MMR: Mass Murder Recipe – Dedicated to the memory of Joanne Ogden. *MUST READ*
On February - 10 - 2013
The Daily Mail

Spivs Comment (updated)
Following the posting of the following articles this morning (10/2/13), a friend of mine got in contact to tell me about her God-daughter who died of a swollen heart 2wks after having the MMR jab.
At the inquest the verdict was left open despite the batch being withdrawn and no responsibility acknowledged…
Then again no responsibility would be acknowledged, would it. To do so would leave those people open to a charge of mass murder.
I see the Government have employed their propaganda machine AKA the Daily Mail again, to throw the fear of god into the brain dead.
What a fucking load of old bollocks. If your child was vaccinated then what the fuck are you worried about?
Unless of course the injection doesn’t work. If it doesn’t then it was pointless risking giving your child Autism or possibly even worse wasn’t it? The Daily Mail apparently forgot to include their old article on the subject while reporting on this scare tactic… But don’t worry, I did it for them.
Course, as Measles outbreaks go, there was also the 1994 outbreak, the 2003 outbreak, the 2008 outbreak… We were all going to die in 2008 for definite. Oh then there was the 2011 outbreak.
I had measles… I didn’t die… What do you mean “pity”. Fucking horrible bastards.
Course, if the MMR was safe Psychopath Blair would have said whether or not he made his his son Leo have it instead of rigidly sticking by his “not telling” tactic. Why are you not telling Mr Mad? Is it because he didn’t fucking have it, because it is fucking dangerous? It isn’t Rocket Science.
Then again, a few years down the line, he did say that Leo had in fact had the jab… Then again, his nickname isn’t Tony B-Liar for nothing. If he had it, the head banger would have said at the time.
Course, if you don’t believe that Blair is lying about his boy having the jab, you could always ask the former HEALTH SECRETARY, Alan Milburn, and John Hutton MP and Jacqui SmithMP ((Both former HEALTH MINISTERS). Mind you, they wouldn’t tell you either . Wonder why not?
Personally, I think the government should be more concerned with the suicide rate in England and Wales. There are triple the number of deaths by suicide. You see, no one fucking dies of measles in this country. I wonder why the suicide rate continues to rise rapidly though… Now let me fucking think?
PUBLISHED: 11:27, 8 February 2013 | UPDATED: 01:12, 9 February 2013
There were 2,016 confirmed cases of measles in England and Wales in 2012, the highest annual total since 1994
Cases of measles are at a record high, health officials have warned.
In 2012, there were 2,016 cases of the potentially deadly disease in babies, children and adults in England and Wales.
This makes it the biggest outbreak since cases were first formally recorded almost 20 years ago.
The total is more than six times that of 2002 – and almost 40 times higher than 1998, when just 56 cases were documented.
With measles also rife in France, Italy and Spain, it is thought that some outbreaks were sparked by infections brought back from abroad by holidaymakers.
Vaccination of toddlers is high but there is particular concern that the disease, which is spread through coughing and sneezing, is hitting teenagers who were not given the MMR jab as babies.
This will include some whose parents feared the safety of the jab, following research by Dr Andrew Wakefield linking it to bowel problems and autism. This work has since been roundly discredited.
There have also been small outbreaks in travelling communities.
Health experts warned that measles can kill – and needs to be taken seriously.
Dr Mary Ramsay, head of immunisation at the Health Protection Agency, said: ‘Measles is often associated with being a disease of the past and as a result people may be unaware that it is a dangerous infection and can lead to death in severe cases.
‘Parents should ensure their children are fully protected against measles, mumps and rubella (German measles) with two doses of the MMR vaccine.
‘Parents of unvaccinated children, as well as older teenagers and adults who may have missed MMR vaccination, should make an appointment with their GP to get vaccinated.
‘Measles continues to circulate in several European countries which are popular with holidaymakers.’
The UK, along with France, Italy, Spain and Romania, accounted for 87 per cent of the 7,392 cases that occurred in the EU last year.
In Britain, there have been prolonged outbreaks in Merseyside, Surrey and Sussex.
Between January 2012 and the end of the January this year, there were 622 cases in and around Liverpool -and around a third of these were admitted to hospital.
Teenagers were most likely to be affected, while babies that were too young to be vaccinated made up the second biggest group.
Lancashire is another measles hot spot, with around 100 cases in the last year, including 28 cases in the Morecambe Bay area in the past three to four weeks.
Teenagers who were not vaccinated at the routine age are at particular risk of becoming exposed to the highly infectious viral illness (pictured)
Most of these were centred on eight schools.
Health officials there plan to write to the parents of 30,000 children aged five to 16 who haven’t been vaccinated.
In addition, a leaflet about measles has been written for travelling people, amid concerns about a rise in cases in their communities.
Measles is very contagious, with one person who is ill able to infect more than 15 others, if they haven’t been vaccinated or had the virus before.
At the beginning, someone with measles can feel like they have a bad cold, with a fever, dry cough and red, or sore, eyes.
A few days later, a red-brown spotty rash appears. It usually starts behind the ears, then spreads around the head and neck before covering the body.
Potentially lethal complications include pneumonia, hepatitis and swelling of the brain around one in five who catch the bug will spend time in hospital.
However, there have not been any deaths for several years.
Teenage spread: Vaccination of toddlers is high but there is concern that the disease, which is spread through coughing and sneezing, is hitting teenagers who were not given the MMR jab as babies
More than two-thirds of youngsters with the condition received four or more antibiotics in their first year, a survey revealed.
It is thought the drugs weakened their immune systems, leaving them unable to withstand the impact of the triple jab.
Jon Tommey, publisher of Autism File magazine, attacked a ‘cavalier attitude’ to the measles, mumps and rubella jab and similar inoculations.
‘Doctors need to pay more care to whether a child is well enough to be vaccinated,’ he said.
Mr Tommey said youngsters received four sets of multiple vaccines in their first year.
‘There is evidence that giving children with weakened immune systems vaccinations such as MMR could damage sensitive areas, such as chemical pathways in the brain,’ he added.
Mr Tommey said his seven-year-old autistic son was perfectly normal but received five courses of antibiotics in his first year.
Shortly afterwards, he had the MMR jab – not long after a course of antibiotics and while he was ill.
The Autism Research Centre said: ‘There seems less care these days about checking to see if a child is fit for immunisation.’
Anti-MMR campaign group JABS said: ‘There must be an urgent investigation into why our children are ill.’
The Department of Health insists the MMR vaccine is safe.
Latest figures show that one in five two-year-olds are not being given the measles, mumps and rubella jab – the highest proportion since the triple vaccine was launched in the late 1980s.
If Leo had the jab at the age of two – as is standard practice – he would now be due for a booster.
But Mr Blair and his wife Cherie have refused to comment on the matter, citing their son’s right to privacy.
Professor Taylor said: ‘There’s no doubt if Tony Blair was able to come out publicly and say, ”Yes, of course Leo had the MMR vaccination, of course he is going to get the booster”, then that would be a useful additional support to public confidence.’
Spivs Comment (updated)
Following the posting of the following articles this morning (10/2/13), a friend of mine got in contact to tell me about her God-daughter who died of a swollen heart 2wks after having the MMR jab.
At the inquest the verdict was left open despite the batch being withdrawn and no responsibility acknowledged…
Then again no responsibility would be acknowledged, would it. To do so would leave those people open to a charge of mass murder.
My friends God-daughter was named Joanne Ogden and she was only 17 months old when she died. Still not convinced that the MMR is unsafe? Read the list of names at the bottom of this page.
Once you have read it, have a little think about what you would prefer: A spotty unwell child for a week or a brain damaged/maybe even dead child. I know what I would prefer…
These government psychopaths - and make no mistake, that is what they are – are killing us slowly but surely. They have to be removed from power and brought to trial now. This madness has to stop. Lets go to war.
(The following is how the article appeared this morning)
Measles cases at 18-year high because parents are failing to get children vaccinated
I see the Government have employed their propaganda machine AKA the Daily Mail again, to throw the fear of god into the brain dead.
What a fucking load of old bollocks. If your child was vaccinated then what the fuck are you worried about?
Unless of course the injection doesn’t work. If it doesn’t then it was pointless risking giving your child Autism or possibly even worse wasn’t it? The Daily Mail apparently forgot to include their old article on the subject while reporting on this scare tactic… But don’t worry, I did it for them.
Course, as Measles outbreaks go, there was also the 1994 outbreak, the 2003 outbreak, the 2008 outbreak… We were all going to die in 2008 for definite. Oh then there was the 2011 outbreak.
I had measles… I didn’t die… What do you mean “pity”. Fucking horrible bastards.
Course, if the MMR was safe Psychopath Blair would have said whether or not he made his his son Leo have it instead of rigidly sticking by his “not telling” tactic. Why are you not telling Mr Mad? Is it because he didn’t fucking have it, because it is fucking dangerous? It isn’t Rocket Science.
Then again, a few years down the line, he did say that Leo had in fact had the jab… Then again, his nickname isn’t Tony B-Liar for nothing. If he had it, the head banger would have said at the time.
Course, if you don’t believe that Blair is lying about his boy having the jab, you could always ask the former HEALTH SECRETARY, Alan Milburn, and John Hutton MP and Jacqui SmithMP ((Both former HEALTH MINISTERS). Mind you, they wouldn’t tell you either . Wonder why not?
Personally, I think the government should be more concerned with the suicide rate in England and Wales. There are triple the number of deaths by suicide. You see, no one fucking dies of measles in this country. I wonder why the suicide rate continues to rise rapidly though… Now let me fucking think?
- In 2011 there were 6,045 suicides in people aged 15 and over in the UK, an increase of 437 compared with 2010.
- The UK suicide rate increased significantly between 2010 and 2011, from 11.1 to 11.8 deaths per 100,000 population.
- There were 4,552 male suicides in 2011 (a rate of 18.2 suicides per 100,000 population) and 1,493 female suicides (5.6 per 100,000 population).
- The highest suicide rate was in males aged 30 to 44 (23.5 deaths per 100,000 population in 2011).
- The suicide rate in males aged 45 to 59 increased significantly between 2007 and 2011 (22.2 deaths per 100,000 population in 2011).
- Female suicide rates were highest in 45 to 59-year-olds in 2011 (7.3 deaths per 100,000 population).
Measles cases at 18-year high because parents are failing to get children vaccinated
- 2,016 confirmed cases in England and Wales in 2012, the highest annual total since 1994
- Teenagers not vaccinated when they were younger are at particular risk of becoming exposed, say experts
- Several smaller spreads have also occurred in travelling communities across the European Union
PUBLISHED: 11:27, 8 February 2013 | UPDATED: 01:12, 9 February 2013
In 2012, there were 2,016 cases of the potentially deadly disease in babies, children and adults in England and Wales.
This makes it the biggest outbreak since cases were first formally recorded almost 20 years ago.
The total is more than six times that of 2002 – and almost 40 times higher than 1998, when just 56 cases were documented.
With measles also rife in France, Italy and Spain, it is thought that some outbreaks were sparked by infections brought back from abroad by holidaymakers.
Vaccination of toddlers is high but there is particular concern that the disease, which is spread through coughing and sneezing, is hitting teenagers who were not given the MMR jab as babies.
This will include some whose parents feared the safety of the jab, following research by Dr Andrew Wakefield linking it to bowel problems and autism. This work has since been roundly discredited.
There have also been small outbreaks in travelling communities.
Health experts warned that measles can kill – and needs to be taken seriously.
Dr Mary Ramsay, head of immunisation at the Health Protection Agency, said: ‘Measles is often associated with being a disease of the past and as a result people may be unaware that it is a dangerous infection and can lead to death in severe cases.
- Cold-like symptoms, fever
- Red eyes and sensitivity to light
- Greyish-white spots in the mouth and throat
- After a few days, a red-brown spotty rash will appear.
- It usually starts behind the ears, then spreads around the head and neck before spreading to the legs and the rest of the body
‘Parents of unvaccinated children, as well as older teenagers and adults who may have missed MMR vaccination, should make an appointment with their GP to get vaccinated.
‘Measles continues to circulate in several European countries which are popular with holidaymakers.’
The UK, along with France, Italy, Spain and Romania, accounted for 87 per cent of the 7,392 cases that occurred in the EU last year.
In Britain, there have been prolonged outbreaks in Merseyside, Surrey and Sussex.
Between January 2012 and the end of the January this year, there were 622 cases in and around Liverpool -and around a third of these were admitted to hospital.
Teenagers were most likely to be affected, while babies that were too young to be vaccinated made up the second biggest group.
Lancashire is another measles hot spot, with around 100 cases in the last year, including 28 cases in the Morecambe Bay area in the past three to four weeks.
Health officials there plan to write to the parents of 30,000 children aged five to 16 who haven’t been vaccinated.
In addition, a leaflet about measles has been written for travelling people, amid concerns about a rise in cases in their communities.
Measles is very contagious, with one person who is ill able to infect more than 15 others, if they haven’t been vaccinated or had the virus before.
At the beginning, someone with measles can feel like they have a bad cold, with a fever, dry cough and red, or sore, eyes.
A few days later, a red-brown spotty rash appears. It usually starts behind the ears, then spreads around the head and neck before covering the body.
Potentially lethal complications include pneumonia, hepatitis and swelling of the brain around one in five who catch the bug will spend time in hospital.
However, there have not been any deaths for several years.
‘Antibiotics link’ to MMR and autism
Antibiotics: link found between autism, MMR and antibiotics
Antibiotics may be to blame for hundreds of children developing autism after having the controversial MMR jab, it has been claimed.More than two-thirds of youngsters with the condition received four or more antibiotics in their first year, a survey revealed.
It is thought the drugs weakened their immune systems, leaving them unable to withstand the impact of the triple jab.
Jon Tommey, publisher of Autism File magazine, attacked a ‘cavalier attitude’ to the measles, mumps and rubella jab and similar inoculations.
‘Doctors need to pay more care to whether a child is well enough to be vaccinated,’ he said.
Mr Tommey said youngsters received four sets of multiple vaccines in their first year.
‘There is evidence that giving children with weakened immune systems vaccinations such as MMR could damage sensitive areas, such as chemical pathways in the brain,’ he added.
Mr Tommey said his seven-year-old autistic son was perfectly normal but received five courses of antibiotics in his first year.
Shortly afterwards, he had the MMR jab – not long after a course of antibiotics and while he was ill.
The Autism Research Centre said: ‘There seems less care these days about checking to see if a child is fit for immunisation.’
Anti-MMR campaign group JABS said: ‘There must be an urgent investigation into why our children are ill.’
The Department of Health insists the MMR vaccine is safe.
- A senior government adviser has said that Tony Blair’s refusal to say whether his son Leo was given an MMR injection had helped generate a lack of public confidence in the jab, writes Andy Dolan.
Latest figures show that one in five two-year-olds are not being given the measles, mumps and rubella jab – the highest proportion since the triple vaccine was launched in the late 1980s.
If Leo had the jab at the age of two – as is standard practice – he would now be due for a booster.
But Mr Blair and his wife Cherie have refused to comment on the matter, citing their son’s right to privacy.
Professor Taylor said: ‘There’s no doubt if Tony Blair was able to come out publicly and say, ”Yes, of course Leo had the MMR vaccination, of course he is going to get the booster”, then that would be a useful additional support to public confidence.’
Blair silent over Leo’s MMR jab
The Telegraph
TONY BLAIR refused to tell parents yesterday whether he had allowed his 18-month-old son Leo to be given the MMR vaccine.
Challenged in the Commons by Julie Kirkbride, the Tory MP and mother of a 14-month-old boy, the Prime Minister said he would not enter into a public discussion about the health of his children.
He expressed confidence, however, in the vaccination, saying that guidelines, which advise parents to inoculate children with the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, were sound.
The Government was supported by the World Health Organisation, the British Medical Association and other health bodies, he said.
It is rare for Mr Blair to be asked questions about his family during Prime Minister’s Questions. But he has come under pressure to disclose specific information about Leo amid concern that the vaccine could be linked to autism and bowel disease.
Miss Kirkbride said: “I was disappointed that the Prime Minister did not use the opportunity in the Commons to reinforce public confidence in the vaccine.
“I can only assume that he has something to hide, which is to say that little Leo has not had his jab.”
Fears among parents about MMR are leading many to have their young children vaccinated privately with separate jabs at a cost of almost £200, or not at all.
Alan Milburn, the Health Secretary, and John Hutton and Jacqui Smith, both health ministers have refused to say whether their children have had the MMR jab.
Full story here: ‘Something in the System’.
Then she killed herself as she was a broken woman after all the heartache.
She was taken to hospital and later died.
He was then given a swine flu vaccine, got paralysed again and died.
This caused constant seizures, a 1 week stay in ICU, 2 weeks in the hospital and the child nearly died.
She became severely developmentally delayed due to her seizures and was on lots of medications to try and control the seizures.
When Marina was 8 years old, she died from one seizure too many.
A month afterwards Joesph was playing normally in the bath tub. His mother put his pyjamas on and he went to cuddle his father. Then he went to bed.
An hour later his mother checked on him and found him dead in his bed. Post-mortem showed that he died of encephalitis, which is a common vaccine side-effect.
Her stool turned green. In her second week of life, she was cold to touch and shivering. Mother was advised to put a hat on the baby which made no difference. She began to turn purple around her lips and on her hands and feet.
Doctors refused to see her – stating they would see her at her one month check and just to keep her wrapped in blankets.
Mother begged for help and offered to pay cash which the doctor wouldn’t accept because she was on medicaid.
Baby screamed for 6 hours continously and then went to sleep at 11.30pm. Her mother discovered her dead in her crib at 6am the next morning.
2 days after the third dose, her mother found her dead on the bathroom floor. Pathologist said her death was ‘instant’.
Another doctor, Dr. Shaw who was promoting the vaccine, blamed her death on a toothbrush:
“We don’t even know what she died of,” Dr. Shaw said. “You could blame a toothbrush.”
Jessica was a 17 year old girl with no previous health problems.
Authorities denied it, saying it was cot death. You cannot have two cot deaths at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME, and even if it had been, cot death is a term used to describe a sudden death of unknown cause, and it is not a diagnosis.
Pathologist insisted death was cot death in spite of evidence of infection and the fact that the baby had been vomiting from the time of his shots until he was found dead a few hours later.
Christopher’s father refused to accept the death certificate and wanted it registered as vaccine death. This was refused, so he did not bury him and kept his body in cold storage for 21 years, trying to get someone to investigate his son’s death. Eventually the council court ordered him to have a funeral and accept the ‘cot death’ diagnosis.
Christopher’s organs have never been found. They probably contained vaccine virus and were got rid of.
Vaccines are also contraindicated in people with cancer so it could have been the straw that broke the camels back.
VAN UK is concerned that children are not screened for genetic or cancerous conditions prior to being vaccinated.
Pathologist found papillomatosis in her airways (warts caused by HPV that line the airways).
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis.
They vaccinated her with H1N1 shot in December 09 and she was found dead in her bed 2 weeks later.
Catastrophic reactions such as this used to be admitted to and the person was contraindicated from ANY further vaccination of any kind. Then they changed it to any vaccination of the same type, then they changed it to ‘must be vaccinated in hospital’, now they just deny it, even when a perfectly healthy baby is paralysed and blinded and deafened with epileptic fits.
Alexandra was much loved, and in addition to her father, David, and sister, Gabrielle, she is mourned by her long-term caregiver, Susan Fuller of Litchfield, numerous friends and relatives from Connecticut to California and a big orange tabby cat, “Baby.”
Source: Republican American Obituaries –
She had a heart condition and should not have been vaccinated anyway.
Other pages:
Welcome To Vaccine Awareness Network
Autism and Cerebral Palsy From DPT Vaccine
My Fight For Health After Vaccination
“I can only assume that he has something to hide, which is to say that little Leo has not had his jab.”
Fears among parents about MMR are leading many to have their young children vaccinated privately with separate jabs at a cost of almost £200, or not at all.
Alan Milburn, the Health Secretary, and John Hutton and Jacqui Smith, both health ministers have refused to say whether their children have had the MMR jab.
Remember My Name
Alan Joe Ream Yurko
DPT/Hib/Polio/Hepatitis B vaccines.
Vaccine induced encephalitis, meningitis and death.Zachary Helms
DPT, oral polio drops, sudden death.
Harriet Moore
MMR, encephalitis, death.
Great Ormand Street Hospital found measles, mumps and rubella viruses in her spinal fluid and measles viruses were found in her liver and muscles via tests at a Dublin hospital.Full story here: ‘Something in the System’.
Emma Gentle
MMR, death
Chelsea Stephenson
DPT, death
Joanne Ogden
MMR, death
Jade Scrimger
MMR, death
Keith MacGregor
Meningitis C vaccine, death
Devin Johnson
DPT, brain haemorrhage, death
Richie Ciotoli
DPT, death
Justin Isom
DPT, hib vaccines, death
Hayley Nicole Lagrand
DPT, seizures, death
Saxon Squires
Meningitis C vaccine, death
Christina Kaminski
DPT, death
Isaiah Jones
DPT, death
Curtis Gurr
DPT, encephalopathy, death
Lauren Brown
DPT, hib,OPV, haemolytic anaemia, death
Jason Anderson
DPT, coma, death
Philip Bobby Camery
DPT, encephalopathy, seizures, brain damage, death
Nina Cohn
DPT, seizures, blindness, lupus, death
Brandon Jack
Hepatitis B vaccine, death
Lyla Rose Belkin
Hepatitis B vaccine, encephalitis, death
Alexander Horwin
OPV, SV40 cancer, death
Ian Larsen Gromowski
Hepatitis B vaccine, allergic reaction, swelling all over body, skin eruptions, multiple organ failure, death at 44 days old.
George Fisher
MMR, death
Anna Louise Duncan
MMR, seizure, purple rash, death
Kalyani Baburao Gaikwad
Measles vaccine, collapse, death
Krishna Somnath Gaikwad
measles vaccine, collapse
Shubham Nagesh Gaikwad
Measles vaccine, collapse, death
Pramod Raghunath Gaikwad
Measles vaccine, collapse, death
Rashidha, daughter of Raja
Measles vaccine, collapse, death
Bikash Dorjee of Kursijhar
Measles vaccine, vomiting, upset stomach, fever, respiratory arrest, death
Pramod Barman of Baganbari
Measles vaccine, vomiting, upset stomach, fever, respiratory arrest, death
Pamit Barman of Narsingbari
Measles vaccine, vomiting, upset stomach, fever, respiratory arrest, death
Bhagyasri Swargiary of Dikiajan,
Measles vaccine, fever, vomiting, respiratory arrest, death
Jenny Tetlock
Gardasil vaccine, paralysis, death
Christina Richelle Tarsell
Gardasil vaccine, sudden death
Amber Kaufman
Gardasil vaccine, seizure immediately after vaccine, stopped breathing, artificial ventilation for 3 days, death.
Megan Hild
Gardasil vaccine, sudden death
Jasmin Soriat
Gardasil vaccine, respiratory paralysis, death
Madyson Williams
MMR, constant seizures from time of MMR to death, 10 days later.
Christopher Clark
Died a couple of hours after DPT, hib, polio vaccines.
Harry Clark
Died 24 hours after vaccination with DPT, hib, polio
Mother accused of murder due to both her sons dying. Later aquitted after serving years in prison for a crime she didn’t commit.Then she killed herself as she was a broken woman after all the heartache.
Christopher Coulter
MR vaccine, from the 1994 MR vaccine campaign.
Mother found the 15 year old dead in bed.Rachel Lacy
Soldier who recieved five vaccines including anthrax, got a heart infection immediately afterwards, died one month later.
Dylan Scott
DPT, hib, polio vaccines, unwell since time of vaccinations, died a few days later.
Mother accused of SBS – served 3 years awaiting trial. Found NOT GUILTY.Mitu, daughter of Khoka Sheikh
Measles vaccine, unwell since vaccine, hospitalised, died.
Sumyea, daughter of Shakhawat Hossain
Measles vaccine, unwell since vaccine, hospitalised, death
Abu Bakar, son of Suja Mia of Sabilapur village
Measles vaccine, unwell since vaccine, hospitalised, death
Osaka Prefecture
MMR vaccine, death
Zachary Strain
Oral polio vaccine, paralytic polio, death
Hayley Graves
Prevnar vaccine, vaccinated with second dose of prevnar at 9 months old. 30 hours later seizures started. In a coma for 45 days, having seizures the whole time. Death.
Ananya Kaewboon
DPT, Hepatitis B and polio vaccines, sudden death 1 day later.
Ashley Shipman
MMR vaccine, got SSPE as a result of measles virus in the vaccine, died a few years later at age 14.
Robert Francis
MMR vaccine, developed SSPE from measles virus in the vaccine, incontinence, sleeping 18 hours a day, coma, death.
Chloe Dwyer
MMR booster at 4 years old, pins and needles, paralysis, breathing difficulty, hospitalised, death.
Stacey Berry
MR vaccine during 1994 MR campaign. This 13 year old started fitting, was diagnosed with SSPE caused by the measles virus in the vaccine, died a few years later.
Hannah Buxton
MMR vaccine, seizure disorder. Continued seizures for 18 months, death
Kieran Fitzgerald
MMR vaccine, stopped crying, laughing and smiling. Became frightened of his toys (autism?)
Developed bowel disease. Died a year later, aged two.Stevie Adams
MMR vaccine, developed meningitis, died.
This urabe brand of vaccine was later BANNED for causing meningitis.Devin Simon
DTaP vaccine, seizure disorder, death.
Devan Womack
DPT vaccine, seizure disorder, death
Rita Gillooly
Flu vaccine, paralysis, death
Najiyah Hussain
This 3 year old girl was taken to the GP with a cold, and her parents persuaded to give her a flu vaccine. She then started having seizures and was taken to hospital. At hospital the doctor gave her nitrous oxide (gas and air) by mistake, instead of oxygen and she had heart failure and died.
Harry Richardson
Flu vaccine, paralysis, damage to spinal cord. This poor man was paralysed from the chest down for 4 years before he died due to spinal damage caused by the vaccine.
R Venkat Narsaiah of Bramhalakunta
Oral polio vaccine – baby started shivering after vaccine and then died suddenly.
Pramila Karaigudem
Oral polio vaccine, baby started shivering after vaccine and died suddenly.
Vance Walker
DTaP, polio, hib, prevnar, Hepatitis B and rotavirus vaccines – baby found dead in his crib 3 days later with bloody froth in his mouth and all over his clothes.
Yet To Be Named Infant of Geeta Mane
DPT, Hepatitis B, polio, BCG vaccines, baby died the next day.
Sunilkumar Sharma
DPT, hepatitis B, and polio vaccines – the baby died the next day.
Tahira Ansari
DPT and hepatitis B vaccines, sudden death
Peshala Hashani
This 12 year old girl had an allergy to eggs and her mother REFUSED CONSENT for her to be given a rubella vaccine. Peshala herself also refused. Despite this, she was told to ‘go home to your mother and breast feed’, and she was pulled by her tie and FORCIBLY vaccinated.
She began to itch immediately. By the time she had returned to class, she was experiencing chest pain and breathing difficulties.She was taken to hospital and later died.
Sam Goldstein
This case from 1976 happened during the last faked ‘swine flu pandemic’ in which no one got swine flu but hundreds died from the vaccine.
Sam Goldstein was given a flu shot and got Guillain-Barre syndrome (a paralysing disease) which he later recovered from.He was then given a swine flu vaccine, got paralysed again and died.
Cindy Apithy
Vaccines (report didn’t say which kind), baby began crying for hours and ‘going stiff’ (seizures?). Baby developed a fever and was given medicine by the doctor. Baby started bleeding from her nose and mouth and then she stopped breathing.
Officials blamed her death on co-sleeping, but the mother was up with her all night due to her crying.Marina McQuaig
Marina’s mother was vaccinated with a flu shot at 11 weeks pregnant. Marina was born with a disorder where the skin doesn’t grow properly on the hands and feet. Skin formation completes at around 11 weeks gestation and Marina’s mother thinks that the thimerosal in the vaccine caused Marina’s condition.
After her 2 month shots, Marina developed epilepsy. At 18 months she was given diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, Haemophilus Infiuenzae B, chickenpox and meningococcus vaccines, when she had a cold and in spite of mother’s reservations.This caused constant seizures, a 1 week stay in ICU, 2 weeks in the hospital and the child nearly died.
She became severely developmentally delayed due to her seizures and was on lots of medications to try and control the seizures.
When Marina was 8 years old, she died from one seizure too many.
Joseph Paul
MMR vaccine, 3 days later he had a high fever and was given antibiotics.
A couple of weeks later he had a seizure and was hospitalised for 3 days.A month afterwards Joesph was playing normally in the bath tub. His mother put his pyjamas on and he went to cuddle his father. Then he went to bed.
An hour later his mother checked on him and found him dead in his bed. Post-mortem showed that he died of encephalitis, which is a common vaccine side-effect.
Abigail Nelson
2 day old baby given hepatitis B vaccine.
She immediately began high-pitched screaming and throwing up her milk.Her stool turned green. In her second week of life, she was cold to touch and shivering. Mother was advised to put a hat on the baby which made no difference. She began to turn purple around her lips and on her hands and feet.
Doctors refused to see her – stating they would see her at her one month check and just to keep her wrapped in blankets.
Mother begged for help and offered to pay cash which the doctor wouldn’t accept because she was on medicaid.
Baby screamed for 6 hours continously and then went to sleep at 11.30pm. Her mother discovered her dead in her crib at 6am the next morning.
Brooke Petkevicius
Gardasil vaccine, caused a blood clot that stopped her heart.
Jessica Ericzon
After Jessica’s 2nd shot of Gardasil, she complained of pain in the head, sore joints and fatigue.
After her third shot she said this particular area at the back of her head hurt.2 days after the third dose, her mother found her dead on the bathroom floor. Pathologist said her death was ‘instant’.
Another doctor, Dr. Shaw who was promoting the vaccine, blamed her death on a toothbrush:
“We don’t even know what she died of,” Dr. Shaw said. “You could blame a toothbrush.”
Jessica was a 17 year old girl with no previous health problems.
Nguyen Ngoc Minh
44 day old baby died 6 hours after being injected with Hepatitis B vaccine – another 2 babies also died after this baby died.
Neil Clark
Died a few hours after being injected with DPT and polio vaccines.
His twin brother also died at the same time (see below).Authorities denied it, saying it was cot death. You cannot have two cot deaths at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME, and even if it had been, cot death is a term used to describe a sudden death of unknown cause, and it is not a diagnosis.
Michael Clark
Twin brother of Neil Clark – also died a few hours after being given DPT and polio vaccines, at the same time as his brother.
Christopher Blum
4 month old baby died a few hours after his first DPT, polio vaccines.
Pathologist found infection in Christopher’s blood. His organs went ‘missing’ after post-mortem and could not be found.Pathologist insisted death was cot death in spite of evidence of infection and the fact that the baby had been vomiting from the time of his shots until he was found dead a few hours later.
Christopher’s father refused to accept the death certificate and wanted it registered as vaccine death. This was refused, so he did not bury him and kept his body in cold storage for 21 years, trying to get someone to investigate his son’s death. Eventually the council court ordered him to have a funeral and accept the ‘cot death’ diagnosis.
Christopher’s organs have never been found. They probably contained vaccine virus and were got rid of.
Charlotte Curtis
DPT, hib, polio, meningitis C vaccines – death 6 days later.
Garrett Giles
DPT vaccine, anaphylactic shock, encephalopathy, collapse, death.
Justin Bosch
DPT vaccine, anaphylaxis, death
Jennifer Lawson
DPT vaccine, became mentally retarded as a result, later died.
Gabriel Lucus Riggs
DPT vaccine, encephalitis, death
Montez Pittman
DPT vaccine, encephalitis, death
Aaron Raley
DPT, encephalitis, death
Natalie Sword
DPT, encephalitis, death
Cheyenne Michael Shyface
DPT, encephalitis, death
Brenda Scott-Sheppard
Vaccination, demyelinating disease, death
Huynh Thi Kim Hoa
MMR, immediate difficulty breathing, low heart rate, coma, death.
This woman was a 20 year old factory worker who was ordered to get MMR by her employer.Savara Praveen
DPT vaccine, started frothing at the mouth and turned blue. Died 10 hours later.
Natalie Morton
Cervarix vaccine, collapsed 30 minutes later. Given CPR, died in hospital a few hours later.
Tumour found on post-mortem, but would not have been asymptomatic as they asserted if it were large enough to kill her instantly.Vaccines are also contraindicated in people with cancer so it could have been the straw that broke the camels back.
VAN UK is concerned that children are not screened for genetic or cancerous conditions prior to being vaccinated.
Ashanti Wasana
Rubella vaccine, immediate allergic reaction, death.
Lily Doherty
Seizure disorder after 2nd round of vaccines. Made worse by 3rd round.
Child eventually died on October 11th, 2002.Freek Hagoort
This 8 year old boy died 3 days after MMR and DPT boosters. His parents are making an official complaint that they were not warned of the dangers of vaccination.
Hailey Lynn Winkler
Baby died after 4 month vaccines. Recieved 172 times the ‘safe’ level of mercury set by the EPA in her vaccines. Labelled as SIDS, but SIDS is not a diagnosis, it means the infant died suddenly and they don’t know why.
Dhrushti Pingle
2 month old girl died one day after she was given her second dose of Hepatitis B, DPT and polio vaccines. She started crying and her nose started bleeding at 11pm the same day. She was taken to hospital and died the next morning.
Moshella Roberts
Gardasil vaccine. Died 4 days later after going to sleep at work and never waking up.
Santana G. Valdez
Gardasil vaccine. Started ‘whistling’ in her sleep after the vaccination which was subsequently recognised as breathing problems.
Died in her sleep aged only 18.Pathologist found papillomatosis in her airways (warts caused by HPV that line the airways).
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis.
Jasmine Renata
Gardasil vaccine. 18 year old, previously healthy girl had 3 injections of Gardasil and began to feel pain all over her body, tingling in her arms and legs, became tired and irritable and had a racing heart. After 6 months of progressively ill health, Jasmine’s mother went to pick her up from work and found she wasn’t there so she went home and discovered her daughter lying dead in bed (September 2009).
Chotu, son of Shyam Sunder Shukla
DPT vaccine. 2 and a half month baby was given DPT vaccine and died later that night.
Friends and relatives of the baby protested outside the local police station to try and get the doctor who vaccinated him, arrested.Vijai, Surname Not Given
Polio vaccine. A 2 year old boy with history of wheezing was given polio vaccine when sick, began wheezing and stopped breathing a few hours after the drops.
Siobhan Boyle
This 2 year old girl died 2 weeks after H1N1 vaccine.
At her 9 week injections she became paralysed, blind, deaf and epileptic. Doctors denied it was caused by the vaccine.They vaccinated her with H1N1 shot in December 09 and she was found dead in her bed 2 weeks later.
Catastrophic reactions such as this used to be admitted to and the person was contraindicated from ANY further vaccination of any kind. Then they changed it to any vaccination of the same type, then they changed it to ‘must be vaccinated in hospital’, now they just deny it, even when a perfectly healthy baby is paralysed and blinded and deafened with epileptic fits.
Dr. Lilia Rezig
H1N1 vaccine. Previously healthy 35 year old doctor with no diseases had the vaccine and dropped dead one day later.
Clayton Cachia
H1N1 vaccine. Healthy 23 year old man with no previous health problems had vaccine and collapsed at work 5 days later. Taken to hospital and died. Pathologist found his heart was swollen.
Alexandra Amaris Peters
Alexandra Amaris Peters, aged 23, daughter of David F. Peters and the late Mary Christine MacTaggart Peters, of 155 Stoddard Road, Lakeside, passed away quietly the morning of Dec. 31, 2009.
Alexandra, like thousands of other children, was brain damaged shortly after birth when she had a severe reaction to the pertussis component of the DPT vaccine that is routinely administered to infants and young children.Alexandra was much loved, and in addition to her father, David, and sister, Gabrielle, she is mourned by her long-term caregiver, Susan Fuller of Litchfield, numerous friends and relatives from Connecticut to California and a big orange tabby cat, “Baby.”
Source: Republican American Obituaries –
Tracey Swatton
Measles vaccine. Had a measles vaccine at age 4 years. 6 days later she developed permanent epilepsy even though she had been well before that.
At one point had 197 fits in one week.
Found dead on the bathroom floor at age 37 by her husband. Family thinks another fit killed her and are certain they were triggered by the vaccination.At one point had 197 fits in one week.
Luke Wilson
MMR vaccine. Became irritable and moody. He swelled up at the injection site. Six days later he complained of a sore head and toes. He then became limp and lifeless and was taken to hospital and put on life support. Three days after that he was found to be brain dead so doctor’s turned off his support. The doctors admitted that it was MMR vaccine that had killed him.
He was only 2 years old.Gaurav Vishwakarma
Measles vaccine – death. Baby was 9 months old.
Karnika Thakur
Measles vaccine – death. Baby was 11 months old.
Measles vaccine – death. Baby was 13 months old.
Arman Vishwakarma
Measles vaccine – death. Baby was 9 months old.
Wang Xiao’er
Hepatitis B vaccine, gradual death. Baby was 9 months old.
Liu Ziyang
Encephalitis vaccine, rabies, Hepatitis B vaccines – death. Baby was 8 months old.
Wang Shichao
Encephalitis vaccine, rabies, Hepatitis B vaccines – death. Child was 3 years old.
Liu Yi
Encephalitis vaccine, rabies, hepatitis B vaccines – death. Child was 3 years old.
6 Month old Baby – Name Unknown, Gosaintolla Village, India
Oral polio drops – Baby started foaming at the mouth and died.
Ashley Jade Epapara
2 year old twin. Given combination H1N1/seasonal flu vaccine. Started vomiting (as did her twin sister) and convulsing. Died in hospital 12 hours later. She was previously healthy.
Khusbhu Limbachia
Oral polio vaccine – this 2 month old baby girl developed a high fever after the vaccine and died 48 hours later.
Chura Malik
Oral Polio vaccine – this 6 month old was given the vaccine two weeks after recovering from measles, which was negligent, and against his parents wishes. He got a high fever and died the day after being vaccinated.
Kennie Ray Nelson Junior
Hepatitis B vaccine. This was a healthy 15 year old teenager who had gone for a ‘routine physical’ to attend a sports camp. He was given Hep B vaccine, collapsed whilst still in the clinic, started having convulsions and died.
Morgan Morongo
Anti-malaria injection called ‘chloroquin’, possibly fake medication? – child vomited immediately, then fainted and died.
Richard Kadiru
Anti-malaria injection called ‘chloroquin’ – possibly fake medication? – vomited immediately, fainted and died, along with his brother Morgan in the same incident.
Sanjana Dhende
Hep B, polio vaccines.
8 month old was vaccinated with Hep B one day and IPV the following day. Was seriously ill 1 hour later, died 2 hours, 45 minutes later.She had a heart condition and should not have been vaccinated anyway.
Other pages:
Welcome To Vaccine Awareness Network
- Updated 30 January 2013
- The chemicals that go into vaccination – newly updated 13 June 2012
- Vaccines and Immune Dysfunction – updated 17 July 2012
- The Herd Immunity Theory – updated 27 August 2012
- Did Vaccines Really Stop Diseases? A look at history – updated 10 April 2010 with modern day victim of smallpox vaccine
- The Use Of Foetal Tissue in Vaccines – newly updated 15 March 2012
- Abortion Pill That Kills the Mother Too – NEW page!
- Vaccines: A Religious Contention – updated 17 December 2009
- Mandating Vaccines or Not? My speech to Nuffield Bio Ethics on the pitfalls of mandating vaccination – includes link to – updated 8 February 2009
- 5 in 1 vaccine – updated 26 August 2012.
Autism and Cerebral Palsy From DPT Vaccine
- Maryamber’s Story – and other Cerebral Palsy after Vaccination Cases, updated 13 April 2010
- Gardasil and Cervarix – The Cervical Cancer Vaccine – now updated 31 March 2010 – Spain Withdraws Batch Of HPV Vaccine
- Gardasil Vaccine Continued And Cases Of Gardasil/Cervarix Damage And Death, updated 1 December 2012
- Prevnar and Pneumonia Vaccinations, including info on PCV 13, updated 3 February 2012
- Travel Vaccines – updated 14 June 2012
- Tetanus Vaccine – updated 6 May 2012
- MMR and Single Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines and MMRV information – updated 17 July 2012 – NEW COURT RULING SHOWING MMR CAUSED ASD! Contains Graphic Damage Photo.
- Four Babies Killed In Measles Vaccine Campaign – updated 26 August 2012 with more deaths, PAGE FULL.
- Shots Cause Autism In Monkeys
- Bully Boy Tactics Proposed – includes case of forced vaccination with various vaccines, updated 5 January 2013
- Various articles and citations – updated 30 August 2012
- Hep B Manufacturer’s Information – updated with details of court admitted MS and Death Caused By Hep B Vaccine, updated 18 November 2012
- Updated 30 January 2013
- And Other Vaccine Companies/Doctors On Trial For Vaccine Deaths, Injuries and Fraud – Updated 30 January 2013, now including Investigations into Swine Flu Scam
- Iatrogenic child abuse: vaccinations and other medical abuse of children by doctors
My Fight For Health After Vaccination
- A Vaccine Damage Case – updated 6 March 2012 to include my friend’s and relatives vaccine damage cases
- WARNING! Very Graphic Vaccine Damage Pictures. Don’t Look If Easily Upset – updated 21 August 2011
- A Place Where You Can Send Your Views On Vaccines And Health – updated 21 August 2011
- Your Legal Right To Own Your Own Body – updated 16 August 2009 with new information
- Transplacental and Breast Milk Immunity and How they are Diminished by Vaccination – new page 24 August 2012
- Immunising Your Baby With Breast Milk – updated 18 June 2012
- NEW Page – updated 26 August 2012
- Unvaccinated Bundles of Joy! – updated 11 July 2012
- The Hospital Birth Experience
- My Unassisted Childbirth – Reclaiming My Femininity – updated 17 May 2012
- My Struggle To Have A Natural Pregnancy With The NHS – updated 5 May 2012
- My Baby’s Unhindered Home Birth – updated 6 May 2012
- Your Right To Birth Without Violence And Other Home Birth Issues – updated 17 May 2012
- And Tips For Easing Pain. Updated 6 May 2012
- Caesareans and Breech Births – updated 17 May 2010
- What You Should Know If Considering A Vaccination During Pregnancy – updated 7 October 2012 – ALERT: MISCARRIAGES AND STILLBIRTHS AFTER H1N1 VACCINE!!
- Photo Diary of Child Friendly Home Schooling – updated 7 August 2009 – PAGE FULL, WILL ADD NEW ONE LATER.
- Page two of my children’s home schooling – updated 7 October 2012
- Updated 3 March 2012.
- VAN UK’S Founder On ‘Other People’s Breast Milk’ and Comments Regarding The Show
- Formula Milk Is NOT As Good As Breast Milk And Is Not A Breast Milk Substitute! Updated 14 June 2012
- Updated 6 May 2012
- What’s Not On The Label
- VS. Medical Evidence – updated 26 August 2012
- VS. Medical Evidence – NEW page completed on 25th August 2012
- The spreading of viruses and bacteria via vaccination. Includes Information on the symptoms and treatment of measles. Updated 17 July 2012
- And The Birth of VAN UK – updated 26 August 2012
- Some of the reasons I don’t vaccinate, from my blog, 7th October 2012
- The Link Between Vaccines And SIDS – updated 22 July 2012
- Updated 30 August 2012
- Updated 2 June 2012.
- Couragious Dad Refuses To Allow A Definition Of SIDS On His Son’s Death Certificate
- BCG vaccine information – new page 4 August 2012
- Updated 7 October 2012
- A conventional doctor links vaccines with strokes, SIDS, Autism and other illnesses – updated 19 October 2010
- Updated 22nd August 2012 with more deafness and blindness after MMR cases
- Citation in the Journal of Allergy And Clinical Immunology and Info on Vaccines and Auto-Immunity – 2 August 2012
- With link to Manufacturer’s Say Vaccines Cause Autism! – updated 9 November 2012.
- Medical Information On Who Should Not Have Vaccines – Merck and GP Notebook – updated 6 September 2009
- Updated 30 January 2013
- Created By Lab Blunder – now recording deaths and injuries from jab – page now full.
- Ingredients and other information – updated 10 October 2011
- What You Should Know About Tamiflu – updated 22 January 2010
- A New Study Shows That University Educated Mums Are More Likely To Refuse Vaccines And Other Studies Showing Educated Mothers Refusing Vaccines – updated 23 July 2011
- Medical Studies And Reports Showing Vaccines Do Not Immunise – Updated 25 April 2009
- Page Full.
- Vaccine ‘Preventable’ Diseases Occuring in the Vaccinated – NEW PAGE. 7 December 2012.
- Kids sicken after DT/IPV Vaccines – and other reactions after vaccination drives, updated 5 January 2013
- And other encephalitis after vaccination, updated 17 October 2009
- Infant Mortality Rates Fall In Line With Lowering Vaccination Rates – updated 31 January 2013
- Suddenly this benign childhood illness has turned into a ‘deadly killer’ because they are introducing a vaccine – updated 31 January 2013
- If You Decide To Vaccinate – updated 30 January 2013
- How To Make A Claim For Compensation If Your Loved One Is Vaccine Injured – updated 23 March 2009
- A Case Study Using Homeopathy to Detox from Vaccines – page created 6 May 2009.
- Solicitor/Lawyer Information – updated 2 June 2012
- These days, doctors and parents have lost the art of actually nursing their child through a normal childhood illness. Here we tell you the symptoms and treatment of measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, rotavirus and whooping cough – updated 15 June 2012
- Studies showing childhood diseases reduce autoimmunity – updated 21 November 2010
- Updated 12 April 2012
- Authorities Admitting Concern Over Chemicals Used In Other Products That Are Also Used In Vaccines – updated 30 January 2013
- A page dedicated to a little boy who died of an adverse reaction to Hepatitis B vaccine. WARNING: graphic vaccine damage picture
- The Dangers of Animal Vaccines and naturally rearing animals – updated 27 September 2012
- Honouring Those Who Have Died From Vaccination – updated 15 April 2012
- Honouring Those Who Have Died From Vaccination – Page 2, updated 9 November 2012
- In Memory of Andy Black – WARNING, GRAPHIC PHOTOS, DON’T LOOK IF EASILY UPSET – updated 2 August 2012
- Environmental Reasons Why Vaccines Aren’t so Great. 2% of World HIV Cases Caused By Vaccines. NEW PAGE.
- How Studies are ‘Doctored’ to Make Vaccines Seem More Effective – NEW page! updated 8 August 2012
- Under 18′s Page – Know Your Vaccination Rights – Updated 25 June 2012
- Example letters you can use to complain about the use of vaccination in schools – updated 23 June 2012
- Historical Evidence Against Vaccination and Historical Vaccine Death Cases
- Home Educated Kids are Rarely at Home! – updated 3 June 2012
- NEW PAGE – Countering Pro-Vaccine Arguments, 30th April 2012
- New Page
- VAN UK Shop – updated 12 September 2009
- Donate To VAN UK to Keep This Website Running!
- About vaccination and it’s affects – updated 25 June 2012
- Comments are Moderated (Polite Messages Only)- Moderated 9 February 2013
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