Monday, October 15, 2012

Workers to be Fired if they Refuse Vaccinations


Colorado healthcare workers to be fired if they refuse mandatory flu shots

Monday, October 15, 2012 by: Jonathan Benson

The noose is rapidly closing in on the collective neck of health freedom in America, as illustrated by a new state mandate in Colorado that unconstitutionally forces hospital employees to submit to flu vaccinations or else lose their jobs. As reported by CBS 4 News in Denver, workers at hospitals across the state no longer have the option to choose for themselves whether or not to get jabbed with the untested annual flu vaccine -- their only choice in the matter is to either take the shot by the end of the year or else get fired.

Back in January, Colorado's Board of Health voted 7-1 in favor of mandating that all hospitals, nursing homes, and certain other health facilities across the state achieve a 90 percent flu vaccination rate by 2014-2015, a requirement that essentially forces healthcare groups to mandate that all their employees be vaccinated for the flu ( And even though these requirements do not have to be fully achieved for several more years, nearly all major hospitals in Colorado have already enacted mandates that all their employees be vaccinated for the flu.

Every individual has the right to refuse toxic flu shots on medical grounds

The only eligible exemptions from the flu shot requirement are ones that cite "medical reasons," which include things like allergies to the toxic adjuvants added to flu vaccines, for instance, or allergies to eggs, which are often used to incubate vaccines. It remains to be seen whether or not the healthcare workers in Colorado that value health freedom will band together to refuse this blatant affront to the Hippocratic Oath of "do not harm," or collectively refuse the shot citing such medical reasons.

After all, many of the flu shots administered in America today still contain the toxic mercury derivative Thimerosal, which is linked to causing dementia and other forms of neurological damage. Other harmful adjuvants in flu shots include aluminum salts, formaldehyde, and even monosodium glutamate (MSG), the toxic salt chemical commonly added to processed foods ( These additives alone are reason enough to cite a medical exemption, particularly among highly-sensitive individuals.
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