The Nexus of Tyranny: The Strategy Behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
By Dennis Cimino (with Jim Fetzer)
The question is not as unwarranted as most of the public might believe. If this had been a real shooting of children, there would have been a sense of panic and of hysteria. EMTs would have rushed into the school building. The children would have been rushed out on stretchers and into ambulances and other vehicles and rushed to a hospital for doctors to treat them and formally pronounce the death of those who had been killed. Nothing remotely like this happened. The police cordoned off everyone from the school. No one was allowed to see the bodies. They were transported in the dead of night. It was simply bizarre beyond belief. A resourceful student has turned up visual evidence that Sandy Hook was not even an operating school, which, if she is right, discloses the stunning enormity of the hoax:
These considerations already indicate that Sandy Hook was a fabricated or staged event. I wish it were not the case, but that conclusion is reinforced by multiple peculiarities about photographs and other matters, extending to conflicting reports about whether the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza, was a student at the school or not; whether his mother was a teacher there or not; police radio reports in real time of two perps heading toward the reporting officer, one of whom was apprehended, the other fled into the woods and was tracked in helicopter footage. Concern that this is an elaborate “psy op” to create hysteria in the hearts of the American people and bring about a stampede of public support for the confiscation of every semi-automatic weapon in the country, as Sen. Diane Feinstein’s bill would impose, are open to serious question in light of the discovery that, in the Social Security Death Index, Adam Lanza is reported to have died on the 13th, the day before the “massacre”:
After all, if Adam died the day before, he cannot have slaughtered those 20 children and six adults (seven, including his mother) on the following day. And the matter has been compounded by the rediscovery that all three of the major networks–ABC, NBC and CBS–reported that his body had been found accompanied by hand guns (whose numbers range from two to four), while the alleged “assault right” was left in the car! The reporter all confirmed that they had verified the information they were presenting with state and federal officals. But if these murders were committed with hand guns, then the justification for a ban on assault weapons on the basis of these events is non-existent. Indeed, it appears that the Sandy Hook story is turning out to be a much bigger event than it would have been had it actually been authentic.
As a former Marine Corps officer who qualified with a .45 and a rifle four years in a row (from 1962-66) and occasionally shot expert with the M-14, I have found it very difficult to imagine how this young man of slight build, who appears to have had little or even no marksmanship training, could possibly have pulled it off. I supervised marksmanship at Edson Range, Camp Pendleton, as a Series Commander at the USMC Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA, and the ratio of target to kills strikes me as not merely extremely improbable but virtually impossible, especially if he was using hand guns but even with a Bushmaster. And the probability that he killed anyone on the 14th when he appears to have died on the 13th does not require emphasis. An especially informative interview recently took place between Joyce Riley and Mike Powers on “The Power Hour”:
The New York Times has entered the fray by publishing “Reliving Horror and Faint Hope at Massacre Site” (28 January 2013), in which it recounts the horrific experiences of five of law enforcement officers who were among the first on the scene at Sandy Hook. Like many other articles about the shooting, it makes a strong appeal to the emotions but is short on proof:
NEWTOWN, Conn. — The gunfire ended; it was so quiet they could hear the broken glass and bullet casings scraping under their boots. The smell of gunpowder filled the air. The officers turned down their radios; they did not want to give away their positions if there was still a gunman present.Questions that are not explored by The New York Times include why there were no EMTs rushing to aide the victims, why there was no rash of ambulances to transport them to the hospital, why the officers on the scene were the ones to declare them dead, and why not even their parents were allowed to identify their children. Too tough for The Times, it appears.
They found the two women first, their bodies lying on the lobby floor. Now they knew it was real. But nothing, no amount of training, could prepare them for what they found next, inside those two classrooms.
“One look, and your life was absolutely changed,” said Michael McGowan, one of the first police officers to arrive at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, as a gunman, in the space of minutes, killed 20 first graders and 6 adults.
As Miles Mathis has observed in “Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories debunked? No”, the government likes to hire people to run this gambit:
[T]hey publish some ridiculously weak response as a debunking, it utterly fails to debunk anything, but then simply because it got published by top outlets they claim the theory has been debunked. Go study just about any tragedy or big news story of the past 50 years, and you will see the same progression. [Specifically, you can study Popular Mechanics' pathetic efforts to debunk 911 Truth by this method.] But I have news for them, publishing an article with the title Debunked does not automatically mean the theory has been debunked. You actually have to make a strong argument. Blowing smoke for a couple of pages isn’t a debunking, it is just more propaganda, and most people who read these things can see that. The debunking of 911 didn’t work, because the debunking was exponentially weaker than the data it was trying to debunk.Most people now recognize that fact. We are seeing the same thing here with Sandy Hook.To prove this, Miles Mathis goes “point for point” through the debunking of Salon writer Alex Seitz-Wald, demonstrating that he has done no more than deploy “3rd-string debating tricks and cold cabbage” and that his title constitutes a case of false advertising, “Your comprehensive answer to every Sandy Hook conspiracy theory”. Indeed, a he also explains, there are also multiple indications that photos have been shopped, including this “Christmas pose” by the Robbie Parker family, whose daughter, Emily, appears to have posted with President Obama when he visited Newtown to convey his sympathies. which has been scrutinized in several venues. An excellent discussion of some of these issues includes of this photograph:
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