Thursday, January 10, 2013

Prophetic Dreams ~ We All Do It

Dreams of Prophecy: Evolution and the Biology of Psychic Phenomenon

In the modern world, the mystery of psychic phenomena seems to coexist alongside itself, straddling rather fractured grounds between doubt and believability. While science still remains unable to prove conclusively that certain individuals can see into the future or read the minds of others, there nonetheless seem to be instances where “proof” exists, supporting that these things can, and often do, occur.
The “fractured” nature of supposed psychic phenomena is further complicated by the appearance of 1-800 hotlines, reality television programing, and a host of other commercial endeavors that, for good or for ill, promote the extra-sensory abilities of others for purpose of profit. While every individual should be allowed the ability to earn their living, the process of commercializing the unexplained often casts strange phenomenon like ESP in a poor light, especially amidst the scientific community.
But there are certainly those out there who seek to better understand such things as psychic phenomenon, and to do so utilizing the scientific method. In doing so, could we possibly discover that proposed “psychic abilites” may actually be the result of such things as natural selection, and even underlying biological processes occurring within the body?
I am reminded of a musician friend of mine who once told me that he, upon first meeting certain women throughout his life, had always received a particular sensation if this would eventually be someone he would later begin dating. The conversation came together as the result of a question I had asked him: do you believe in psychic phenomenon? Indeed, it was my friend’s feeling that the “sensation” he had described, rather than merely being the kinds of sparks flying between two interested individuals, had actually been something precognitive that “alerted” him as to which women he met would be an ideal partner.

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