The research indicates that cannabinoids hold the secret to helping heal many of the chronic diseases we are facing. From cancer to diabetes, and from autism to Alzheimer's, medical marijuana helps, and sometimes dramatically so. Cannabinoid medicine holds a great power to alleviate human suffering. There are no words to describe how important this substance is for our race in terms of sanity, compassion and highly rational medicine.
Although medical marijuana is nontoxic, smoking it can be hazardous over the long term because toxic compounds are created in the combustion process. Fortunately there are options for the administration of cannabis but in general all different ways of administrating hemp oil or raw marijuana can be combined with no harmful side effects. Also there are vaporizers that allow for inhalation or what amounts to transdermal treatments into the lungs without burning the marijuana. It's a cool clean smoke of powerful medicine.
Hemp Salves and Oils Offer Potent Solutions
One hospital pathologist cut his finger during an autopsy; bacteria resistant to antibiotics infected the wound and it seemed that an amputation was going to be inevitable. Then someone had the idea to ask Prof. Kabelik, who was known for hisresearch on the medicinal use of cannabis, for help. He applied his hemp salve and two days later the wound was already healing and the amputation was avoided.
Topical Solution Uses
Arthritis ---------------------------- Pain
Dry/chapped skin ---------------- Rashes
Eczema ---------------------------- Rheumatism
Headaches or migraines --------- Swelling
Insect bites ----------------------- Sunburns
Burns ------------------------------ Stiff neck
Muscle soreness ----------------- Tendonitis
A Seattle company is reportedly developing a medical marijuana patch for pets, calling it a "question of quality of life." Jim Alekson's Medical Marijuana Delivery Systems, LLC has patented the patch, called Tetracan, and says it could be used on dogs, cats, and even horses. The patch would be available for human use as well. According to Alekson, "Dogs suffer from the same maladies that humans do," and pets can suffer greatly from pain -- everything from arthritis to cancer. He said that harsh pharmaceutical painkillers have proven harmful, sometimes fatal to animals.
In California an adult may grow, buy and smoke marijuana, all while remaining safely within the confines of state law.Dr. William Courtneytells his patients "Don't smoke the stuff. Eat it!" It won't get you high eaten raw, and juiced with a handful of carrots to cut the bitter taste, its leaves and buds may well offer an important contribution to getting people well.
Courtney juices carrots to cut the harsh taste of the ingredients
largely absent in the psychotropic variety of cannabis.
Karl Vick for The Washington Post
Kristen Peskuski summarized her return to near-full health -- including debilitating lupus, interstitial cystitis, rheumatoid arthritis and 40 medications a day -- after juicing fresh pot leaves over a 30-month period.Courtney's approach promotes marijuana as a good-for-you vegetable like spinach.
Raw bud has a high concentration of cannabinoids and is excellent for consumption. When consumed, raw marijuana generally does not make a person high. The main psychoactive compound in dried, aged cannabis is delta-9 THC, which is absent in the raw, fresh leaf. However, the other compounds, such as the terpenes, may have an effect on mood or energy levels. Raw leaf contains mainly THC acid (not THC) unless you are using a strain that is much higher in CBD. In that case, you will be getting some CBD from the leaf. Leaves are picked from a plant that is about three months of age. Buds should be at the state where the trichomes are fully present but not yet amber (i.e. cloudy).
Some of the benefits of raw cannabis include:
Immune modulating ----------- Anti-diabetic
Anti-inflammatory ------------- Neuroprotective
Antioxidant --------------------- Antispasmodic
Anti-tumor/anti-cancer ------- Anti-anxiety
Bone stimulation -------------- Antibacterial
What are the "active" ingredients in raw cannabis if there is no delta-9 THC?
Terpenes ---------------------- Cannabigerol (CBG)
Flavonoids -------------------- Cannabidivarin (CBDV)
Phytocannabinoids ---------- Cannabichromene (CBC)
Cannabinol (CBN) ----------- CBD Acid
Cannabidiol (CBD) ---------- THC Acid
Cannabigerol (CBG)
read full article at Natural News here...
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