Olympics Zion mind fuck ~ did you get it
The Occult Nature of the Olympics Closing Ceremony by Ishtar from Ishtarsgate.com
"Occult" just means "hidden" and so in itself, it is a neutral word. It is neither good nor evil. The outcome of any occult act lies in the intention of the performer of it. But as many are increasingly becoming aware, there has been a silent and subterranean occult war going on for some time across the world between various Freemasonic groups.
While we're watching surface events, others are working the geometries, archetypes, leyline energies and numbers underneath that which appears to be happening on the surface, and these underground factors engage a part of our brain of which we're largely unconscious, which is why it's called the unconscious mind.
However, like the seven-eighths of the iceberg which lies under the water, our unconscious minds are more powerful than our conscious minds (the eighth of the iceberg above the water) in dictating the direction of our lives.
It's my belief that the main aim of all the psy-ops campaigns in recent months, about false flag attacks and possible ET invasions or Disclosure at the Olympics, has been to get us all to watch. They can't programme our unconscious minds if we don't watch what they put on our screens. So they needed us to be present and engaged ~ and I would say they've succeeded massively in drawing most of us in to be a part of their occult offering to the gods.
Why do I believe that the London Olympic Games 2012 was an occult ritualistic ceremony to the gods? Well, partly because it always was.
As Mike Williams wrote in his article How the Olympic Games Began as a Religious Ceremony, when the Olympics began, back in history, it was nothing to do with sport. The original Olympics were purely a ceremonial ritual dedicated to the gods of Olympus, and that hasn't changed.
The sporting bit of the Olympics was adopted much later on, and even today, it's only an excuse, to add to the enchantment of the masses. The Games themselves are just a veneer to hide the real Zionist Game and that is to perform a magical ritual which is carried out by the use of certain symbols, numbers and geometrical shapes and various other forms of alchemy which programs the unconscious minds of those watching and engaging.
The Divine Marriage
There was a lot of occult, alchemical symbology on display in the opening ceremony, and there are articles covering that in the Further Reading section below. But the main implant took place when the five rings became enflamed. This was to represent the spinning flaming wheels of the Old Testament prophet Elijah's chariot as he ascended to Heaven.

As the Game was broadcast all over the world, the programming continued with the original implant of the opening ceremony being constantly reinforced by the regular flashing up on our screens of the five rings, and Vangelis's Chariots of Fire playing in the background.
The athletes are awarded miniature versions of these wheels in the form of medals, the unconscious implication being that winning the Olympics will get than an audience with the gods of Olympus, just like Elijah.
But then like all occult ceremonies which have to be closed down when the aim has been achieved, we had last night's closing ritual.
The day before, organiser Kim Gavin had said:
"If the opening ceremony was the wedding, tonight will be the 'disco after the marriage.'"
Whether Gavin realised it or not, this was an allusion to the Divine Marriage, or Alchemical Marriage, a rite once practised by Rosicrucians and nowadays by Freemasons, and based on the text The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.
The Divine Wedding is a metaphor for the most important stage in an alchemical process, known as a conjunction, which is a conjoining (or joining) of two substances to form a new substance with its own characteristics. This new substance is known as the Child of the Conjunction, or the Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone is said to turn base metal into gold, and to offer the boon of immortality.
And so now that the aim of the creating the Philosopher's Stone had been achieved, the ceremony needed to be closed down with thanks, gratitude and celebration.
The Alchemy of the Closing Ceremony
It was an amazing show ~ as you would expect from something designed to fully engage the audience ~ and there were some brilliant performances (my favourites were Russell Brand as The Egg Man and Annie Lennox ). It was wonderful to see people having such a great time, especially the athletes and volunteers who deserved a great party after all their hard work.
However, underlying the show and the party, and unbeknown to most of those taking part, it was a Freemasonic closing ritual. read on... fascinating
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