Copyright David Icke, 2012. All Rights Reserved.
(Note: This newsletter, along with other videos and newsletters going back to 2005, is available to view on by logging in using the right-hand menu)
The David Icke Newsletter, July 29th, 2012
No, it's not 'global warming', it's Agenda 21.
Hello all ...
The sun is shining on the Isle of Wight for the third day running as I write this and it feels like the longest period without rain since records began, as they say. Well, the spring and summer began, anyway. Record-breaking temperatures in April made way for this record-breaking soggy, soggy, summer.
I am particularly aware of the weather in the summer because I watch my son play cricket and that is a game that's only played when it isn't raining. But the sky has not required scanning for a possible shower or two because deluge after deluge has been smacking against my office window day after day, week after week, often accompanied by the banging and rattling of ill-fitting frames battered by high winds.
The Isle of Wight, off England's south coast, gets much of its income from tourists who come to enjoy the beaches and beautiful countryside, but there haven't been many tourists this year and those that have come have spent most of their time drying out.
There have been flood warnings after flood warnings throughout the months that should be Britain's driest of the year. The British weather is rarely predictable and that's why we are famous for talking about it, but this has been something else.
Welcome to summer. Beach anyone?
Meanwhile, in the United States and Canada, the opposite has happened with a catastrophic drought across the country's heartland and food-growing regions which has so many massive potential implications. It began in the spring, just as the rains did in Europe, with an extreme lack of snow that denied the soil the benefits of the annual melt-water.
This was caused by a change in the usual weather patterns that directed winter storms away from North America and a record-breaking heat wave has followed which has not only kept the rains away, but evaporated groundwater and absorbed the little moisture that was in the soil.
This has created a vicious circle in which drought has denied the moisture which the rain-cycle requires and bad has gone to worse and worse. When it does rain, the ground is so rock-hard that it cannot absorb it and this can cause flash flooding because if the water can't go downwards it goes outwards.
Some 1,300 counties in 29 states in the US have been declared natural disaster areas and rivers like the Missouri, in serious flood last year, are so low that it is affecting river commerce. Everything that could have gone wrong has done so.
Britain's summer deluge is being blamed on a 'sluggish' jet stream which weather forecasters say normally directs weather patterns from the Atlantic across the United Kingdom and away into Scandinavia. But this year that has not been happening. They say that the jet stream developed 'huge waves' which stopped the rain's momentum and instead caused it to pitch camp mostly over the islands of Britain. One forecaster said:
In a way it is like a rope which is not nice and straight but has kinks in it, making it move right down to the south and then back up to the north. Anything that gets caught by the weather does not have the jet stream to move it along and gets held up in the loop. When the jet stream doesn't push weather systems along, that causes rain and thunderstorms.
It is highly relevant to look at the consequences of all this on both sides of the Atlantic before I outline what I suggest is happening here.
Thousands of record temperatures were matched or broken in a single week in the United States at one point and this has been happening at a crucial time of the year for corn pollination. One report said that many American corn farmers were 'on the brink of total disaster' and financial ruin - exactly as planned.
Corn stockpiles have been falling dramatically and the cost has risen by more than half with knock-on price rises certain for the 75 per cent of American foodstuffs that contain corn. The increased cost of animal feed will increase prices for meat and milk.
The picture is potentially similar in Britain and Ireland. Reports have told of crops rotting in waterlogged fields and farmers forced to feed animals indoors with supplies that should be stockpiled for the winter. Eddie Downey, vice-president of the Irish Farmers' Association, said two weeks ago:
If the weather does not pick up we are looking at a bleak harvest. Farmers won't be able to harvest crops because the ground conditions are so bad. If we got a reasonable spell of weather, a lot of work could be done to avert a catastrophe but we are in salvage territory right now ...
... In northern England and Europe, farmers are flooded... and in Poland and America they are burnt out of it. There is a serious shortage of grain and meat in the world and the weather problems could have a major effect on food prices.
So here we have the key consequences of these extremes of weather. (1) Small, medium and family farms are in potentially fatal economic straits; (2) shortages of basic foods; (3) big rises in the cost of food amid already enormous economic challenges for much of the population.
Now let us compare that with the goals of something called Agenda 21 about which I could write for hours and indeed have done so for a book I am currently compiling. But I will keep it focussed on farmers and food on this occasion.
Agenda 21 is a programme for the transformation of human society into a global prison camp and it is being imposed step-by-step through the United Nations. It hides behind 'local Agenda 21 initiatives' which are claimed to be driven and agreed by local people.
But in truth it is all being ruthlessly centrally coordinated around the world by an organisation called the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives, or ICLE. I realised that the Isle of Wight where I live had agreed to run its affairs in accordance with Agenda 21 as long ago as 2000 and its website claims that local people are making the decisions.
I was clueless until recently that the Island authorities had jumped aboard Agenda 21, never mind 12 years ago, and I have been asking local people as I meet them since then if they have ever heard of it. I have not yet found anyone who has said 'yes'. It is not about local people at all, but global control via local sub-networks of the planned world government.
Agenda 21 was signed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 hosted by Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil and business billionaire and long-time frontman for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
Strong is a member of the Club of Rome, the environmental Hidden Hand in the network that includes the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations. Strong said in support of Agenda 21: "Isn't the only hope for this planet that the industrialised civilisation collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"
We are back to the Big Lie about human-caused global warming or climate change which is the driver of Agenda 21 on the grounds that we must have 'sustainable development' and 'biodiversity'. These are, as always, thoroughly misleading terms when used by the bloodline families and their corporate cartels which have spent hundreds of years in various guises destroying sustainability and biodiversity.
I am all for sustainability in that you don't use more than can be replaced and biodiversity in the sense of allowing a vast array of species to flourish; but the bloodline cartels are doing the opposite of that especially through the World Bank, IMF and the banking system in general which is sucking the life-force out of country after country.
Also in their camp are corporations such as Monsanto which is seeking to destroy diversity to impose its genetically-modified, poison-infested, all-consuming Frankenstein crops that fundamentally threaten the future of species diversity in food, animals and bird life.
But the programmed minds and software beliefs of the 'Greens' can't see the bloody obvious - not even the blatant contradiction of life-long environmental destroyers suddenly developing an affinity with tree-huggers. Oilmen like Maurice Strong want to save the world that they have helped to unravel along with oil tycoons like the Rockefellers and the conductors of the orchestra, the Rothschilds?
Sure they do and I shall now go to the Moon to buy some cheddar.
See, the Rockefellers only want to help the planet
Agenda 21 demands the central global control of all land; all private property; all water sources and distribution; all other resources which includes people in its definition; all energy supplies and distribution; and all food production and distribution. Agenda 21 is called 'the agenda for the 21st century' and that agenda is global fascism/communism. In summary, this is the aim of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development/Biodiversity:
• An end to national sovereignty
• State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans and fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring 'equity' [equal slavery]
• The State to 'define the role' of business and financial resources
• Abolition of private property [it's not 'sustainable']
• 'Restructuring' the family unit
• Children raised by the State
• People told what their job will be
• Major restrictions on movement
• Creation of 'human settlement zones'
• Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they currently live
• Dumbing down education [long achieved]
• Mass global depopulation in pursuit of all of the above
• State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans and fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring 'equity' [equal slavery]
• The State to 'define the role' of business and financial resources
• Abolition of private property [it's not 'sustainable']
• 'Restructuring' the family unit
• Children raised by the State
• People told what their job will be
• Major restrictions on movement
• Creation of 'human settlement zones'
• Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they currently live
• Dumbing down education [long achieved]
• Mass global depopulation in pursuit of all of the above
Agenda 21 is the stable-mate of something called the Biodiversity Treaty which is internationally-binding on nearly 200 countries. The United States signed the treaty, but it was not ratified by the Senate thanks to people like ecologist and ecosystem scientist, Dr Michael Coffman,
He exposed its true consequences and implications after he realised during the 1980s and 1990s that the plan was to use the excuse of saving the environment to confiscate half of the land in the United States. Similar plans exist for every other country. The US didn't ratify the Treaty, but its controlling elite not only still support the implementation, it is being implemented week after week.
If anyone doubts the plan for mass depopulation, have a look at this official map of America under biodiversity and ask where the present more than 300 million people in the United States are going to live when they are denied access to the overwhelming majority of American land. The red parts are designated for no human use, the yellow regions for highly regulated use and only the green areas for general use by humans.
What happens if you live in the places designated for no human use (nearly all of America)? Well, the answer is that you won't - unless we divert the eyes from the latest crap by Simon Cowell and come together to meet this challenge.
The Agenda 21 nightmare is not going to be implemented overnight. The change is so enormous and it has to be done in steps over decades, but we are far enough into that process for the tiptoes to be making an ever more obvious impact on the way of life of increasing millions around the world.
One essential part of Agenda 21 implementation is to clear people off the land and herd them into megacities or what are designated in Agenda 21 jargon as 'human settlement zones'. These are high-rise, high-density cities made up of tiny boxes or 'living quarters'.
If your eyes are keen and supported by knowledge of Agenda 21 you can see the pieces being moved into place all the time. Michael Bloomberg, the super-rich Mayor of New York, recently announced plans for 165,000 miniscule living units in an initial development where cars would be banned and transport confined to walking, cycling or transit trains. This is precisely in line with Agenda 21 which calls for fundamental restrictions on travel for the masses.
Bloomberg may call these cupboards 'studio apartments' but given that they are defined by the yellow lines on the floor, I can't see that there would be much room for an easel, nor even a paint brush.
Changes in building regulations in California which reduce the number of properties allowed per acre is another expression of Agenda 21, but before these megacities can become a reality the people in rural regions have to be removed from the land.
This is being done in many ways, all of them connected to making life impossible for rural communities. Thousands of rural and forest roads are being closed and campaigners estimate that at least a thousand dams have been dismantled to make farming and growing impossible.
There are rural ghost towns across America which once survived as food and drink stops for freeway traffic that are now destroyed since the authorities removed the freeway exits on which they depended. New exits have been introduced instead away from rural communities which are supplied by the corporations behind McDonalds, Burger King and all the other purveyors of 'nutrition'.
Officials are turning up in rural communities and offering insultingly low prices for their properties on designated no-people locations. If the homeowner or farmer and grower does not accept the price, or doesn't want to leave at any price, they are taken to court to have their property seized and then sent the bill for legal and court costs.
Rosa Koire is author of Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 and co-founder of the Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition and the Post Sustainability Institute. She describes how Agenda 21 is driving people from the land by the authorities refusing to pave rural roads and pulverising most of those that are.
She says that in Sonoma County (which includes the elite 'playground' at Bohemian Grove) in northern California, the authorities have announced that only 150 out of 1,380 miles of rural road are going to be left paved and the rest pulverised to gravel. The excuse is a lack of money - another benefit of the engineered economic crash.
The consequences are that people are not able to get to and from their rural homes, property prices collapse and they are forced into the cities where they can be kept under 24/7 surveillance - precisely the plan of Agenda 21. Paved roads are among a long list of human activities that are considered 'unsustainable' and must be largely eliminated.
Post offices and bank branches are being closed or reduced in hours in rural areas as they are in other countries like Britain. The plan is to make rural life so unsustainable (ironically) that people will have to head for the cities. As this happens the pressure on places to live will be used to justify the Bloomberg-like human rabbit-hutches of Agenda 21.
This engineered trend can be seen in the number of young people - the life blood of tomorrow's rural communities - that are leaving rural America for the cities and urban sprawls. Kenneth Johnston of the Daily Yonder, an online newspaper for rural communities, wrote:
... in some parts of rural America, deaths have exceeded births for decades. This point was illustrated recently by a rural Kansas minister who said that he officiates at four funerals for every baptism. The growing incidence of natural decrease in rural America has gone largely unnoticed, yet natural decrease is no longer an isolated phenomenon occurring in a few remote corners of rural America.
Last year, 24 per cent of all U.S. counties experienced natural decrease. And, for the first time in U.S. history, deaths now exceed births in an entire state. Between 2000 and 2009, more people in West Virginia died than were born.
But 'natural decrease' is not fast enough for Agenda 21. Rural communities and farms are being mercilessly targeted by an ever-mounting deluge of laws and regulation from the bloodline-owned, corporation-controlled Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) purely aimed at making rural lives and businesses impossible. The same is happening in other countries including Britain.
So given this background you might not be surprised to hear that I do not buy the idea that the extremes of weather that are devastating independent and family farmers in rural communities both sides of the Atlantic are due to some natural phenomena. It is far too much of a gift to Agenda 21 and all that goes with it for me to accept the coincidence scenario.
Not only does it drive rural communities into the cities, it also allows bloodline corporations to buy the abandoned land for cents on the dollar and increase their control on the global food chain which is intended, if this process is allowed to continue, to be total and without competition from any other source.
Then there is another simple fact: manipulation of the weather is child's play with the technology now available, especially the facility in Alaska known as the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP. I explained in Remember Who You Are how in 1969 a Rockefeller family insider, Dr Richard Day, head of the Rockefeller-funded Planned Parenthood, inexplicably told doctors at a paediatricians event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, how the world was going to dramatically change in accordance with a secret plan.
The long list of changes and impositions that he listed that night have all happened or are happening more than 40 years later. Among them was: 'The weather will be modified and used as a weapon of war to create drought or famine.' This was, in fact, a speciality of his because Day was a weather manipulation operative during World War II.
This is how far back the manipulation of the weather goes (and then some) and this led to United Nations treaties in which countries agreed not to mess with the weather. Why would they go to all that trouble if it wasn't possible?
The inventor, engineer and technological genius, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was manipulating the weather in the first part of the 20th century and HAARP is based on his technology. Bernard Eastlund, who secured the original HAARP patents on behalf of ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI), a subsidiary of oil giant Atlantic Richfield, mentions Tesla in his HAARP submissions.
Tesla generated lightning strikes and caused the ground to shake so violently that on one occasion thousands of windows in the area were broken before he could turn off his machine. His artificially-generated lightning storms unintentionally started hundreds of forest fires and blew out electrical grids in two states.
The best part of a century later we have HAARP which can do what Tesla did and so much more. It directs high-powered radio waves into the ionosphere in the upper atmosphere and this makes the ionesphere vibrate in sympathy with the HAARP beam. This vastly increases the power of the beam when it is deflected back to earth.
This can cause earthquakes and dramatically change weather patterns depending on how the beam is encoded. I said inRemember Who You Are that HAARP could manipulate the jet streams and alter the natural west-to-east path of high or low pressure systems and this is now the very phenomenon blamed by weather forecasters for the British summer deluge of 2012.
Jet streams are caused by the planet's rotation and atmospheric heating and the HAARP technology superheats the ionosphere.
Record breaking freak weather is very straight forward with this technology, including the 'Super Outbreak' of 300 tornadoes between April 25th and 28th last year that killed more than 300 people in the United States. At one point there were 118 tornadoes within 24 hours.
The devastating drought in the US this summer and the record rains in Britain are well within the potential of HAARP and its connected technology around the world. I know that some people say that it is being caused by changes in the sun and no doubt solar changes are happening.
But the outcome of this summer of extreme weather is just too good for Agenda 21 for me to accept the 'natural' explanation because it gives the manipulators so many 'must-haves' on the wish-list: family farms brought to their economic knees; devastated crops to trigger food shortages and sky-high prices; and a major propaganda coup for the myth of human-caused climate change.
The dreadful summer weather is the latest blow to British farmers after years of falling incomes caused by changes in the law to direct the great majority of farm subsidies to the biggest producers - the agribusiness corporations. It is estimated that 80% of farm subsidies within the European Union go to 20% of farmers. An article on the Corporate Watch website said:
Annual surveys by Deloitte & Touche show that the average net farm income fell dramatically from £80,000 in 1995/6 to £8,000 in 2000 and to £2,500 during 2001, the year of foot and mouth disease. The average net farm income has since recovered somewhat, to £10,100 in 2001/2002, and to £12,500 in 2002/3.
But incomes for some, predominantly small farmers, remain well below the minimum wage. 69% of farmers are still reliant on farming as their primary source of income. But an increasing number of farmers now work part-time off the farm, relying on this non-farm income to support their businesses.
When you are taking a second job to be able to stay in business, the end is clearly nigh and that is the idea. It is harder to clear the rural lands in Britain because the distances involved are much smaller, it is far more difficult to do without the pattern being exposed and the UK is much more densely populated; but it is happening.
When Prime Minister David Cameron came to office in 2010 he took everyone aback by announcing the intention to sell off all of Britain's state forests in effect to corporations. He had not mentioned this in his election campaign because it would have been politically fatal.
Instead he tried to do what most political leaders do immediately they come to power - get through highly-unpopular policies in the initial honeymoon period. This time the ruse failed in the face of enormous public opposition, but he'll be seeking to sell those forests in any way he can because it is part of Agenda 21. So is his code-speak about creating a 'Big Society'.
'Green' groups in the UK who can't find a microphone quick enough to spout on about 'climate change' played virtually no part in this save-the-forests campaign because they are now tools of Agenda 21, often internally infiltrated to that end, and they are now the poodle not the guard dog with regard to environmental policy.
If people do not get seriously informed about Agenda 21 then they have no chance of understanding what is happening in the world and their local communities, why it is happening and where it is designed to lead.
As always, knowledge and awareness is everything because everything comes from that Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater - ponds and swales restricted - jail time for violators
(NaturalNews) There's nothing more refreshing than standing in a cool, summertime rain shower. Or bathing in the warm sunlight on a crisp spring day. Or inhaling the cool autumn air, fresh with the scent of turning leaves and pine needles. These things -- rainwater, sunlight, air -- have long been assumed to be not only free, but un-claimable. You can't claim to own the sunlight that falls on my front yard, for example. A corporation can't claim intellectual property ownership over the air that you breathe and demand you pay a royalty for inhaling.
But today, Jackson County, Oregon says it owns YOUR rainwater, and the county has sentenced a man to 30 days in jail and fined him over $1500, for the supposed "crime" of collecting rainwater on his own property.
The man's name is Gary Harrington, and he owns over 170 acres of land in Jackson County. On that land, he has three ponds, and those ponds collect rainwater that falls on his land. Common sense would say Gary has every right to have ponds with water on his 170 acres of land, but common sense has been all but abandoned in the state of Oregon
read on... =================================================================================Will international activism save this couple's garden from a town code?
Heather Callaghan
Activist Post
People are hungry, economies everywhere are tanking. The answer to that problem used to be "do what you can on your own." In America, it was the now iconic Victory Gardens. In Montreal, Canada there is a move to defeat such self-reliance.
For some strange reason, helping yourself is the very last thing the governments in both the U.S. and Canada will "allow" you to do; not even on your own land. Stranger still, it is the lower-rung, local governments that show up in news stories extinguishing property rights in the name of almighty municipal code.
JosƩe Landry and partner Michel Beauchamp decided to start an urban garden for both economic and health reasons, and they even have documented its progress via their family blog since its beginning. They proudly gave their new passion a name - Rosa - in memory of civil rights icon, Rosa Parks, who refused to take her place as ordered by the tyrannical bureaucracy of the day.
Now it seems that they find themselves forced to take a stand for another basic civil right: food freedom. Instead of allowing this garden to flourish and nourish, local officials in Canada now want to make any new front yard gardens completely illegal by autumn, along with uprooting Rosa.
The crackdown on home gardening has been marching across the first world at a rapid pace of late. In the U.S. we have seen a woman threatened with jail for 93 days for front yard tomatoes and aTulsa, OK woman sued after coming home to find her yard full of herbal remedies and vegetation ripped up and taken. Oftentimes, it's a power play, and only when enough negative attention is garnered, do the code enforcers back down, usually citing their targets for some other minor infraction.
This latest move in Canada follows a similar pattern; by enforcing an arbitrary code that front yard gardens (also called kitchen gardens) are only allowed, at the bare minimum, less than 30% vegetation. Who in Drummondville, Quebec would create such a code and why? Also, shouldn't other factors be considered: they own their home, they offer the food to the community without profit, it is aesthetic and has attracted worldwide media attention, as well as some celebrity garden bloggers.
Not only does the city want most of the couple's garden uprooted and tossed, but they are seriously discussing outlawing all future front yard gardens! The only stipulation being that old gardens can apparently stay as long as it meets the "under 30% of the yard" code.
The couple was facing fines of between $100 and $300 per day if they did not comply by yesterday. According to CBCNews, "The couple said they had no intention of complying with the city's request." read on...
(NaturalNews) There's nothing more refreshing than standing in a cool, summertime rain shower. Or bathing in the warm sunlight on a crisp spring day. Or inhaling the cool autumn air, fresh with the scent of turning leaves and pine needles. These things -- rainwater, sunlight, air -- have long been assumed to be not only free, but un-claimable. You can't claim to own the sunlight that falls on my front yard, for example. A corporation can't claim intellectual property ownership over the air that you breathe and demand you pay a royalty for inhaling.
But today, Jackson County, Oregon says it owns YOUR rainwater, and the county has sentenced a man to 30 days in jail and fined him over $1500, for the supposed "crime" of collecting rainwater on his own property.
The man's name is Gary Harrington, and he owns over 170 acres of land in Jackson County. On that land, he has three ponds, and those ponds collect rainwater that falls on his land. Common sense would say Gary has every right to have ponds with water on his 170 acres of land, but common sense has been all but abandoned in the state of Oregon
read on... =================================================================================Will international activism save this couple's garden from a town code?
Authorities Seek to Destroy Couple's Immaculate Edible Landscape
Activist Post
People are hungry, economies everywhere are tanking. The answer to that problem used to be "do what you can on your own." In America, it was the now iconic Victory Gardens. In Montreal, Canada there is a move to defeat such self-reliance.
For some strange reason, helping yourself is the very last thing the governments in both the U.S. and Canada will "allow" you to do; not even on your own land. Stranger still, it is the lower-rung, local governments that show up in news stories extinguishing property rights in the name of almighty municipal code.
JosƩe Landry and partner Michel Beauchamp decided to start an urban garden for both economic and health reasons, and they even have documented its progress via their family blog since its beginning. They proudly gave their new passion a name - Rosa - in memory of civil rights icon, Rosa Parks, who refused to take her place as ordered by the tyrannical bureaucracy of the day.
Now it seems that they find themselves forced to take a stand for another basic civil right: food freedom. Instead of allowing this garden to flourish and nourish, local officials in Canada now want to make any new front yard gardens completely illegal by autumn, along with uprooting Rosa.
The crackdown on home gardening has been marching across the first world at a rapid pace of late. In the U.S. we have seen a woman threatened with jail for 93 days for front yard tomatoes and aTulsa, OK woman sued after coming home to find her yard full of herbal remedies and vegetation ripped up and taken. Oftentimes, it's a power play, and only when enough negative attention is garnered, do the code enforcers back down, usually citing their targets for some other minor infraction.
This latest move in Canada follows a similar pattern; by enforcing an arbitrary code that front yard gardens (also called kitchen gardens) are only allowed, at the bare minimum, less than 30% vegetation. Who in Drummondville, Quebec would create such a code and why? Also, shouldn't other factors be considered: they own their home, they offer the food to the community without profit, it is aesthetic and has attracted worldwide media attention, as well as some celebrity garden bloggers.
Not only does the city want most of the couple's garden uprooted and tossed, but they are seriously discussing outlawing all future front yard gardens! The only stipulation being that old gardens can apparently stay as long as it meets the "under 30% of the yard" code.
The couple was facing fines of between $100 and $300 per day if they did not comply by yesterday. According to CBCNews, "The couple said they had no intention of complying with the city's request." read on...
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