A bit of history of the game
remember, they don´t care about us
you DO change the world
I love these two movies by Ben Stewart
The Esoteric Agenda
AAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! It´s the war on vegetables!
If only they had this when I was a KID!
food as weapons... won´t beat Mums´fricaseed lambs brains
oops! we made a super killer bug!!!
mmmm yummy toxins passed down the generations
surely we can trust the government
18 reasons why schools are like jails in the US

I'm winning the war on the "war on drugs"
webster tarpley shows the written plans of Obamas' current administration for mass population reduction and control...
or if an hour drains you, here's a 2 minute version for dummies
the georgia guidestones... check it! 'They've already built humanity's tombstone...
Agenda 21 from the UN- smells fishy to me
tax dollars well spent
men & guns in groups = wrong

suicide cult driving the economy

crazy psychiatrists
18 US soldiers suicide a day

we´re massaged with words
global media serves the synagogue of satan
as do "our" politicians

fbibook quietly turns on face recognition technology by default...

UK Doctors to become "Thought Police"

fair is fair
tax returns for big corporations posting major profits
god how many people do they need to kill
us troops discuss drop weapons
to all my friends afraid of climate change... you're perfectas you Baaaah!
they're laughing at you
from their own mouths global warming is a fraud
if one more moron calls me a conspiracy theorist im going to tie him naked to 4 of his mates, piss on his head and get the dog to bark at his genitals whilst i force him to watch this and listen with headphones.

more people should talk like this
the global banking scam and the wanking bankers

78% of Pakistani kids with polio were vaccinated for polio

greatest conspiracy of all, besides telling us we are the body
the bAnking cartel

¿ flouride - who really benefits?
scientist with integrity
iraq for sale
Re-defining love
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