective? Everyone thinks they're free, but all within carefully defined and confined parameters.
And the sheeple have no idea.
See if these few symptoms fit the world we live in:
And yes, you can argue it's still a reality. So is the torturous world of someone who is mentally disturbed. Would you call that reality? If not, what in you is telling you it is something more than that poor tortured soul's version? And to what degree are all of us tortured or deprived souls compared to some vastly greater and more wonderful reality?
Get the picture? It's consciousness watching through you!
What happens when someone comes along to dare mention we're looking at shadows in the cave versus the light, as Plato taught? Aren't these the very ones decried as troublemakers, whack jobs and conspiracy freaks?

In the end, the silent Native American named Chief Bromden can't stand to see his full of life liberating friend lay there in his lobotomized state and performs a mercy killing. Thanks to McMurphy's constant encouragement to his friend to make a break for freedom, in spite of the big Indian's admitted tendency to just enjoy the comforts of security, he then picks up a large piece of furniture, smashes it through the caged window, and runs to freedom.
That's where we are today.

Let's face it. This isn't reality. It's a fleeting world of voluntary make believe only adopted by self-numbing drones too afraid to even ask questions any more.
And they do it willfully. We all do.
Whatever any of us do is a willful act of varying degrees of acceptance or non-compliance. As the old adage goes, "Either we're part of the problem or we're part of the solution." Now apply that to all of the economic, societal, interpersonal and spiritual levels we operate on and there's where we'll find an inspiring and meaningful, or dead and conforming, life.
None of This Has To Be
There are no poor, ignorant masses. Ignorant perhaps, but not so poor they can't wake up. We all have the spiritual resources at any given time to have absolutely thrilling and fulfilling lives.Oddly enough.
And this apparent propensity for illusion rather than reality gets a lot of help. By whom? Not just those addicted to a sleepy "don't rock the boat" way of life, but this tendency lays humanity wide open for conquest. Some smarty pants power pushers seem to know about this inclination to trust and follow rather than exercise discernment, critical thought and independent behavior.
And heck, like any good discovery or invention, or as the ravenous fascio-corporotist system teaches....let's take advantage of it and stick it to 'em.
The Weaponization of Ignorance
If some parasitic force was so self-serving as to actually live off of the inhabitants of a land or planet, what world would they create to better control the population? An awake and aware one that knew it was being used and harvested and kept from the truth of their potential? One where love and spontaneity and loving interaction created a utopian society with plenty for all, as it could and will be one day?Would be nice, but I don't think so. They would need to be "ignorant" of what's truly going on.
If you want to know what psychopathic elitist power freaks would do, just look around at the world today. Something's been completely and systematically laid out and reinforced at every level for a long, long time and mistakenly we think we have something to say about it. All by design.
Unfortunately, what it boils down to is the only freedom you think you have is virtually the freedom to roam around your jail cell, and sometimes the mess hall and exercise yard.
Not a nice thought, but virtually true. But only for those who subscribe to it. Which is almost everyone, to varying degrees. And what makes this apparent approach so effective? Everyone thinks they're free, but all within carefully defined and confined parameters.
And the sheeple have no idea.
Our Synthesized World
If you were to describe the way to herd a society, what would you create? I know, sounds Machiavellian, but that's how these types think. You gotta realize there are people like this--they exist, they thrive on your energy, and they're using you!See if these few symptoms fit the world we live in:
- --An inherent need for hierarchy. If the people assume there are those deemed to be their masters who know better and are somehow superior, be it the royalty scam, or the plethora of commercial, political and religious overlords, control is a slam dunk.
- --Economic stranglehold in a world of scarcity. If there is a fear of not having enough in an imposed system of controlled means of exchange you can play the masses like a fiddle at the touch of their scrambling, fearful nervous systems.
- --War brings peace and security. Ah, we do need a common enemy to keep the war machine churning out weapons, burning up fuel and money, and sending its youth to the meat grinder. That should keep everyone busy.
- --Survival of the fittest and domination by the rich. Again, we deserve to be ruled over. Pound this one hard. And while you're at it, dumb down your populace with drugs, altered food and a poison environment.
- --Bread and circus. What, me worry? Everyone's happy on Super Bowl Sunday! Bamboozled baboons belching beer and bratwurst while the world burns.
What If Everyone Just Woke Up?
This whole present day system we perceive is a smoke and mirrors charade consisting of manipulated levels of information to create a controllable, presupposed existence. That the great hoards of inhabitants sway to the same rhythms and participate in such things as barbaric wars, an obviously controlled banking and economic system, and blinding, debasing religious dogmas and rigamarole says it all.And yes, you can argue it's still a reality. So is the torturous world of someone who is mentally disturbed. Would you call that reality? If not, what in you is telling you it is something more than that poor tortured soul's version? And to what degree are all of us tortured or deprived souls compared to some vastly greater and more wonderful reality?
Get the picture? It's consciousness watching through you!
What happens when someone comes along to dare mention we're looking at shadows in the cave versus the light, as Plato taught? Aren't these the very ones decried as troublemakers, whack jobs and conspiracy freaks?
It's Time To Flee the Coop!
Ken Kesey's classic "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" tells the story. The "live ones", the truly sane, are locked up and managed by psychopathic power freaks who will stop at nothing to control their subjects. Those who dare to challenge not only their authority but their whole viewpoint, as symbolized by the mental institution, will be given even greater doses of mind-numbing drugs, electric shock treatments and even lobotomies.In the end, the silent Native American named Chief Bromden can't stand to see his full of life liberating friend lay there in his lobotomized state and performs a mercy killing. Thanks to McMurphy's constant encouragement to his friend to make a break for freedom, in spite of the big Indian's admitted tendency to just enjoy the comforts of security, he then picks up a large piece of furniture, smashes it through the caged window, and runs to freedom.
That's where we are today.
The chief couldn't stand it any longer. Neither should anyone.
Don't just stand there. Break out of the prison...physically, mentally, spiritually. It's time.
To delay is to deny.
A beautiful, fully conscious Universal reality based in Love and Truth awaits, but you gotta act on it. And it's not some mental state. It's whole-istic, meaning everything about you and your world needs to jump in however you're led.
Get there. And soon. It's your only refuge and place of protection and empowerment.
Love, Zen
Don't just stand there. Break out of the prison...physically, mentally, spiritually. It's time.
To delay is to deny.
A beautiful, fully conscious Universal reality based in Love and Truth awaits, but you gotta act on it. And it's not some mental state. It's whole-istic, meaning everything about you and your world needs to jump in however you're led.
Get there. And soon. It's your only refuge and place of protection and empowerment.
Love, Zen
The rules of Engagement
Afghan soldier 'killed French troops over US abuse video'
An Afghan soldier who shot dead four French troops has said he did it because of a recent video showing US Marines urinating on the dead bodies of Taliban insurgents, security sources said.
"During the initial interrogations by French soldiers, he told them he did it because of the video in which American soldiers were urinating on bodies," an Afghan army officer said.
The report was backed by an intelligence source and another with access to information from the Afghan ministry of defence, both of whom requested anonymity.
"In his initial confessions, he said that he was strongly motivated to kill the soldiers when he saw the video of a foreign soldiers urinating on Afghan corpses," the intelligence source said.
French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet said during a visit to Kabul at the weekend that he had been told the soldier who killed the four soldiers and wounded 15 others was a Taliban infiltrator.
But President Hamid Karzai did not make the same accusation in a statement Sunday, describing the attack as "an isolated and individual action".
The video, posted online earlier this month, showed four US soldiers urinating on three bloodied corpses, and one of the men, apparently aware he was being filmed, saying: "Have a great day, buddy," referring to one of the dead.
The images conjured up previous abuses committed by US troops during the decade-long war and top US officials scrambled to condemn the soldiers
Who are the Criminals?
Canadian Army Having Fun By Blowing Up Villager's House In
Guantanamo Remembered
Enough Israel!
David Icke - Time To Remove the Centre of the Spider
Rapper Lowkey exposes Zionism
israel is a nuclear state
israel is a terrorist state
israel is a pirate state
israel is an apartheid state
israel is an illegal state
israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS
israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony
the UN itself said zionism is racism
Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism
look up who were the 5 people arrested on the George Washington Bridge on 9/11, what they had in their van, & how the arrests were reported the first day but then disappeared from US tv PERMANENTLY
high profile people who have acknowledged the ISRAELI MOSSAD involvement in the 9/11 attacks
I can list several off the top of my head:
former head of the US ARMY WAR COLLEGE, Dr Alan Sabrosky
former PRESIDENT OF ITALY, Francesco Cossiga
former MI5 agent, Annie Machon
renowned BBC correspondent Alan Hart
US Marine Ken O'keefe
there are more, but these are the ones I can list off the top of my head
israel is a terrorist state
israel is a pirate state
israel is an apartheid state
israel is an illegal state
israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS
israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony
the UN itself said zionism is racism
Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism
look up who were the 5 people arrested on the George Washington Bridge on 9/11, what they had in their van, & how the arrests were reported the first day but then disappeared from US tv PERMANENTLY
high profile people who have acknowledged the ISRAELI MOSSAD involvement in the 9/11 attacks
I can list several off the top of my head:
former head of the US ARMY WAR COLLEGE, Dr Alan Sabrosky
former PRESIDENT OF ITALY, Francesco Cossiga
former MI5 agent, Annie Machon
renowned BBC correspondent Alan Hart
US Marine Ken O'keefe
there are more, but these are the ones I can list off the top of my head
GMO Sterilization
Saturday, 21 January 2012 10:41
'Jerry Rosman, a pig farmer in Iowa, was cultivating GMO corn,(Roundup Ready and BT) and fed this corn to his pigs. Result: his sows became infertile, and then after one year he went bankrupt.'
This week, Jesse Lieberfeld an11th-grade American Jewish teenager won the Dietrich College’s 2012 Martin Luther King, Jr. Writing Awards for composing a beautiful piece about his own moral awakening and journey away from Judaism.
“I once belonged to a wonderful religion. I belonged to a religion that allows those of us who believe in it to feel that we are the greatest people in the world—and feel sorry for ourselves at the same time,” says young Jesse. However, it seems that it didn’t take too long before Jesse found out for himself that what he was part of was neither flattering or glorious.
To read Jesse prose click here
Jewish tribal cultural indoctrination is a full-on, comprehensive process. “Although I was fortunate enough to have parents who did not try to force me into any one set of beliefs, being Jewish was in no way possible to escape growing up”, says Jesse. “It was constantly reinforced at every holiday, every service, and every encounter with the rest of my relatives.”
Inherent to the culture and its maintenance is self-love. “I was forever reminded how intelligent my family was, how important it was to remember where we had come from, and to be proud of all the suffering our people had overcome in order to finally achieve their dream in the perfect society of Israel.”
Jewish ideological and cultural ‘programming’ is rather sophisticated. It is a unique dynamic pattern practiced in both a collective and an individual way. But those who carry the message aren’t themselves fully aware of their role within the tribal ideologythey aim to maintain.
Of course Jews hold many different, and even contradictory, political beliefs. But however diverse their views may be somehow, those who are identified as Jews politically always unite against any attempt to criticise the cultural and ideological foundation of their tribal bond. Young Jesse is clearly aware of this. On the surface, it was the crimes against the Palestinians that provoked his ethical sense. “I grew more concerned. I routinely heard about unexplained mass killings, attacks on medical bases, and other alarmingly violent actions for which I could see no possible reason. ‘Genocide’ almost seemed the more appropriate term, yet no one I knew would have ever dreamed of portraying the war in that manner; they always described the situation in shockingly neutral terms.”
One of the most sophisticated tribal aspects of Jewish culture maintenance is the gradual manner in which criticism is silenced. “Whenever I brought up the subject, I was always given the answer that there were faults on both sides, that no one was really to blame, or simply that it was a “difficult situation.” This common Hasbara argument on the surface sounds reasonable but it ignores the fact that in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict there is a clear distinction between the aggressor and the victim. The Israelis are the ethnic cleansers and the occupiers. The Palestinians, on the other hand, are the expelled, the racially discriminated, the abused, deprived, locked behind walls and barbed wire in open air jails and, in some cases, even starved.
But Jesse seems to be made of the stuff of honesty. Unlike some of the Jewish leftists who presents a pseudo-moral argument only to gain credibility so that he/she can then vet the discourse, young Jesse presses on, stripping himself of any trace of choseness and exceptionalism. “It was not until eighth grade that I fully understood what I was on the side of. One afternoon, after a fresh round of killings was announced on our bus ride home, I asked two of my friends who actively supported Israel what they thought. “We need to defend our race,” they told me. “It’s our right.”
I once belonged to a wonderful religion. I belonged to a religion that allows those of us who believe in it to feel that we are the greatest people in the world -- and feel sorry for ourselves at the same time. Once, I thought that I truly belonged in this world of security, self-pity, self-proclaimed intelligence and perfect moral aesthetic. I thought myself to be somewhat privileged early on. It was soon revealed to me, however, that my fellow believers and I were not part of anything so flattering.
Although I was fortunate enough to have parents who did not try to force me into any one set of beliefs, being Jewish was in no way possible to escape growing up. It was constantly reinforced at every holiday, every service and every encounter with the rest of my relatives. I was forever reminded how intelligent my family was, how important it was to remember where we had come from, and to be proud of all the suffering our people had overcome in order to finally achieve their dream in the perfect society of Israel.
This last mandatory belief was one which I never fully understood, but I always kept the doubts I had about Israel's spotless reputation to the back of my mind. "Our people" were fighting a war, one I did not fully comprehend, but I naturally assumed that it must be justified. We would never be so amoral as to fight an unjust war.
Yet as I came to learn more about our so-called "conflict" with the Palestinians, I grew more concerned. I routinely heard about unexplained mass killings, attacks on medical bases and other alarmingly violent actions for which I could see no possible reason. "Genocide" almost seemed the more appropriate term, yet no one I knew would have ever dreamed of portraying the war in that manner; they always described the situation in shockingly neutral terms. Whenever I brought up the subject, I was always given the answer that there were faults on both sides, that no one was really to blame, or simply that it was a "difficult situation."
It was not until eighth grade that I fully understood what I was on the side of. One afternoon, after a fresh round of killings was announced on our bus ride home, I asked two of my friends who actively supported Israel what they thought. "We need to defend our race," they told me. "It's our right."
"We need to defend our race."
Where had I heard that before? Wasn't it the same excuse our own country had used to justify its abuses of African-Americans 60 years ago?
In that moment, I realized how similar the two struggles were -- like the white radicals of that era, we controlled the lives of another people whom we abused daily, and no one could speak out against us. It was too politically incorrect to do so. We had suffered too much, endured too many hardships, and overcome too many losses to be criticized. I realized then that I was in no way part of a "conflict" -- the term "Israeli/Palestinian Conflict" was no more accurate than calling the Civil Rights Movement the "Caucasian/ African-American Conflict."
In both cases, the expression was a blatant euphemism: it gave the impression that this was a dispute among equals and that both held an equal share of the blame. However, in both, there was clearly an oppressor and an oppressed, and I felt horrified at the realization that I was by nature on the side of the oppressors. I was grouped with the racial supremacists. I was part of a group that killed while praising its own intelligence and reason. I was part of a delusion.
I thought of the leader of the other oppressed side of years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. He too had been part of a struggle that had been hidden and glossed over for the convenience of those against whom he fought. What would his reaction have been? As it turned out, it was precisely the same as mine. As he wrote in his letter from Birmingham Jail, he believed the greatest enemy of his cause to be "Not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who ... lives by a mythical concept of time.... Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."
When I first read those words, I felt as if I were staring at myself in a mirror. All my life I had been conditioned to simply treat the so-called conflict with the same apathy which King had so forcefully condemned. I, too, held the role of an accepting moderate. I, too, "lived by a mythical concept of time," shrouded in my own surreal world and the set of beliefs that had been assigned to me. I had never before felt so trapped.
I decided to make one last appeal to my religion. If it could not answer my misgivings, no one could.
The next time I attended a service, there was an open question-and-answer session about any point of our religion. I wanted to place my dilemma in as clear and simple terms as I knew how. I thought out my exact question over the course of the 17-minute cello solo that was routinely played during service. Previously, I had always accepted this solo as just another part of the program, yet now it seemed to capture the whole essence of our religion: intelligent and well-crafted on paper, yet completely oblivious to the outside world (the soloist did not have the faintest idea of how masterfully he was putting us all to sleep).
When I was finally given the chance to ask a question, I asked: "I want to support Israel. But how can I when it lets its army commit so many killings?" I was met with a few angry glares from some of the older men, but the rabbi answered me.
"It is a terrible thing, isn't it?" he said. "But there's nothing we can do. It's just a fact of life."
I knew, of course, that the war was no simple matter and that we did not by any means commit murder for its own sake, but to portray our killings as a "fact of life" was simply too much for me to accept. I thanked him and walked out shortly afterward. I never went back.
I thought about what I could do. If nothing else, I could at least try to free myself from the burden of being saddled with a belief I could not hold with a clear conscience. I could not live the rest of my life as one of the pathetic moderates whom King had rightfully portrayed as the worst part of the problem. I did not intend to go on being one of the Self-Chosen People, identifying myself as part of a group to which I did not belong.
It was different not being the ideal nice Jewish boy. The difference was subtle, yet by no means unaffecting. Whenever it came to the attention of any of our more religious family friends that I did not share their beliefs, I was met with either a disapproving stare and a quick change of the subject or an alarmed cry of, "What? Doesn't Israel matter to you?" Relatives talked down to me more afterward, but eventually I stopped noticing the way adults around me perceived me. It was worth it to no longer feel as though I were just another apathetic part of the machine.
I can obviously never know what it must have been like to be an African-American in the 1950s. I do feel, however, as though I know exactly what it must have been like to be white during that time, to live under an aura of moral invincibility, to hold unchallengeable beliefs, and to contrive illusions of superiority to avoid having to face simple everyday truths. That illusion was nice while it lasted, but I decided to pass it up. I have never been happier.
Jesse Lieberfeld is an 11th-grader at Winchester Thurston.
Ron Paul. Great but still not good enuf
Ron Paul's Masonic Jewish Economics
Whether or not a currency is backed by gold makes no difference.
As long as we pay interest, it is still Masonic Jewish (i.e. Illuminati)
economics. The real alternative is interest-free currency.
As long as we pay interest, it is still Masonic Jewish (i.e. Illuminati)
economics. The real alternative is interest-free currency.
by Anthony Migchels
As we know, the Illuminati Jewish Money Power likes playing the Hegelian Dialecticgame and controlling both sides of the conflict. Clearly, they will have their answer ready when their Fiat Empire comes to it's end.
That answer may be "Austrian" Economics. Here's why "Austrian" economics espoused by Ron Paul is really another dialectic of Masonic Jewish economics.:
Murray Rothbard was a son of poor Jewish immigrants from Poland. Ludwig von Mises was a son of a wealthy Jewish financier family from what is now the Ukraine. When von Mises came to the US, he was set up with a grant from the Rockefellers.
Austrian Economics correctly identifies the manipulation of the money supply as the cause of the boom/bust, a.k.a business cycle. This is the kernel of truth necessary to give credibility to the rest of the disinformation. However, they completely ignore the wealth transfer through interest, which is the crux of the problem.
Interest has always been the Money Power's main instrument. It took control of the planet by starting wars, financing both sides, and having Governments go deeply into debt.
Interest is a wealth transfer from the poorest 80% to the richest 10%.
As we know, the Illuminati Jewish Money Power likes playing the Hegelian Dialecticgame and controlling both sides of the conflict. Clearly, they will have their answer ready when their Fiat Empire comes to it's end.
That answer may be "Austrian" Economics. Here's why "Austrian" economics espoused by Ron Paul is really another dialectic of Masonic Jewish economics.:
Murray Rothbard was a son of poor Jewish immigrants from Poland. Ludwig von Mises was a son of a wealthy Jewish financier family from what is now the Ukraine. When von Mises came to the US, he was set up with a grant from the Rockefellers.
Austrian Economics correctly identifies the manipulation of the money supply as the cause of the boom/bust, a.k.a business cycle. This is the kernel of truth necessary to give credibility to the rest of the disinformation. However, they completely ignore the wealth transfer through interest, which is the crux of the problem.
Interest has always been the Money Power's main instrument. It took control of the planet by starting wars, financing both sides, and having Governments go deeply into debt.
Interest is a wealth transfer from the poorest 80% to the richest 10%.
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