By Shepard Ambellas
December 28, 2012
Scientists are now planning to analyze DNA from the Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza to see if they can detect an “evil gene” that would essentially lead to a massive pre-crime crackdown in America. A true sign that the US government plans to take on the American populace using any means viable.
The shooting has so far been controversial as stories vary in many ways. Some see the act of violence a means for the establishment to grab guns from docile citizens. reported;
Arthur Beaudet, a professor at Baylor College of Medicine, said the University of Connecticut geneticists are most likely trying to ‘detect clear abnormalities of what we would call a mutation in a gene’.The very fact that this is being studied is a sign that more draconian control is on the way.
He added: ‘Or gene abnormalities and there are some abnormalities that are related to aggressive behavior.
‘They might look for mutations that might be associated with mental illnesses and ones that might also increase the risk for violence.
Beaudet, who is also the chairman of Baylor College of Medicine’s department of molecular and human genetics in Houston, Texas said geneticists should be doing this type of research because there are ‘some mutations that are known to be associated with at least aggressive behavior if not violent behavior.’
‘I don’t think any one of these mutations would explain all of (the mass shooters), but some of them would have mutations that might be causing both schizophrenia and related schizophrenia violent behavior,’ Beaudet said.
‘I think we could learn more about it and we should learn more about it.’
Shepard Ambellas is the founder & director of (a popular alternative news website), researcher, investigative journalist, radio talk show host, and filmmaker.
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