Finally, an explanation emerges for presence of men in black and tan uniforms
Steve Watson
April 21, 2013
After days of speculation and calls for officials to provide an explanation, it has emerged that the unidentified military style group pictured at the scene of the Boston bombing both before and after the explosions could be National Guard Civil Support Teams (CSTs) that were pre-scheduled to be at the event.
CSTs are The National Guard’s full-time response force for emergencies or terrorist events involving weapons of mass destruction, toxic chemicals, or natural disasters. CSTs are routinely pre-staged at large public events to help mitigate risks and assist civilian authorities.
A report published on silive on Saturday, notes that Defense Secretary Hagel has decided to rescind a decision to defund 24th National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team (WMD-CST). The team is described as “The only U.S. military team assigned to New York City to support first responders in case of a disaster.”
Within the report it is stated that “Members of the New York unit were less than a block away from the deadly the April 15 explosions at the Boston Marathon. They were part of a survey squad deployed at the request of their counterpart unit in Massachusetts.”
The report notes that “Each U.S. state and territory has at least one of the specially trained National Guard response teams,” and that “WMD-CSTs are trained to provide rapid military support to civil authorities in the event of a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear threat.”
This would explain why one of the military men was pictured holding a radiation monitoring device in the immediate aftermath of the bombing.
In a separate April 16 report by Global Security Newswire, it is noted that members of the New York CST team were dispatched to Boston on the Friday before the event, and were scheduled to be in place at the Marathon on the Monday:
The roughly 20-person New York unit — based at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn — dispatched five personnel to Boston after receiving a request last Friday from the Massachusetts state government, said Eric Durr, public information director for the New York state Military and Naval Affairs Division.In a report published April 16, one day after the Boston bombing, the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs featured the activities and exercises of their own state CST team. Within the report, Wisconsin CST commander Lt. Col. David W. May states “There are two CSTs that are engaged out there (in Boston) in the response… In fact, one of the first images that I saw was the Massachusetts CST was actually right there.”
“Anytime you’ve got a high-key event where there’s lots of people, there’s usually a … unit from a civil support team in the area to provide assistance to first responders,” Durr told Global Security Newswire by telephone. He declined to discuss specifics of how the 24th personnel provided assistance following the Monday attack.
Is May referring to the images of the military types that were pictured all over the scene? It seems highly likely.
A picture published by The London Guardian that was not widely circulated shows more of the military type men at the scene after the bombs went off. Although these men are dressed in similar garb, they are more clearly identified as CST support members.
Pictures of CST members from 2011 and 2012 wearing khaki and black uniforms can be found widely on the internet:…………
As to why one of the military types at the scene appeared to be wearing a Navy Seal or Craft International logo on his hat, it has been suggested that it is fairly routine for police and military to receive training from Craft, as well as other private military contractor groups, and from former Navy Seals. It is also possible that this person was an ex Seal or just purchased a Craft baseball cap, which are available to buy online.

It is, of course, also possible that he was indeed working for Craft International, in which case his presence remains a mystery. Either way, the FBI needs to address this picture.
In another report by Army Sgt. 1st Class Jon Soucy of The National Guard Bureau, it is noted that CST teams have been providing support in both Massachusetts following the bombings, and in Texas, following the explosion at a fertilizer plant.
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