How and Why They Hide in the Light
(Before It's News) 
by Zen Gardner
First of all, it’s not the real light, the true light. It’s the media and attention light. The stage. The apparent light that most sleeping humans count to be true.
After all, “I saw it for myself and I didn’t see anything wrong!”
No, you didn’t, because you weren’t looking with the right eyes. You were participating in the grand illusion, the magic trick of ages called the projected matrix, the manipulated reality constructed right in your own mind.
It’s clearly psychotic but as we all know it’s much more nefarious than that.
For that matter the whole phony construct all around you that’s a projection from your own hypnotized mind.
It starts with one thing and can spread into someone’s consciousness like wildfire. That’s why the media tries so hard to muzzle these exposés, or divert them into some other arena and have them fizzle out. But we’re on to you bastards and we ain’t letting up.

The ironic thing is that actually they’re not in plain sight at all. It’s a highly edited movie clip of a very small segment of their wicked lives.
You see photos and they have their public image broadcast in one way or the other, but they lead very private lives and only allow certain people to get near them. Just because their faces are flashed across the screen or they’re in a parade or a movie or receiving accolades and mega attention once in a while doesn’t mean we know anything about their lives.
We just see what we’re told or allowed to see.
Wanna knock on one of their mansions and hang out for a few days and follow them around? Go ahead and try. Let me know how it goes.

#2. They LOVE attention. Typical psychopathic behavior. “Me me me, it’s all about me. And you at the other end adoring me puts me above you. Oh you hapless peons.” The flow of money to these types is a symptom of this attention they crave.
#3. They’re energy vampires. Energy flows where attention goes. Again, like money, they’re sucking you dry while giving back to you nothing but lower density filth and lies and just enough excuses to keep you working for them and providing energy.
#4. It controls you. As long as your attention is on them and what they project, you have that much less time, power and freedom to do what you should be doing and be who you were meant to be. And most people are addicted to the media drivel. They pause the TV to take a leak and hurry back to finish their next bag of addictive, contaminated feed.
#5. It supports the matrix. When people fixate on and accept the world as this false projection being thrown up, it then exists. If they didn’t, it wouldn’t. Even quantum physicists know this as fact. Nothing exists unless and until we give it attention. That simple.
As you do you’ll feel your true energy boost as you tap into the cosmic consciousness energy network, the awake and aware people’s broadcasting station!
As you do you become a transceiver, boosting the signal into this reality.
Isn’t that cool?
So never mind these idiot vampires in the false light. Expose and depose them, and stay free from their influences.
Much love, Zen
“The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.” – Lao Tzu
by Zen Gardner
First of all, it’s not the real light, the true light. It’s the media and attention light. The stage. The apparent light that most sleeping humans count to be true.
After all, “I saw it for myself and I didn’t see anything wrong!”
No, you didn’t, because you weren’t looking with the right eyes. You were participating in the grand illusion, the magic trick of ages called the projected matrix, the manipulated reality constructed right in your own mind.
Dirt on Display
I read a fascinating piece in the Guardian that triggered this post. I’ve thought about this often, how the elite scumbags crave media attention and don’t seem to fear being “found out” for who they really are or what they’re really up to.It’s clearly psychotic but as we all know it’s much more nefarious than that.
The tracksuit (as nylon zip-up suits were called back then), the long platinum blond hair, and let’s not forget the phallic cigar – Sir Jimmy Savile projected eccentricity as a badge of pride, as this picture shows. That cultivated appearance helped to make him famous and loved. At least, people told one another they loved him. Yet now his image lends credence to shocking allegations that paint the patron of Jim’ll Fix It as a child abuser who exploited his power at the BBC to get away with cynical, life-wrecking crimes.Very telling, isn’t it. The veneer peeled off and now people see the reality of this beast. Bless David Icke and others for the relentless pursuit of Truth in exposing the full depth and breadth of this rampant child abuse amongst the so-called elites, including and especially amongst the royals and Illuminati bloodlines and other power brokers.
Or did we always suspect it? Was it always there, unspoken, the sheer weirdness of Savile’s self-presentation hinting at something very wrong behind the fun of Saturday teatimes?
Now each photograph of the late legend is darkening and mutating, the great character becoming the sick monster. At which point it is surely right to point out that Savile is not here to answer the allegations, and that if true, he had many enablers. Meanwhile, the picture of a good man – who just looked rather odd – turns overnight into the mugshot of an obvious villain. (Source)
Seeing the Truth
He says above that “each photograph of the late legend is darkening and mutating, the great character becoming the sick monster.” Bingo. That’s called waking the hell up. Now please, apply that to everyone connected to him and just about anyone in positions of power.For that matter the whole phony construct all around you that’s a projection from your own hypnotized mind.
It starts with one thing and can spread into someone’s consciousness like wildfire. That’s why the media tries so hard to muzzle these exposés, or divert them into some other arena and have them fizzle out. But we’re on to you bastards and we ain’t letting up.
Hiding in Plain Sight
Hiding in plain sight has a lot of advantages. First off, the average person figures if it’s in plain sight and in the public domain they must have nothing to hide, or at least nothing serious. No, I’m not joking, that’s the underlying mindset even though people suspect rampant corruption of all types. They still keep swallowing and supporting the system.The ironic thing is that actually they’re not in plain sight at all. It’s a highly edited movie clip of a very small segment of their wicked lives.
You see photos and they have their public image broadcast in one way or the other, but they lead very private lives and only allow certain people to get near them. Just because their faces are flashed across the screen or they’re in a parade or a movie or receiving accolades and mega attention once in a while doesn’t mean we know anything about their lives.
Wanna knock on one of their mansions and hang out for a few days and follow them around? Go ahead and try. Let me know how it goes.
A glimpse into who and what they really are…
5 Big Reasons Why
#1. It’s great cover. Getting their mugs out in poised positions with controlled coverage serves as a great cover. You’ve been given an impression and explanation and now you make your “informed” opinion. That’s much like the blind men and the elephant, and they’re giving us a toe nail to feel. It’s pitiful.#2. They LOVE attention. Typical psychopathic behavior. “Me me me, it’s all about me. And you at the other end adoring me puts me above you. Oh you hapless peons.” The flow of money to these types is a symptom of this attention they crave.
#3. They’re energy vampires. Energy flows where attention goes. Again, like money, they’re sucking you dry while giving back to you nothing but lower density filth and lies and just enough excuses to keep you working for them and providing energy.
#4. It controls you. As long as your attention is on them and what they project, you have that much less time, power and freedom to do what you should be doing and be who you were meant to be. And most people are addicted to the media drivel. They pause the TV to take a leak and hurry back to finish their next bag of addictive, contaminated feed.
#5. It supports the matrix. When people fixate on and accept the world as this false projection being thrown up, it then exists. If they didn’t, it wouldn’t. Even quantum physicists know this as fact. Nothing exists unless and until we give it attention. That simple.
Stay Free and Charged Up – Receive and Transmit!
When you’ve discovered who you really are all this has no power over you. Staying free from their influence takes some doing, but it’s mainly disengaging from their control system any and every way you can, physically, financially, socially, psychologically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.As you do you’ll feel your true energy boost as you tap into the cosmic consciousness energy network, the awake and aware people’s broadcasting station!
As you do you become a transceiver, boosting the signal into this reality.
Isn’t that cool?
So never mind these idiot vampires in the false light. Expose and depose them, and stay free from their influences.
Much love, Zen
“The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.” – Lao Tzu
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