UPDATE: Orlando to start fining family $500 per day for growing garden in yard
College Park couple says front yard vegetable garden is under fire againHelvenstons launch protest of Orlando's law after facing fines
College Park couple's vegetable garden is on the chopping block again after the city threatened fines if they don't uproot it by Thursday, according to the Institute for Justice Florida Chapter.
Jason and Jennifer Helvenston are launching "Plant a Seed, Change the Law," a protest of Orlando’s law, which they say violates their constitutional right to peacefully use their property to grow their own food.
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In November, Local 6 broke the story about the controversial garden after the city told the Helvenstons their 25-by-25-foot front yard vegetable garden was not in compliance with the city's code.
After hundreds of emails supporting the couple flowed in and initially allowing the Helvenstons to keep their garden, saying it will hold off on violations, the city has since asked the couple to uproot the garden and replace it with a lawn or face fines.
"The greatest freedom you can give someone is the freedom to know they will not go hungry,” said Jason Helvenston. "Our Patriot Garden pays for all of its costs in healthy food and lifestyle while having the lowest possible carbon footprint. It supplies valuable food while being attractive. I really do not understand why there is even a discussion. They will take our house before they take our Patriot Garden."
read on.. or go grow a garden in solidarity
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